Kari W.

Kari W. education

Temat: The nuclear clock...

Rafal W.:
Kari Wolk:
Rafal W.:
Kari Wolk:
OK, but you have to wear THAT!!

It could make things a bit.... difficult, to say the least.

Let's do everyone a favor and continue this in a PM...

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Temat: The nuclear clock...

screw it... nobody cares about a nuclear warfare, this could be the seriously unserious thread that leads to nothing. Just like many others before it.

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Temat: The nuclear clock...

Rafal W.:
Kari Wolk:
Rafal W.:
Kari Wolk:
OK, but you have to wear THAT!!

It could make things a bit.... difficult, to say the least.
difficult yes, but definitely stiff!!

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Temat: The nuclear clock...

Jarek A.:
Rafal W.:
Kari Wolk:
Rafal W.:
Kari Wolk:
OK, but you have to wear THAT!!

It could make things a bit.... difficult, to say the least.
difficult yes, but definitely stiff!!

I should maybe change the title of this thread to "The Nuclear cock"

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Temat: The nuclear clock...

Rafal W.:
I should maybe change the title of this thread to "The Nuclear cock"
by cock you DO mean rooster, don't you?


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Temat: The nuclear clock...


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