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Temat: The most useless products ever invented

Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska:
well, to be honest..

I'm more into blowing a frog and watching it explode or watching it drift on water surface, haha.

you know this, don't you?

ehm... yes... I am actually well versed in blowing up frogs... Warsaw metro construction sites were a perfect breeding ground... and I grew up literally within a stone throw away from one of them.

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Temat: The most useless products ever invented


Violetta P. edytował(a) ten post dnia 12.01.09 o godzinie 22:46
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: The most useless products ever invented

The Polish Wall Socket

(can't find an image)... But, you know the one I mean... the one that's in your flat right now half hanging off the wall with the wires dangerously exposed.

"Held" by one screw and with two "grips" inside the wall "gripping" onto a slippery plastic tube, this device has about as much chance of staying in the wall as I have of bedding Monica Belluci.

This invention is phenomenal for two reasons:

1. Its immense stupidity
2. The way a whole nation has been sold on it

Therefore, a strong contender for Steve's Chocolate Kettle award

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Temat: The most useless products ever invented

Steve Jones:
The Polish Wall Socket

(can't find an image)... But, you know the one I mean... the one that's in your flat right now half hanging off the wall with the wires dangerously exposed.

"Held" by one screw and with two "grips" inside the wall "gripping" onto a slippery plastic tube, this device has about as much chance of staying in the wall as I have of bedding Monica Belluci.

This invention is phenomenal for two reasons:

1. Its immense stupidity
2. The way a whole nation has been sold on it

Therefore, a strong contender for Steve's Chocolate Kettle award

haha.. you know what, I think the US one takes the cake though.


One opening bigger, the other just ever so slightly smaller. Now imagine yourself at night, trying to plug something in, while in the dark. It gets even better! Someone came up with this brilliant ploy to only install a single or in some cases two electrical outlets per room in each flat... ok, I can deal with that... except - they are connected to the on/off light switch!!! Sooo... don't you dare turn that light switch off while I'm sitting on my PC!
So many times I’ve had to reset my alarm clock… ugh…

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