Temat: The Magic of Flirting!

Joj Y.:
I don't give a fat rat's ass about your new skirt or purse or your girlfriend's new boyfriend.Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 03.06.08 o godzinie 04:06
Hey! That one hurt ;))))

And how is that you don't care about new skirt, when you guys just can't take eyes of woman's butt when she's wearing her new sexi mini-skirt?? ;))
Sylwia Łubkowska

Sylwia Łubkowska Nauczyciel oraz
tłumacz j.

Temat: The Magic of Flirting!

Tatiana S.:
Steve Jones:
The next guy you meet who you think "wow! he's cool!" is either:

a. A guy who's got the skills
b. A guy who's learnt the skills
c. A guy who's learnt the skills on his own
d. A guy who's learnt the skills from his friends
e. Just a cool guy who doesn't really think in terms of the skills but who "has it" anyway

That's creepy. Life isn't about making every woman you meet go to bed with you, is it? Besides, all I ever meet is, in Bridget Jones's terms, is emotional fuckwits. ;)

Oh, surely not! Think about those who are already taken! ;D
Marta N.

Marta N. Marketing / PR /
Media Relations /
Publishing /

Temat: The Magic of Flirting!

Besides, all I ever meet is, in Bridget Jones's terms, is emotional fuckwits. ;)

cruel but real...every gender has it's own "tricks"

And I have the same, always some emotional unstable freaks.. Am I some kind of magnet or what? dżizys
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: The Magic of Flirting!

Marta Nowacka:
... Am I some kind of magnet or what? dżizys
Let me try to enrich your imagination...
You are the sh*t, they are the flies.
(In a good sense)
(As much as you can imagine... good sense)
(Like when a rapper says: "Yeah man... good shit")
(You get me?)
(I hope so)

Ok, on second thought I shut my mouth. I'm not good at the art of allegory. :)
Please consider it as a bad attempt to get rid of that "magnet" thing, because I've heard it millions of times.

Please forget about it, and do continue with "magnet" thing if you prefer.

Or, in order for you to forgive me, I give you these:

You are the flower, they are the bees.
You are an attractive woman, who attracks emotional men.

And what's wrong with it any way? (I mean, being emotional).
You accuse men for being not sensitive and understanding enough, for being trained to hurt women when they're born, for being "mother addicted", for being not romantic, for being selfish, for being cocky...
Are you sure you know what you want, or are you sure you deserve the ideal man? Just think about it :)
ilter K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 03.06.08 o godzinie 18:25

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Temat: The Magic of Flirting!

Keith Byrne:

Two down, two to go!

And only one to come?:)

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Temat: The Magic of Flirting!

Violetta P.:
Keith Byrne:

Two down, two to go!

And only one to come?:)

Is that a line from an Austin Powers film?
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: The Magic of Flirting!

Marta Nowacka:
Besides, all I ever meet is, in Bridget Jones's terms, is emotional fuckwits. ;)
And I have the same, always some emotional unstable freaks.. Am I some kind of magnet or what? dżizys

Emotional fuckwits? Emotionally unstable freaks?

Hang on! What if I was to say something like this (disclaimer: this is NOT what I personally believe):

"All the women I've ever come across are total slags"

Would you respond:

A: Yes, I'm sure you're right - they were a bunch of slags

or would you respond:

B: Errr, I think you've got a problem with yourself there, mate!

A or B?
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: The Magic of Flirting!

You are the flower, they are the bees.
You are an attractive woman, who attracks emotional men.

And what's wrong with it any way? (I mean, being emotional).
You accuse men for being not sensitive and understanding enough, for being trained to hurt women when they're born, for being "mother addicted", for being not romantic, for being selfish, for being cocky...
Are you sure you know what you want, or are you sure you deserve the ideal man? Just think about it :)

I think I'm digging the groove of your flow there, Ilter:)

Just a couple of things to add... This emotional fuckbag thing... I'll add to that a few comments (complaints) women have mentioned about men during conversations I've had on the topic:

- Mummy's boy
- Doesn't know what he wants
- Can't make a decision; I have to decide everything
- Useless around the house

In other words, women don't want the wet-blanket type of guy. Makes sense, really.

Also makes sense that women would want the opposite of that. This will to some extent explain the phenomenon I'm sure you all know: the double-take you do when you see a couple and you wonder what the hell she's doing with him. You know that double-take?

Why is she with him? Because he's not a wet fish. He's perhaps the "alpha" type. The confident one, the smoothie, the loveable rogue, the strong one, the protector, the leader of the pack, the funny guy, the one with the stories, the one people listen to, the boss, the ambitious guy.

I'd imagine that were a man to display such qualities, he'd be more successful with the ladies.

One caveat: women may say they want a guy to be sensitive. I think this is generally true. However, it's overemphasised. The "alpha" qualities will ultimately win out over the sensitive ones.

Am I right, girls?
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: The Magic of Flirting!

Steve Jones:
I'd imagine that were a man to display such qualities, he'd be more successful with the ladies.
That thing over here needs some explanation, I believe, Steve.
Tim Harrell

Tim Harrell Lektor Angielskiego

Temat: The Magic of Flirting!

It may be thought by some that women are paradoxical and contradictory when it comes to such preferences, but this ignores the fact that in biological terms, the female of our species may have her cake and eat it.

