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Temat: The man with 20 kids:

Unfortunately not available in Poland, but interesting nevertheless:


Intimate and honest documentary following daily life with 49-year-old Mike Holpin and his controversial and ever-expanding family. Living with his third wife Petrina and their nine children in a three-bedroom terraced house, Mike's home is hugely overcrowded and the kids often double up because there is not enough space for them each to have their own bed. With benefits of 27,000 pounds a year to live on, however, Mike appears oblivious to what other people think of his family and we follow them through the chaos and extravagance of Christmas, the prospect of Mike being jailed for drink-driving, and his boys getting in trouble with the police.

Any views on a man who has 20 children, doesn't work, and receives 27k sterling a year in benefits?warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 15.07.08 o godzinie 22:34

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Temat: The man with 20 kids:

I always say you should have as many kids as you want, provided you can support them both financially and emotionally. The Holpin family need counseling, obviously.

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Temat: The man with 20 kids:

Another article about Mike Holpin, this time from the Telegraph:


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Temat: The man with 20 kids:

"believes in no contraception whatsoever". Gaah.

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Temat: The man with 20 kids:

And?? What do you want from this guy? There's nothing wrong with him. He lives in the way he likes and is paid for it - a perfect situation. Does he abuse the system? No. He just takes what it offers. Where are all these smart guys who invented the social support system in the UK? They are to be blamed. Not poor Mike, who could have been an excellent specialist in any field by now if the system had let him try to do something in order to survive..

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Temat: The man with 20 kids:

Well I havent watched it but if this guy manages to bring up 20 happy and well-adjusted children then he's more than 20 times better than me - and I'm not going to criticize.

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Temat: The man with 20 kids:

Oh, poor Mike. Sure, the system could be blamed, but where are the people who must have met Mike - and used their common sense to find a way of helping him in a genuine way?

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Temat: The man with 20 kids:

Patrycja P.:
And?? What do you want from this guy? There's nothing wrong with him. He lives in the way he likes and is paid for it - a perfect situation. Does he abuse the system? No. He just takes what it offers. Where are all these smart guys who invented the social support system in the UK? They are to be blamed. Not poor Mike, who could have been an excellent specialist in any field by now if the system had let him try to do something in order to survive..

Well put.

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Temat: The man with 20 kids:

Tatiana S.:
Oh, poor Mike. Sure, the system could be blamed, but where are the people who must have met Mike - and used their common sense to find a way of helping him in a genuine way?

Tatiana, it meant to be sarcastic.. ;) There are plenty of amoral individuals who are unable to see that their lifestyle is just not right and they feel entitled to claim whatever is possible. Thus, it is the job of the smart asses to put a curb on such behaviour - people like Mike are not able to realise there's something wrong with them.

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