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Temat: Russia, Georgie and the future of Polish - Russian...

The Russian ambassador threatens Poland


What is your take on this subject? What do you think is the future of this conflict?

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Temat: Russia, Georgie and the future of Polish - Russian...

As much as I hate to say it, but there is a certain scene from the movie “300” that comes to mind while reading this article.


I am sorry, but where do you get the balls to be a representative of another nation, and post threats to the nation which is not only your host but your supposed ally?Rafal W. edytował(a) ten post dnia 12.08.08 o godzinie 19:16

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Temat: Russia, Georgie and the future of Polish - Russian...

Rafal W.:
The Russian ambassador threatens Poland


What is your take on this subject? What do you think is the future of this conflict?

Do you have a similar article in English?

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Temat: Russia, Georgie and the future of Polish - Russian...


Although You must admit Rafał that he was right. We will pay for it...literally! After all huge percentage of our oil and gas comes from Russia and it looks like t's not gonna change soon.
My point is that sooner or later for some unclear reasons Russians will decrease amount of exported oil just to make our life more complicated and to demonstrate their strength and show us how wrong we were.Michał K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 12.08.08 o godzinie 20:26

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Temat: Russia, Georgie and the future of Polish - Russian...

warren whitmore:
>> Do you have a similar article in English?

Here is my translation:

- "In case of such serious issues, we should not make any haste actions. A big and a very costly mistake can be made, one that could take a very long time to be straighten out" – said Aleksander Wieszniakow, Russian ambassador in Ryga. When asked to verify his statement by the AFP agency, spokesman for the Russian ambasy in Ryga confirmed the statement to be true, but declined to comment.

Political leaders of Poland, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia published on Saturday a declaration to the EU and UN
strongly condemning Russia’s imperialistically motivated moves.Rafal W. edytował(a) ten post dnia 12.08.08 o godzinie 20:53

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Temat: Russia, Georgie and the future of Polish - Russian...

Michał K.:
>> Although You must admit Rafał that he was right. We will pay for
it...literally! After all huge percentage of our oil and gas comes from Russia and it looks like t's not gonna change soon.
My point is that sooner or later for some unclear reasons Russians will decrease amount of exported oil just to make our life more complicated and to demonstrate their strength and show us how wrong we were

You are 100% correct, this is why Poland should be taking example from our western neighbor and focus on alternative energy sources instead of trying to count on Russia’s oil. Besides, 40 – 60 more years of oil left, then what? If we don’t start doing something about oil dependency right now, we are going to wake up with our pants down yet again.

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Temat: Russia, Georgie and the future of Polish - Russian...

Give up petrol? Never ;) Unless they create nice little nuclear car engines. I subscribe to Jeremy Clarkson's idea on the question of fossil fuels: buy the biggest engines possible, and burn it now - once and for all!

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Temat: Russia, Georgie and the future of Polish - Russian...

Adam Lipiński:
Give up petrol? Never ;) Unless they create nice little nuclear car engines. I subscribe to Jeremy Clarkson's idea on the question of fossil fuels: buy the biggest engines possible, and burn it now - once and for all!

You know, I'd love to be immortal and see all the oil barons crash and burn 50 - 60 years from now, all the super powers crumble, choke and drown in their own greedy filth.

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Temat: Russia, Georgie and the future of Polish - Russian...

And what is Your opinion about the role of polish president in this whole situation? My opinion is he's just trying to piss Russia off for his own satisfaction.

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Temat: Russia, Georgie and the future of Polish - Russian...

I think that the Polish government as usual is looking in the wrong direction for help, that’s for starters. I think that he’s mouth is writing checks that he can’t possibly cash. In my opinion this sort of letter should have been placed before the EU and undersigned by more than just the Baltic nations to give it more legitimacy and weight. I think he did make a hasty and not really well thought out move.
I think that a healthy relationship with Russia would be a great thing, it is a necessity, but it is also impossible with the current administration of Poland or Russia.
Putin is a bad man… and the Polish government feels special now because of the NATO and over all US support… but I think that they are seriously overestimating the factual support of either EU or US.
I guess it’s their move… we just have to wait and see.

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