Alpha Male for Lover
Nice Guy for Husband

It's been done before, I believe.

And just to make sure it works... the uniquely human trait of concealed ovulation amongst females.

If all the men who were cuckolded realised it, then Who Knows? The human race might stop reproducing altogether amidst all the mistrust... so it's probably for the best that men remain in the dark.

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Temat: The Magic of Flirting!

Tim Harrell:
It may be thought by some that women are paradoxical and contradictory when it comes to such preferences, but this ignores the fact that in biological terms, the female of our species may have her cake and eat it.

Alpha Male for Lover
Nice Guy for Husband

It's been done before, I believe.

And just to make sure it works... the uniquely human trait of concealed ovulation amongst females.

If all the men who were cuckolded realised it, then Who Knows? The human race might stop reproducing altogether amidst all the mistrust... so it's probably for the best that men remain in the dark.

Wanted to write more or less the same, Tim.

As far as women and their preferences are concerned, it is a far better idea to observe what they do than to listen to what they say.

The same is true for all behaviour.
Tim Harrell

Tim Harrell Lektor Angielskiego

Temat: The Magic of Flirting!

Keith Byrne:
Violetta P.:
Keith Byrne:
That's where the queue starts!

Incredible! Incredible self-admiration!Violetta P. edytował(a) ten post dnia 02.06.08 o godzinie 20:44

Two down, two to go!

Keith, you should have your own TV show
Tim Harrell

Tim Harrell Lektor Angielskiego

Temat: The Magic of Flirting!

warren whitmore:
As far as women and their preferences are concerned, it is a far better idea to observe what they do than to listen to what they say.

There speaks the voice of experience ;-)

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Temat: The Magic of Flirting!

Hey, I just said "in Bridget's terms!" :)
To her, "Because he's not a wet fish. He's perhaps the "alpha" type. The confident one, the smoothie, the loveable rogue, the strong one, the protector, the leader of the pack, the funny guy, the one with the stories, the one people listen to, the boss, the ambitious guy" would be the exact description of a fuckwit. And yes, I wanted to be stereotypical to some extent.

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Temat: The Magic of Flirting!

Steve Jones:
I'll add to that a few comments (complaints) women have mentioned about men during conversations I've had on the topic:

- Mummy's boy
- Doesn't know what he wants
- Can't make a decision; I have to decide everything
- Useless around the house

We do that. We compplain about the guys, and the guys complain about us. Then we go home and hug it out :D
I don't believe in the power of romance anymore and am always amazed when see older couples so clearly in love with each other, after having been married for, say 30 years. Amazing. I'm far too much of a "fuckwit" myself to go that way and sometimes feel like a fish on a hook, waiting for the fisherman to decide whether he's going to save her life or have her for dinner. With boiled potatoes. Perhaps if people just voiced their feelings and expectations, life would be so much easier - but when women speak, men don't listen, and when men act, women interpret it wrongly. Strange world, indeed.

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Temat: The Magic of Flirting!

Steve Jones:
[...] Am I right, girls?

Absolutely! What I like about a man most is his brains and strong personality. Can it be learnt in a training course? I doubt it.

What do you think?

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Temat: The Magic of Flirting!

Ok, the title of the topic didn't appeal to me at first so I never actually checked it out until now.

Joj's comments made me chucking fuckle. :)

...and coming back to the main topic, like Keith (no stalking there, mate!) I abbandoned the forces of evil long ago. I look at flirting from another perspective now. Flirting, as I see it, is nothing more than an immediate confirmation of one's attractiveness. It doesn't have to lead to anything. You look at the person who you find attractive, smile use the body language and see what response you get. As long as you don't get the middle finger you're hot! *

* The theory was proved on several occasions. The hard way.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: The Magic of Flirting!

Tim Harrell:
Alpha Male for Lover
Nice Guy for Husband
I think such stereotypes are not enough to explain women's choices.
Actually I haven't yet met a woman who can say: "This guy is alpha".
Who do you think women are, psychoanalysts? :)
They mostly rely on their intuitions and read/look at big signs (like the ones on the roads).

I think those qualities they expect from a husband are usually limited to: nice guy, earning enough.
Nothing complicated.

If you are asking what makes them wet, than add: "good looking/attractive, sensitive/understanding, good manners, no bad habits, a handy guy with a very good sense of humor" to it.

We've seen that commercial of an international bank... "Man has to earn". That's the decisive factor, or the factor which makes women dissapointed when they learn about what's his real income or the future of his career.
(If he earns well (additional to all those qualities), they start to look for gimmicks, because they are shocked: "how can such a guy exist, how can he be not taken?". But this is another subject).
Women may even try to cope with this "not earning enough" factor for sometime, but the reality starts to bite with time. That's how the world is constructed at the end.

Women know what they want so well.
But how to find it?ilter Kalkanci edytował(a) ten post dnia 04.06.08 o godzinie 08:39
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: The Magic of Flirting!

I'd like to get the definition of "successful" in this sentence from Steve:
Steve Jones:
I'd imagine that were a man to display such qualities, he'd be more successful with the ladies.

What is that mean, to be "successful with ladies" Steve?

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Temat: The Magic of Flirting!

maybe for some people course will be helpful ?

But how it's in practice?

i have question to all british men. What do you think about distance relationships and does a kiss mean something for a british guy? or they are just players ? :PPP

my friend is doing research about different cultures.

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