Dariusz Tomczak


Temat: Speech shadowing - any opinions?

I have read many references to this technique and used it from time to time. Do you have any opinions / experience with it?

I would gladly appreciate

Dariusz Tomczak

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Temat: Speech shadowing - any opinions?

Could you please explain what 'speech shadowing' is, by means of a link or something.
Dariusz Tomczak


Temat: Speech shadowing - any opinions?

By speech shadowing I mean repeating out loud what you have just heard over the headphones, doing your best to stay as close to the original as possible.

I hope this explanation was clear enough.

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Temat: Speech shadowing - any opinions?

Again, it's good to provide a link to know exactly what you mean.

I'd say it was a good technique.

It's important to copy the rhythm of native speaker English otherwise you may end up sounding like an automoton.

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Temat: Speech shadowing - any opinions?

That's automaton ;)
Dariusz Tomczak


Temat: Speech shadowing - any opinions?

Here is the link if you wish so.


Besides it is in almost every applied linguistic studies curriculum.
What may sound weird they start out with shadowing recordings in their mother tongues, and only then progress to target language.
Later some modifications are introduced like repeating with time delay, writing numbers 1-100, or anything known by heart from memory while shadowing, etc.

I have tried it with Sherlock Holmes stories read by professional actors, and even 10-15 minute piece was a real challenge. I practised it for a fortnight before interpreting for English-speaking auditor. I was assigned to do it although I have no language education, English is just my hobby. I managed somehow.


Temat: Speech shadowing - any opinions?

We practised that technique a couple of times during interpreting classes at my faculty. Doing that with 13 other students shouting around you is a real challenge ;)
Dariusz Tomczak


Temat: Speech shadowing - any opinions?

I can imagine. I was doing it while commuting on some occasions.

But hum of a bus engine is nothing compared to several people talking very loudly or actually shouting around you.

I have a personal opinion not firmly confirmed by scientific observation that we remember NOT everything we have heard but only what we are able to repeat, either out loud or subvocally. Thus the immense importance of speech shadowing exercises.

What do you think of that?

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Temat: Speech shadowing - any opinions?

I've worked at a very busy call center, with twenty people around me, no cubicles just desks literally on top of each other, receiving around 3000 – 5000 calls a day. An average conversation lasted about 110 seconds… repeating what the person in your head piece just said to you was a true challenge. Especially when you had some stressed out co-worker right next to you screaming obscenities while transferring someone. Good times. Then of course you had people call from various countries and speaking with accents so thick, you could probably cut them with a knife, repetition was a must. Often more then just once.

I agree that we hear what we can repeat… also I’d say that we hear only those parts that we absolutely need in order to fully understand what is being conveyed. Key phrases, that may assist us in getting the full message. It often reminds me of speed reading.
Dariusz Tomczak


Temat: Speech shadowing - any opinions?

What you have just written is a valuable observation for me.

You used something sort of speech shadowing quite spontaneously as a natural remedy for noisy environment and stressful conditions. That indicates that technique is not just purely academic, based on some theoretical assumptions or dogmas, but really works.


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Temat: Speech shadowing - any opinions?

It’s actually something that you train yourself to do. Nothing worst than calling a place long distance and having the operator transfer you to a wrong dept. just to get another number and have to redial and pay connection charges yet again. Also, getting that person on the phone again (since sometimes they do remember your name) is not very pleasant haha…

It’s just a part of good customer service training. You must anticipate pretty much anything when dealing with calls as random as those received by call centers. More information you gather and process correctly, the less chances of receiving a boomerang call with an angry person who now wants your ass canned.

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Temat: Speech shadowing - any opinions?

Rafal W.:
That's automaton ;)

Is that the first time you've caught me out, Raf.

First Ilter, now you.

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Temat: Speech shadowing - any opinions?

Dariusz Tomczak:
I have read many references to this technique and used it from time to time. Do you have any opinions / experience with it?

I would gladly appreciate

Dariusz Tomczak

Dariusz, how about introducing yourself on the welcome and introductions thread.

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Temat: Speech shadowing - any opinions?

warren whitmore:
Rafal W.:
That's automaton ;)

Is that the first time you've caught me out, Raf.

