Andrzej S.

Andrzej S. Krok za krokiem, do

Temat: The Book Club

I read some of Pratchett as well :) If I recall well... Colour of Magic, "Blask Fantastyczny" - dunno the english translation for the title tbh :D and Three Witches. And i still haven't read the Gaiman - Pratchett cooperation one.. which title somehow went out of my mind :)

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Temat: The Book Club

Andrzej S.:
I read some of Pratchett as well :) If I recall well... Colour of Magic, "Blask Fantastyczny" - dunno the english translation for the title tbh :D and Three Witches. And i still haven't read the Gaiman - Pratchett cooperation one.. which title somehow went out of my mind :)

"Good Omens" - nice one! Raiders of the Apocalypse pull up on Harleys hehe the archangel and the main demon in charge of humans souls are best buddies.. haha... great read!
Andrzej S.

Andrzej S. Krok za krokiem, do

Temat: The Book Club

I'm collecting the books so it will surely get into my hands sooner or later :D

seems interesting from what you say :)
Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska

Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska Recruitment Manager
at Amazon Web

Temat: The Book Club

when it comes to pratchett, i am now at the end of "pyramids" ;-)

and yeah, neverwhere was pretty awesome


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Temat: The Book Club

Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska:

and yeah, neverwhere was pretty awesome

Tatiana Z.

Tatiana Z. CAO @ Kontomatik

Temat: The Book Club

Andrzej S.:
I'm collecting the books so it will surely get into my hands sooner or later :D
Collecting? Ok, but you happen to read them, right?:P
Andrzej S.

Andrzej S. Krok za krokiem, do

Temat: The Book Club

No I eat sandwiches on books instead of bread or bun :P

konto usunięte

Temat: The Book Club

Just reading "The Firm". The book is so much better than the movie!
Janusz J.

Janusz J. Niech Moc będzie z
Nami na

Temat: The Book Club

"What the Bleep Do we Know?" Will Arntz, Betsy Chase, Mark Vicente

A totaly mind blowing study of the universe, discovering the endless possibilities for altering your everyday reality. Based on quantum theory, asking questions we all seek answers to. Man ... this stuff really hits the cord.
Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska

Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska Recruitment Manager
at Amazon Web

Temat: The Book Club

Andrzej S.:

Oh.. and I posses a huge album - The Absolute Sandman vol.1

if it comes to Gaimans comic books... absolutely astonishing :D

what a coincidence.
i went to the american bookstore and there they were, both of 'em :-)
i bought fragile things of gaiman.. and some other books I am ashamed of not reading anytime sooner. middlesex and catcher in the rye.
we'll see..

i'm finishing the fifth elephant right now, did not decide what will be next but there's so many books on my bookshelf and so little time.. eh ;/
Aneta W.

Aneta W. "People are better
than no people..."

Temat: The Book Club

So far my #1 is Paulo Coelho. I've read most of his books and I find them fascinating, they make me think and question. This man knows how to write about love without being too obvious and he is definitely not cheesy. Reading his books is like a journey...
Adam Frank

Adam Frank English Teacher

Temat: The Book Club

I can't stop reading and rereading the Saga of Recluce (a series) by L.E. Modesitt, Jr. The guy crafts worlds amazingly well, and has such clear intelligence! The whole thing is kinda sci-fi fantasy, stretched over about 2000 years, and is on it's 16th book or so, so you might wanna take notes if you'd like to try it out. Most can be read without the others, unless they are direct sequels within a time period (and then they might be a little confusing). The whole thing is wrapped up in Order-Chaos theory, which can quite literally be applied to ANYTHING in life.

Otherwise, the Wheel of Time series was pretty good, but a bit too directly Tolkien, and the Sword of Truth by Terry Goodkind, (also starting in a Tolkien-ish way, but moving quickly out of it after the first book) was the best overall writing that I have ever touched, although the vocab might be a bit high for most natives in English even, it's concepts and vision of the beauty and vileness of human beings is enough to bring most full-grown men to tears, and to be in awe.
Adam Frank

Adam Frank English Teacher

Temat: The Book Club

...I also absolutely HAVE to recommend "The Alphabet of Manliness" to everyone. It is tongue-in-cheek humor, but essentially describes why men are superior from the most strongly possible pig-headed, masculine point of view that is not during any sentence meant to be serious. It is so raw and uncut (including the ridiculous pictures of how to headbutt a women that is out of line in the ovaries) that even a feminist like myself can't keep from LOLing and even occasionally doing a ROFL-copter!

By the way, that "Sun Tzu's Art of War"? Also a good suggestion, but you got to be ready to think of it in terms of "leadership" or else it might not do you much good.

The same goes for "The Book of the Five Rings" by Miyamoto Musashi (Shambalaya has a very good translation of that) which talks of martial arts but the ditzy may not see how it actually applies to leadership and in general how to live in a balanced but simpler way rather than try to overcompensate for things without fear.

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