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Temat: Spot the Formula

Then of course there's the old cartoon, 'Captain Pugwash', featuring 'Master Bates' and Seaman Staines':

Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Spot the Formula

I was at the poker table the other day and it was my turn with the deck of cards, so I gave it a good old mix. The other players were astonished with my manual dexterity.

Has any one else amazed anyone with a five-knuckle shuffle?

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Temat: Spot the Formula

Keith Byrne:
During my confirmation, the bishop gave me the wrong confirmation name, so I started hitting him hard. Has anybody else bashed the bishop in church?

God's great gift to us.
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Spot the Formula

I used to work in an office where the office messenger-boy had an eyepatch. Occasionally I would help his skin problem by applying lotion with a soft cloth. Management deemed our relationship not befitting a work environment.

Who else has been fired for polishing the one-eyed gopher at work?
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Spot the Formula

My wife was watching some soppy romantic film last night, which bored me to tears. She didn't even watch it to the end, but went out to meet friends. As soon as she went out, I grabbed the remote control and hit the "off" button with an almighty "Whack".

Have you ever whacked off as soon as your wife left?

(with thanks to Dave and Sylwia, for teaching me!)
Sylwia Łubkowska

Sylwia Łubkowska Nauczyciel oraz
tłumacz j.

Temat: Spot the Formula

Oh, I'm coming to the conclusion this would be a wrong choice of words in this male-dominated thread. So instead:




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Temat: Spot the Formula

A Mormon guide to masturbation prevention:



Mark E. Petersen
Council of the 12 Apostles

Be assured that you can be cured of your difficulty. Many have been, both male and female, and you can be also if you determine that it must be so.

This determination is the first step. That is where we begin. You must decide that you will end this practice, and when you make that decision, the problem will be greatly reduced at once.

But it must be more than a hope or a wish, more than knowing that it is good for you. It must be actually a DECISION. If you truly make up your mind that you will be cured, then you will have the strength to resist any tendencies which you may have and any temptations which may come to youwarren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 30.07.08 o godzinie 19:20

Temat: Spot the Formula

I guess it is kind of 'outkast' topic - about nothing
I even don't imagine mormons in that way :)))) Maybe it is from russian joking saying: A healthy onanism - enstrengtens the organism! :))
It is the personal topic. I never thought in my head about sucha things :P

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