Temat: Should Fat People Pay More?

Yours? Or is it one of those question one (man) should never ask a woman (like the age thing)?
for most women it's like the age thing:)

mine is lower but still alright

(but I've lost 4 kilos recently so I'm quite happy)

Temat: Should Fat People Pay More?

I haven't flown a lot in my life but I think it's Ryanair that should pay us damages for flying with them.
It's terrible quality!
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Should Fat People Pay More?

Well, I constantly have problems because of my height.

As for te weight problem: What's with people who are overweight due to a sickness?
Would it be ethical to charge fat people who are fat because they are poor?

There are many more reasons for extra charges: Height, weight, extra luggage, babys, old people's extra stuff. Could be hard to regulate properly ;-)

Temat: Should Fat People Pay More?

I thought your height is rather normal, Bernd:)

They successfully managed to prevent you from taking your aftershave or a nail file on board!
Piotr J.

Piotr J. Account Manager

Temat: Should Fat People Pay More?

The second idea of Ryanair was charging for the toilets. Funny and scary.

Hahaha Poles (us) would find the way to avoid it lol

I am proposing to introduce the charge for a safe flight as well.

Oh so much prefer BA!!
Agnieszka Piasecka

Agnieszka Piasecka Ukraina, jeśli

Temat: Should Fat People Pay More?

Then I should fly for free :D

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Temat: Should Fat People Pay More?

my brothers


and my sisters


will pay more.

I can understand if they take 2 seats...they have to pay for 2.

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Temat: Should Fat People Pay More?

Guy! Gaaaaaaah!
Piotr J.

Piotr J. Account Manager

Temat: Should Fat People Pay More?

Guy C.:
my brothers


and my sisters


will pay more.

I can understand if they take 2 seats...they have to pay for 2.

I have an idea. All "fat people" should get together and buy all tickets for flight with Ryanair. The way to protest it!

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Temat: Should Fat People Pay More?

Jarek A.:
Joj can vote. Full stop.
Huh. You're in my 191 range, brother.

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Temat: Should Fat People Pay More?


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Temat: Should Fat People Pay More?

Fat people are becoming a social problem. They not only make the life of normal people miserable but also cost us - tax payers a lot of money. In my humble opinion the fat tax should be not only introduced by RA... It should be a completely normal state tax.

Well... It won't happen.

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Temat: Should Fat People Pay More?

Joj Y.:
Jarek A.:
Joj can vote. Full stop.
Huh. You're in my 191 range, brother.
Periscope down! Periscope down!
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Should Fat People Pay More?

Yes, I don't see my height as that special, but I constantly have problems with the legroom :))

Maybe the airlines should just take out one row of seats and thus make room for eight of the fat people. ;-)
They could then call it the 'Guy'-brethren-class :)))
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Should Fat People Pay More?

Height's a fact.

Weight is a lifestyle choice?

I choose to pack half my wardrobe into my case: I pay extra. I choose to pack in those Maccy Ds into the old estomac: I pay extra. Fair?
Aleksandra P.

Aleksandra P. Specjalista HR

Temat: Should Fat People Pay More?

Krzysztof S.:
They not only make the
life of normal people miserable
They do? In what way?

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Temat: Should Fat People Pay More?

Steve Jones:
I choose to pack half my wardrobe into my case: I pay extra. I choose to pack in those Maccy Ds into the old estomac: I pay extra. Fair?
If you choose to stuff yaself with junkfood then suffer the consequences.
If mother nature chooses for you to gain weight no matter how healthy (within reason) you eat - then should she cover the cost of the extra seat?
Kasia M.

Kasia M. "Świat jest taki,
jaki myślisz, że

Temat: Should Fat People Pay More?

Steve Jones:
Height's a fact.

Weight is a lifestyle choice?

not always, I'm not a doctor but as far as I'm concerned there are illnesses which may cause obesity. and there are some pills it may cause it as well (hormone problems, thyroid problems) etc.Katarzyna Marszalec edytował(a) ten post dnia 12.05.09 o godzinie 08:39
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Should Fat People Pay More?

There are poor people who stuff themselves with junk food because they do not have the money for better food. They become fat. Making them pay extra for air travel doesn't seem to be dealing rightly with the problem here, I guess.

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Temat: Should Fat People Pay More?

Bernd Schreckenberg:
There are poor people who stuff themselves with junk food because they do not have the money for better food. They become fat. Making them pay extra for air travel doesn't seem to be dealing rightly with the problem here, I guess.
Then again, they are not the sort of person who'd fly anywhere, I reckon.

Następna dyskusja:

Nightclub bans fat girls:

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