Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: St. Patrick's Day

I'd just like a quick headcount:
How many of you will be celebrating St. Patrick's Day this year?
Łukasz G.

Łukasz G. Senior Technical
Sales Manager w
Tripleplay Ltd.

Temat: St. Patrick's Day

Keith Byrne:
I'd just like a quick headcount:
How many of you will be celebrating St. Patrick's Day this year?
I am going to a dinner :(
I will be in Liverpool for few days from work, some kind of exhibition, but will down a pint of Stout anyway, as I do really enjoy it :)

I prefer Kilkenny to Guinness ...

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Temat: St. Patrick's Day

Im affraid Im going to Poland tomorrow, so I wont be able to attend the parade here :-(
But for sure, Ill have a few sips of Guinness on Monday :-)

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Temat: St. Patrick's Day

Keith Byrne:
I'd just like a quick headcount:
How many of you will be celebrating St. Patrick's Day this year?

Will you be celebrating Keith?

Or is St Patrick's Day just for the plastic Paddies?

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Temat: St. Patrick's Day

I'm afraid I'll be too busy to enjoy an evening in the pub, yet I won't forget to upload some Irish folk songs onto my mp3 player and include a green clothing/jewellery item :)

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Temat: St. Patrick's Day

Jon M.

Jon M. Technical/Offshore

Temat: St. Patrick's Day

An early start on the 18th, so maybe not. Also the pubs that'll be celebrating it best are all going to be jammed with people, and nobody I spend time with seems to be much bothered, not in previous years anyway.

Maybe a glass of whiskey. Wouldn't know what to cook if somebody came to dinner... With Burns Night it's obvious, but St Patrick's Day, not so clear.
Łukasz G.

Łukasz G. Senior Technical
Sales Manager w
Tripleplay Ltd.

Temat: St. Patrick's Day

Jon M.:
An early start on the 18th, so maybe not. Also the pubs that'll be celebrating it best are all going to be jammed with people, and nobody I spend time with seems to be much bothered, not in previous years anyway.

Maybe a glass of whiskey. Wouldn't know what to cook if somebody came to dinner... With Burns Night it's obvious, but St Patrick's Day, not so clear.
Cook some clover soup ;)

If Whiskey, then Bushmills ;>Łukasz G. edytował(a) ten post dnia 13.03.08 o godzinie 14:14

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Temat: St. Patrick's Day

eh... every since NYC banned drinking in the streets during the parade, it's just not the same anymore. The joys of being intoxicated in the streets of NYC while trying not to fall and land in a puddle of greenish vomit, get stepped on or puked on by incoming waves of thousands of college students, seasonal drunks, underage high school students, hiding their beers and whiskey in backpacks and all out alcoholics who made this day their personal holiday. Well... it's been taken away... now it's just another Macy's day parade, with good 'ol wholesome family fun filled with plastic green hats, god damned shamrocks, bag pipes and phrases such as "today everyone is Irish" echoing down 5th ave... urgh... what a shame.

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Temat: St. Patrick's Day

Łukasz G.:

If Whiskey, then Bushmills ;>

I second that ! Bushmills is excellent stuff.

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Temat: St. Patrick's Day

I third it.

Monday I'll be fishing for steelhead salmon on the Au Sable river near the mouth at Lake Huron. Morning 'til night. Then walleye.Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 13.03.08 o godzinie 15:46

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Temat: St. Patrick's Day

Joj Y.:
I third it.

Monday I'll be fishing for steelhead salmon on the Au Sable river near the mouth at Lake Huron. Morning 'til night. Then walleye.Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 13.03.08 o godzinie 15:46

sounds nice... ever go fishing in PA? susquehanna river is an excellent place ;)

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Temat: St. Patrick's Day

Never fishing, but the area is beautiful. That's for sure!

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Temat: St. Patrick's Day

Joj Y.:
Never fishing, but the area is beautiful. That's for sure!

Few years ago when living in the States, I went for a trip around Lake Michigan. Unbelievable landscapes! I passed by Lake Huron as well ;) wow, memories came back :)

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Temat: St. Patrick's Day

Kasia "Ruda" K.:
Joj Y.:
Never fishing, but the area is beautiful. That's for sure!

Few years ago when living in the States, I went for a trip around Lake Michigan. Unbelievable landscapes! I passed by Lake Huron as well ;) wow, memories came back :)
Good!!! :)

It'll still be here. :)

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Temat: St. Patrick's Day

Keith Byrne:
I'd just like a quick headcount:
How many of you will be celebrating St. Patrick's Day this year?
A quiet celebration for me this year (early start on 18th, much like Jon, plus there's no real Paddy's day tradition in Italy), but a couple pints of Guinness are a must.
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: St. Patrick's Day

I've never celebrated St. Patricks' Day outside Ireland (i.e. not for the last twelve years). It seemed quite forced -not to mention downright absurd- to have a group of English and Americans invite Poles to try to encourage me to go to the Irish pub (which becomes a health and safety hazard on March 17th, without even standing room) to get drunk, because "I have to - I'm Irish!" Do any Poles celebrate Polish Independence Day outside Poland by drinking all evening in the pub? What's the story with English people celebrating St. George's Day? I must say I do feel a little miffed at my nationality being used as a marketing push by pubs and multinational corporations, as well as an excuse by someone who makes fun of Irish people for being alcoholics for drinking a lot because "Hey, we're all Irish on Paddy's Day!"

On saying that, I might have a pint of Guinness at home.
If my Anglosphere brethren are interested, we can synchronise a pint of Guinness for, say 10pm CET, and leave it at that.
What say ye?
Jon M.

Jon M. Technical/Offshore

Temat: St. Patrick's Day

Marcin B.:
Łukasz G.:

If Whiskey, then Bushmills ;>

I second that ! Bushmills is excellent stuff.

Keith's right about the English & Americans & Poles dragging somebody to drink Guinness because they're Irish being a bit odd. Certainly without any malice intended though. I do think that St Patrick's Day's a great way of reminding people that a country of 3 or 4 million people has had such an impact round the world and that raising a glass in her name isn't a bad thing at all. And a synchronised glass of Guinness at 10 o'clock is a good idea!

Bushmills and Black Bush are both great. I tend to keep quiet about how nice Jamesons is with Soda and Ice. A purist wouldn't add anything, but it's really rather good. And homemade Baileys (the easier recipes are the best) is better than the bought stuff!Jon M. edytował(a) ten post dnia 13.03.08 o godzinie 18:48

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Temat: St. Patrick's Day

10:00 it is. My nose pointed in your direction.

who else?Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 13.03.08 o godzinie 19:01

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Temat: St. Patrick's Day

Keith Byrne:
If my Anglosphere brethren are interested, we can synchronise a pint of Guinness for, say 10pm CET, and leave it at that.
What say ye?
Ye say yea!
10 o'clock = beer o'clock !

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