Dariusz Tomczak


Temat: Speech shadowing - any opinions?

warren whitmore:

I'd say you are being a little unfair.

All right, I maybe exaggerated a little bit, just to make it more clear and vivid.

Whether the teaching is effective or ineffective depends on the quality and commitment of the teacher concerned.

That is a different kettle of fish. There is sort of negative selection who teaches at public schools. Those more ambitious or better educated prefer to teach privately, translate/interpret, or provide services within international corporations for much more money.

There are good and poor teachers.

Yeah, of that I am sure. It was the main point of my Ms Thesis.

Furthermore sometimes a good and motivated teacher can have an uncooperative class to teach.

That is what really puts off more sensitive from teaching at public schools. Some of the youth are really intolerable.

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Temat: Speech shadowing - any opinions?

Dariusz Tomczak:
That is what really puts off more sensitive from teaching at public schools. Some of the youth are really intolerable.

How do you deal with that?
Dariusz Tomczak


Temat: Speech shadowing - any opinions?

When giving private lessons I get people to repeat exactly what I had just said, sometimes a number of times.

You may be interested in:

Success with Foreign Languages:
Seven who achieved it and what worked for them
by Earl W. Stevick

I can send you this book in PDF file.

This technique is mentioned as immensely effective by some of these

It is not just what you say, but also the way in which you say it.

I can understand. It is really hard. Because voice conveys more than meaning, also your attitude.
My wife annoys me a lot because I ask her to teach me Polish, but
never does this repeating thing. Her English sounds quite authentic because I've taken the trouble to both correct her and to repeat my corrections, but she has never returned the favour.

This requires patience and dedication of the teacher. Some may consider it a time killer and would prefer their students do it in language laboratory, or "shadow" recordings of professional actors. Some say that comedians are the best models as they speak with exaggerated intonation. I'd agree.

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Temat: Speech shadowing - any opinions?

Dariusz Tomczak:
Whether the teaching is effective or ineffective depends on the quality and commitment of the teacher concerned.

That is a different kettle of fish. There is sort of negative selection who teaches at public schools. Those more ambitious or better educated prefer to teach privately, translate/interpret, or provide services within international corporations for much more money.

I know of good teachers at public schools.

Generally speaking, those who teach at private language schools also have a day job in a public institution.

Personally, I would be very reluctant to criticise public school teachers. Any one who does so much ask him or herself the question, "could I do the job any better myself?" Teaching seems easy until you actually try doing it.

'Prima Donnas' also annoy me, that is people who think they are 'above' teaching certain types of students. Everyone is entitled to an education, and regarding private language schools, anyone's money is as good as anyone else's. My wife teaches mentally handicapped adults, and enjoys her work. I also like to show that I am willing to work with all, not just the intelligent and well motivated.
Dariusz Tomczak


Temat: Speech shadowing - any opinions?

Rafal W.:
How do you deal with that?

I personally never had to deal with it. Sometimes students were lazy, sometimes discouraged, but never nasty or unruly. There were just private lessons 1 to 1, or 1 to 2. There may be problem if there is
an unruly class and the teacher is too shy a person to deal with it. It is not unheard of thing nowadays.

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Temat: Speech shadowing - any opinions?

Rafal W.:
Dariusz Tomczak:

That is what really puts off more sensitive from teaching at public schools. Some of the youth are really intolerable.

How do you deal with that?

Dariusz Tomczak


Temat: Speech shadowing - any opinions?

warren whitmore:

I also like to show that I am willing to work with all, not just
the intelligent and well motivated.

That's very rare these days. This is the difference between just routine job and duty. Teaching intelligent, well motivated and obedient is pleasant, but the real problem is how to encourage these with lower aptitude, motivation and just "difficult". I think it is not the method, but teacher who makes the difference. The best teacher I have ever had (just English at work course) spoke native-like although he was Polish and was very demanding, constantly corrected the smallest mistakes. Besides he had the rare ability to genuinely engage students in speaking about important issues. He now works as a simultaneous interpreter and is not teaching any loner.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Speech shadowing - any opinions?

I find the management of Polish schools pretty unstable about their decisions on teachers.
They change the teachers now and then, teachers get sick (?) for months and decide to turn back to work unexpectedly and noone knows why all these are happening (or noone is informed).

I experienced this when I dared to study Polish in Polonicum, I experienced this with Polish students who want to learn English or who attend their regular classes.

I got the impression that changing teachers and books is highly disregarded problem of Polish education system.ilter K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 31.07.08 o godzinie 13:12

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Temat: Speech shadowing - any opinions?

warren whitmore:
'Prima Donnas' also annoy me, that is people who think they are 'above' teaching certain types of students. Everyone is entitled to an education, and regarding private language schools, anyone's money is as good as anyone else's.

So true.
Dariusz Tomczak


Temat: Speech shadowing - any opinions?

Because of frequent changes of teachers, textbooks, teaching methods and teachers' expectations the initially high motivation usually dwindles and most of the students never achieve a desired proficiency in the English language.

I think it springs from shortage of qualified teachers willing to work at public schools (they have better options elsewhere) what results in the fact that uneducated or poorly educated people take their positions. It is not too infrequent an occurrence that people with FCE or with no formal qualifications teach English at public schools. Such were results of inspections by (Kuratorium Oświaty).

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Temat: Speech shadowing - any opinions?

Dariusz Tomczak:
I think it springs from shortage of qualified teachers willing to work at public schools (they have better options elsewhere) what results in the fact that uneducated or poorly educated people take their positions. It is not too infrequent an occurrence that people with FCE or with no formal qualifications teach English at public schools. Such were results of inspections by (Kuratorium Oświaty).

But is this necessarily the fault of the schools or individuals teaching?

Often you just have to make the best of a bad situation.
Dariusz Tomczak


Temat: Speech shadowing - any opinions?

That is why striving for teaching quality is so vital.

Besides language schools, especially English, are just very good business proposition that almost always pays off. You don't have to graduate even from elementary to start such a school.
There are several schools claiming they teach according to CALLAN method where non-native speakers are employed, for instance.

I believe there are many excellent teachers. I had the opportunity to be taught by some of them. But on the other hand there are many who just want to earn easy money. When I showed my former study mate that I managed to teach 9 units out of "CAE study pack" (Oxford) within 6 months, he asked cynically: " And what are you going to teach next? Another 9 units?"

The problems of Polish learners are described in great detail in:
ww.isel.edu.pl - this is website designed for self-study. Unfortunately for you everything there is in Polish.

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Temat: Speech shadowing - any opinions?

Dariusz Tomczak:
That is why striving for teaching quality is so vital.

Besides language schools, especially English, are just very good business proposition that almost always pays off.

No they aren't.

There's simply too many of them.

I know loads that have gone under.

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Temat: Speech shadowing - any opinions?

Shadowing is one of the most effective techniques you can use when learning a language. I didn't realize i have been using it until recently. Now I know I myself have used it from the very start. I have learned a few languages with this technique. At first some problems may crop up...yet after a while...you train your brain and the learning process goes really smoothly.

Temat: Speech shadowing - any opinions?

Piotr Herman:
Now I know I myself have used it from the very start. I have learned a few languages with this technique.
How many, Piotr? And what are they?

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Temat: Speech shadowing - any opinions?

hello Lidia

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