Sylwia Łubkowska

Sylwia Łubkowska Nauczyciel oraz
tłumacz j.

Temat: The Chamber of Horrors

Will definitely check out Suspiria.


When I was a kid, I watched a childrens series called Children of the Dog Star about some aliens from the Sirius star landing on Earth and hidden in swamps. The story was pretty simple, but what drew my attention were the monsters (aliens) that lived in the swamps and occasionally came up to Earth disguised as people (obviously to cause a stir). However, when they were breathing fresh air for too long they started kind of 'suffocating' and streaks of mud would come out of their mouth and nostrils. I was really scared of them and always thought there's one of them lurking in the corner of my room at night.

Later I did some research on them and tracked them back to Morlocks, the monsters from the Time Machine book by H.G. Wells. This is how they look:

Sylwia Łubkowska edytował(a) ten post dnia 27.06.08 o godzinie 22:59

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Temat: The Chamber of Horrors

let's see if we can dust this topic off a bit and breathe some life into it... hehe
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: The Chamber of Horrors

One of my fav's:

Dog Soldiers

I'm not too much into this Zombie stuff, but these two were really cool:

28Days later

28Weeks later

PS: Evil Dead rocks!!

konto usunięte

Temat: The Chamber of Horrors

Army of Darkness is fucking hillarious!

"Good... bad... I'm the guy with the gun!"
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: The Chamber of Horrors

A French film came out last year called Martyrs.

This was billed as the scariest film pretty much ever to have been released.

I thought to myself: woah! yeah! I don't believe it! Gonna have to try it out. I decided to watch it on my own one evening.

I lasted 10 minutes.

This film scared me out of my fucking mind. I don't dare watch any more of it.

Następna dyskusja:

The chamber of laughter

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