Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Short or Tall, Ladies?

Are there any women out there that actually prefer short guys?

What is it about the height thing?

Is it the female equivalent of a man saying he prefers women with large breasts? Jones edytował(a) ten post dnia 17.09.09 o godzinie 14:45

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Temat: Short or Tall, Ladies?

I think a couple like this can really look very edgy. Tall models with their shorter guys do look well.

Temat: Short or Tall, Ladies?

this is a great shot! ;)

Agnieszka S.

Agnieszka S. "Wiedza daje pokorę
wielkiemu, dziwi

Temat: Short or Tall, Ladies?

It depends.

We can't talk about tastes ;) It's VERY individual thing.

Sometimes we meet short, smart and handsome guy and we say "Wow, this is it" :)

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Temat: Short or Tall, Ladies?

Steve Jones:
Are there any women out there that actually prefer short guys?
I do. Not shorter than me as they would have to be midgets :) but I would rather go for something like 5'9" to just a wee bit over 6 feet than 6'10"
Climbing on my toes to kiss a man would be so tiring!
Łukasz G.

Łukasz G. Senior Technical
Sales Manager w
Tripleplay Ltd.

Temat: Short or Tall, Ladies?

Tatiana, no one says you need to kiss him on the lips ;)

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Temat: Short or Tall, Ladies?

Lidia K.:
this is a great shot! ;)
this one's not too bad either


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Temat: Short or Tall, Ladies?

Remember once there was this research done concluding tall men get better jobs, win the contracts, etc...:)

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Temat: Short or Tall, Ladies?

Łukasz G.:
Tatiana, no one says you need to kiss him on the lips ;)
Men. *sigh*
Łukasz G.

Łukasz G. Senior Technical
Sales Manager w
Tripleplay Ltd.

Temat: Short or Tall, Ladies?

Tatiana S.:
Łukasz G.:
Tatiana, no one says you need to kiss him on the lips ;)
Men. *sigh*
Sigh of admiration I take it ;>

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Temat: Short or Tall, Ladies?

Agnieszka S.:
Remember once there was this research done concluding tall men get better jobs, win the contracts, etc...:)

some may say "wysoki jak brzoza, a glupi jak koza"
(that would be ridiculous to translate);pSylwia S. edytował(a) ten post dnia 17.09.09 o godzinie 17:22
Ania S.

Ania S. Fotografia i

Temat: Short or Tall, Ladies?

This thread reminded me of tallest world's man picture I saw once.

He's 2.36 meter and his wife comes up to his elbow.

Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska

Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska Recruitment Manager
at Amazon Web

Temat: Short or Tall, Ladies?

height has nothing to do with my choices.
I went out with both taller and my size, both having their advantages and disadvantages.

but it's the psyche AND intelligence that turns me on.

c'est tout.

P.s. Greetings from the land of tissues, sinusitis and constant sneezing.
Rafał D.

Rafał D. Head of Production,
Locon Sp. z o.o.

Temat: Short or Tall, Ladies?

I didn't know you're short Steve.

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Temat: Short or Tall, Ladies?

Lidia K.:
this is a great shot! ;)
I use a slow connection here so the image took its time. I thought "...and?" So when it filled in I got a good punchline :)
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Short or Tall, Ladies?

She was 10 cm taller than him! :))

Bernd Schreckenberg edytował(a) ten post dnia 17.09.09 o godzinie 21:05

Temat: Short or Tall, Ladies?

Jarek A.:
Lidia K.:
this is a great shot! ;)
this one's not too bad either
this one is at least fair and it's not a tricky photo:)
I think most people got used to the different proportions of this ex couple

Temat: Short or Tall, Ladies?

Joj Y.:
Lidia K.:
this is a great shot! ;)
I use a slow connection here so the image took its time. I thought "...and?" So when it filled in I got a good punchline :)
I know you think in images more than others, so no words needed there :)

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Temat: Short or Tall, Ladies?

That's why I hope you'll continue to be kind.

Say these colors that the words are printed in, not the word itself. Do it in less than ten seconds with zero errors. The feeling it will cause is something like what it feels for me to put more than three thoughts together in a row. hehe :)


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Temat: Short or Tall, Ladies?

Łukasz G.:
Tatiana S.:
Łukasz G.:
Tatiana, no one says you need to kiss him on the lips ;)
Men. *sigh*
Sigh of admiration I take it ;>
Duh. Seriously. I take it you're quite tall :)

But haha, the thread reminded me of a most embarrassing moment when I met my ex boyfriend for the first time and blurted out, "I thought you were taller!" Ugh.
Height is what I am ALWAYS wrong about when meeting people IRL; I was wrong with Sylwia (yeah thought she'd be taller as well), VERY wrong with Anetta and Guy, totally wrong with Raf and Kari. The only person who was more or less what I'd imagined was Dave. Even though we once had a thread on people's sizes :D I still can't figure out how tall people are IRL.

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