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Temat: Russian brides:


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Temat: Russian brides:


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Temat: Russian brides:

This one's still available:

Tatiana Z.

Tatiana Z. CAO @ Kontomatik

Temat: Russian brides:


check this one;)

Tatianaa Z. edytował(a) ten post dnia 29.11.09 o godzinie 14:38

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Temat: Russian brides:

That's my second image from the front.
Tatiana Z.

Tatiana Z. CAO @ Kontomatik

Temat: Russian brides:

oh, you're right
now I see;)
looking good 'both sides'

Temat: Russian brides:


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Temat: Russian brides:

Tatianaa Z.:

check this one;)
Pff. Geez. I see what you mean. Why would he would he be wearing a rose as if it's in his lapel? hehe

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Temat: Russian brides:

How did my wedding photos get onto the net? Luba will be embarrassed, I think.
Rafał Wołk

Rafał Wołk I'm not arrogant,
you're just offended
by my confidence.

Temat: Russian brides:

Rafał Wołk

Rafał Wołk I'm not arrogant,
you're just offended
by my confidence.

Temat: Russian brides:


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Temat: Russian brides:

Tatianaa Z.:

check this one;)


The bird in centre isn't too bad. Surely, you must be insane in the brain to "wear" this dress in public but otherwise she has fantastic body.

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Temat: Russian brides:

It makes me think of a picture taken just a second after someone accidentally stepped on the train of her real dress, and rrrrrrip! :)
Ewelina Dziełak Słowińska

Ewelina Dziełak
Marketing i Sprzedaż

Temat: Russian brides:

if you`re talking about a russian bridges must be some russian music with :)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBGD2H1B14Qewelina dziełak słowińska edytował(a) ten post dnia 08.12.09 o godzinie 20:22

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