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Temat: The Eyes of war by David Axton

The Eyes of War
(Sep 2000)

"A woman with sad eyes looks out from the screen
But the camera can’t show the horror she’s seen.
The death of her husband, the anguish, the fear,
The praying for life with death so near

The rape of her daughter by four brutal men
She was forced to watch, again and again
Until, still laughing, they withdrew from the bed
And put a bullet in the young girl’s head.

In the turmoil of war all values are lost
And it’s left to the innocent to count the cost.
It’s called liberation, breaking the mould,
But the sins of the new are as vile as the old.

Now banners are waved and the fighting is done
And we’ll soon forget how the war was won.
The future is bright, the slate is clean,
As a woman with sad eyes looks out from the screen"

This poem was written by David Axton- it's some writter's pseudonym. I would like to ask for your opinion, what are your thoughts after the reading?Łukasz Klejment edytował(a) ten post dnia 20.08.08 o godzinie 07:40

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Temat: The Eyes of war by David Axton

I owe you some explanation, why I did put this sad poem here. Actually the truth is that it's one of the three poems chosen by me and recited also by me at the American and English poetry Competition which took place in Kollegium Języków Obcych in Wałcz. Where I have won two times on the trot ;) what a boaster I am!!! But it's the very truth, last year I recited three poems written by Ben Jonson he was one of Shakespeare's mates:" A Celebration of Charis in ten lyric pieces" first piece's below:

"His Excuse for Loving"

"Let it not your wonder move,
Less your laughter, that I love.
Though I now write fifty years,
I have had, and have my peers ;
Poets, though divine, are men :
Some have loved as old again.
And it is not always face,
Clothes, or fortune, gives the grace ;
Or the feature, or the youth :
But the language, and the truth,
With the ardor, and the passion,
Gives the lover weight, and fashion.
If you then will read the story,
First, prepare you to be sorry,
That you never knew till now,
Either whom to love, or how :
But be glad as soon with me,
When you know that this is she,
Of whose beauty it was sung,
She shall make the old Man young,
Keep the middle age at stay,
And let nothing high decay ;
Till she be the reason why,
All the world for Love may die".

What do you think about that then? ;)Łukasz Klejment edytował(a) ten post dnia 20.08.08 o godzinie 11:03

Temat: The Eyes of war by David Axton

Łukasz, you say that the poems were your own choice? What made you choose these two?

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Temat: The Eyes of war by David Axton


Jonson's poems I recited when I went the very first time on the contest and I wanted to say something "moving" and in fact it was I got first good impression. In the next year I have chosen Dean Koontz's: two "more moving" poems:" The eyes of war" and "Northern Ireland 1968" & one pretty funny "The car wash" mainly because of their great style, and you know there is something in them which is pretty hard for me to describe but they're just....!!! If you are interested in more of such, just visit: http://www.itsbullfrog.com/

Temat: The Eyes of war by David Axton

Łukasz, congratulations on your successes with the poems.

The first one is a very strong piece of poetry, rape and war as a subject of artistic performance are not the most appealing ideas of inspiration. Or maybe they are, but it's so damn painful to read/listen to. Not to mention experience.

Do you really think it is necessary to perform such art?

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Temat: The Eyes of war by David Axton

Lidia K.:
Łukasz, congratulations on your successes with the poems.

The first one is a very strong piece of poetry, rape and war as a subject of artistic performance are not the most appealing ideas of inspiration. Or maybe they are, but it's so damn painful to read/listen to. Not to mention experience.

Do you really think it is necessary to perform such art?

Dear Lidia,

thx a lot!!! I fully agree with you that it is really strong piece of poetry. It isn't maybe necessary to perform such art but on the other hand it's really and always worth to accent or underline such tragedy which is taking place almost everytime even now!!! I did that thanks to Dean- who wrote such poems as he had pretty fuc... childhood.

Temat: The Eyes of war by David Axton

I'm relieved you don't interpret my first post as attacking you, as would be the case with some 70% of people I know ;)

Re the poem: you know, I'm always thinking about the photo of a girl from National Geographic. Another one was taken after many years. The look was mesmerizing.

I'll try to find the link.


Lidia K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 20.08.08 o godzinie 12:02

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Temat: The Eyes of war by David Axton

W.B. Yeats

On being asked for a War Poem

I THINK it better that in times like these
A poet keep his mouth shut, for in truth
We have no gift to set a statesman right;
He has had enough of meddling who can please
A young girl in the indolence of her youth, 5
Or an old man upon a winter’s night.

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Temat: The Eyes of war by David Axton

Lidia K.:
I'm relieved you don't interpret my first post as attacking you, as would be the case with some 70% of people I know ;)

Re the poem: you know, I'm always thinking about the photo of a girl from National Geographic. Another one was taken after many years. The look was mesmerizing.

I'll try to find the link.


Lidia K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 20.08.08 o godzinie 12:02


I had the same association with that very girl and her mysterious eyes...

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