First Ilter, now you.

yea.. it is.. haha.. only reason I even bothered is because of the other thread where you mentioned yanks correcting Brits. Reason why it stood out in my mind - one of my best friend's dj name is Automaton.
Dariusz Tomczak


Temat: Speech shadowing - any opinions?

warren whitmore:
Dariusz, how about introducing yourself on the welcome and introductions thread.

Sorry for breaching rules of etiquette. I was just having nothing special to do at work and wanted to practice some English. Besides techniques and methods interest me very much as even my Ms Thesis was on Foreign Language Teachers Appraisal System Construction.

I am 41, works as researcher/data analyst in TNS OBOP, and English is just my hobby, yet I also have some academic interest in how to learn/teach foreign languages effectively a what I've seen on Polish schools and language courses in vast majority INeffective.

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Temat: Speech shadowing - any opinions?

Dariusz Tomczak:
Sorry for breaching rules of etiquette. I was just having nothing special to do at work and wanted to practice some English. Besides techniques and methods interest me very much as even my Ms Thesis was on Foreign Language Teachers Appraisal System Construction.

I am 41, works as researcher/data analyst in TNS OBOP, and English is just my hobby, yet I also have some academic interest in how to learn/teach foreign languages effectively a what I've seen on Polish schools and language courses in vast majority INeffective.

There's no problem Darek.

Sometimes it's nice to know who you are talking to.

Please write about yourself on this thread:


Anyway, nice to meet you, welcome to the forum, and I hope you find practicing your English on anglosphere beneficial.

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Temat: Speech shadowing - any opinions?

Dariusz Tomczak:

what I've seen on Polish schools and language courses in vast
majority INeffective.

Why do you think that is?
Dariusz Tomczak


Temat: Speech shadowing - any opinions?

Rafal W.:
Why do you think that is?

There are several reasons that -in my opinion- corroborate idea of ineffective teaching in vast majority of public schools and commercial language courses.

To sum them up an average Polish student learns English for 10 or 12 years. Because of frequent changes of teachers, textbooks, teaching methods and teachers' expectations the initially high motivation usually dwindles and most of the students never achieve a desired proficiency in the English language.

School curricula -despite what is officially declared- teach mostly grammar(I know that well as I was tutoring privately during my studies). Besides and high school final examinations (Matura) are in the extended level the poor equivalent of FCE exam (with the difference that 30% and not 60% is enough to pass), vast majority of pupils takes basic level which in turn is poor equivalent of PET. All this taking into account that most of pupils attend extracurricular courses or private lessons of English.

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Temat: Speech shadowing - any opinions?

Dariusz Tomczak:
I can imagine. I was doing it while commuting on some occasions.

But hum of a bus engine is nothing compared to several people talking very loudly or actually shouting around you.

I have a personal opinion not firmly confirmed by scientific observation that we remember NOT everything we have heard but only what we are able to repeat, either out loud or subvocally. Thus the immense importance of speech shadowing exercises.

What do you think of that?

I'd agree.

When giving private lessons I get people to repeat exactly what I had just said, sometimes a number of times.

It is not just what you say, but also the way in which you say it.

My wife annoys me a lot because I ask her to teach me Polish, but never does this repeating thing. Her English sounds quite authentic because I've taken the trouble to both correct her and to repeat my corrections, but she has never returned the favour.

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Temat: Speech shadowing - any opinions?

Dariusz Tomczak:
Rafal W.:
Why do you think that is?

There are several reasons that -in my opinion- corroborate idea of ineffective teaching in vast majority of public schools and commercial language courses.

To sum them up an average Polish student learns English for 10 or 12 years. Because of frequent changes of teachers, textbooks, teaching methods and teachers' expectations the initially high motivation usually dwindles and most of the students never achieve a desired proficiency in the English language.

School curricula -despite what is officially declared- teach mostly grammar(I know that well as I was tutoring privately during my studies). Besides and high school final examinations (Matura) are in the extended level the poor equivalent of FCE exam (with the difference that 30% and not 60% is enough to pass), vast majority of pupils takes basic level which in turn is poor equivalent of PET. All this taking into account that most of pupils attend extracurricular courses or private lessons of English.

I'd say you are being a little unfair.

Whether the teaching is effective or ineffective depends on the quality and commitment of the teacher concerned.

There are good and poor teachers.

Furthermore sometimes a good and motivated teacher can have an uncooperative class to teach.

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