konto usunięte

Temat: (some of the) worst passwords of 2011

In no particular order

1. "kimswedding" - Too short & not strong enough.
2. "fridaycomesafterthursday" - it's not that it's bad... it's lame
3. "RickyGervais" - Sorry, not enough characters.
4. "lebronjamesring" - PASSWORD UNAVAILABLE (hehehehe)
5. "nbaseason" - PASSWORD UNAVAILABLE (hehehe again)
6. "SnookisVagina" - This Password's already been taken. Numerous times.
7. "password" - no comment

Carry on!

konto usunięte

Temat: (some of the) worst passwords of 2011

Good ones, J. :)

There are different kinds of memory but in general, I have an average ability to store memory for recall. But man, you need more than that to keep up with the way you're supposed to work with passwords. Like some quantum formula. What a hassle. I have to think twice about my phone numbers sometimes.:)

"joj123" Password must be at least 9 characters

"Okay, then." "joj123456"
Tatiana S.

Tatiana S. Managing Partner

Temat: (some of the) worst passwords of 2011

The universal password for IT departments in Poland.
"dupa" ;)

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