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Temat: Rough waters ahead...

Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World - The National Intelligence Council’s 2025 Project


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Temat: Rough waters ahead...

Rafal W.:
Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World - The National Intelligence Council’s 2025 Project


Damn Commitee of 300. Everything unfolds according to their blueprint.

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Temat: Rough waters ahead...

It sure does, it is so scary. I mean this is information that is available to everyone to view, yet everybody tends to rather ignore it.

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Temat: Rough waters ahead...

I dont have to be anywhere on Monday. To say I "love to be in a library" isn't enuogh. I mean, I L-O-V-E libraries. rather that than my sports. I want to check their archives if they have them, or any similar group, from 1991 and see how they did. Good excuse to go. I'm just curious.

It's interesting. Thanks. :)

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"Do They Mean Us?" - Rough ...

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