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Temat: The artist within

Reading through various threads I came across
Viola mentioning her book. Still waiting for more details, but her post gave me an idea for a thread.

Do you have any artistic talents?

What are they?

What do you do not to waste the ideas swarming in your head?

Do you have any special artistic achievements?

Can we (where?) see/hear/smell/sense/taste your creations?Jarek A. edytował(a) ten post dnia 10.07.08 o godzinie 13:33

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Temat: The artist within

I do decoupage a bit but don't consider my works good enough to display them.
I also like interior design and florist arts, if I wasn't what I am, I think I might have acquired adequate education and have such a job. Or stage/set design.
If my maths was better I would have gone into architecture.
I think I'm quite good with matching colours, proportions and such, and I like activities involving that.
My holidays pictures are no bad, for a camera I have.
I can't draw a horse.
I can't sing ar play any instrument.
I envy people with artistic talents and look up to them.
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: The artist within

I talk good

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Temat: The artist within

Jarek A.:
Reading through various threads I came across
Viola mentioning her book. Still waiting for more details, but her post gave me an idea for a thread.

Do you have any artistic talents?

My book results from my knowledge rather than my artistic talents:) My artistic inclinations are of an admirer type and that`s why I created a thread on artistic fascinations (Active English).

I do appreciate people being artistically talented and they have a special place in my heart! When I was a child I used to paint quite a lot but the gift has vanished somehow...
Sylwia Łubkowska

Sylwia Łubkowska Nauczyciel oraz
tłumacz j.

Temat: The artist within

I can paint very nice temporary tatoos with a liquid eyeliner. Used to do a lot of it during my teens.

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Temat: The artist within

Slowly you're coming out of the shadows.

C'mon you lot, don't be shy.

Who knows, there might just be a talent scout among A-sphere users, dying to discover another van Gogh, Beethoven, or Robert Maklowicz.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: The artist within

Do you have any artistic talents?
From head to toe.
What are they?
Whatever I do, I do it with an artistic touch. *cough* *cough*

Be it building a fish pond, placing stones around it, preparing cement; or cleaning the house, handling women.
Other than my job.
What do you do not to waste the ideas swarming in your head?
My relationship with ideas are not working that way.
If I have an idea, it is usually difficult to forget, I can't do it in any other way. Unless I changed my mind.

When I write a song or make an arrangement, melodies or such sorta things don't come from heavens or spiritual outer worlds.
If I am sitting there, probably I feel like doing something. If it doesn't work that time, I stop it, no need to torture myself.
Best ideas I had, usually appeared when I was working on ideas.

Sometimes some song lyrics starts to build up when I am walking on a street... then I write them to my phone... once I sang and recorded it to my phone. But it is VERY seldom.
Do you have any special artistic achievements?
Some published lyrics/songs/remixes... I've been performing, working in different stages of music production and studios, since early 90s. So, obviously I have some. Nothing too glamorous though.
Can we (where?) see/hear/smell/sense/taste your creations?
My fish pond is in my garden. Near Warsaw. :)
My music or things related with my engineering career is spread into different places/homes (mainly in Turkey).

But I know, you'd prefer something/somewhere easy accessible - it is too bad I still couldn't arrange the materials to put onto my website. I am eshamed.
I will try to finish my website soon, and I hope to give a link in this thread :)

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