Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Room for sex...

i find the idea of 'sponsorship' utterly abhorrent.

Am I strange?

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Temat: Room for sex...

Steve Jones:
i find the idea of 'sponsorship' utterly abhorrent.

Am I strange?

not at all...
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Room for sex...

Back to the original topic;)

Do women actually do this room for sex thing????? I find it hard to believe...

I think You really would be surprised Steve. YOu can make an experiment, put an add e.g on gumtree and find out.

This is astonishing. Do you think that if I put an advert on gumtree saying "I've got a room for a young female student but there's one catch: I don't want money but you'd have to get down to it with me once a week" would anyone seriously answer this?

For one, on the man's part it's an admission that he's the kind of guy who has to pay for it... Hardly the most attractive feature a male could have, not likely to whip the girls into a frenzy... It's like a total admission that the only way he's going to get a chick is through material means. How can he look himself in the mirror? Where's his self-respect? Why pay for something that's freely available?

For two, given point one, from the woman's point of view... her self-esteem is so low that she has to suck cock for a room? How could she look herself in the mirror?

You've all done a bit of a "milczenie" on me, so I guess I overstepped the line

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Temat: Room for sex...

No milczenie from me - I agree completely with you, Steve. And the same applies to "sponsoring"

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Temat: Room for sex...

This is a missunderstanding... Sex for a room???? Such a low prise for such piece of service ;)))) Some guys ruin their fortune on a certain woman. ;))))))

I guess sex is not the only prise for that room ;) Cooking, cleanning, laundry and so on..... Better if this guy goes to a pub, takes a beer and attack fisrt girl at the bar ;) Free of charge and maybe some extra emotions included ;)
Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska

Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska Recruitment Manager
at Amazon Web

Temat: Room for sex...

I didn't really want to share my thoughts with you because I find these kind of practices simply disgusting + no respect for your own body.

Unfortunately, I just so happen to know that women go for such things cos that's easier.. You know, no need to pay the rent, no need to take care of the bills, blah blah.

I just could not believe how people (I don't want to generalise and restrict it to females only) use their bodies to achieve things in life.

No respect for them from me.
And sorry, a girl who goes for it is a WHORE for me.

(don't even try to convince me she's not)Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska edytował(a) ten post dnia 23.09.08 o godzinie 00:09

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Temat: Room for sex...

No, no. Men offer a sum of money just for sex, quid pro quo. I personally would let anybody touch my suits or clean my puffectly ordered bachelor's den. Of course, there is a "one-off" kind of sponsoring (younger guys) and a quasi-relationship substitute (older guys), and the latter may entail living together. Yuck.

Sometimes I wonder why girls go for the money. I know one girl, a Coca-Cola employee, who does it for 400 PLN -- and mind you, does it bloody well! She's even on GL. :)

Why do they do it? The point is that girls think to themselves: "It's not really me, it's just a temporary arrangement necessary in the circumstances." The end justifies the means, and if the demand for such services is insatiable.... :)Adam Lipiński edytował(a) ten post dnia 23.09.08 o godzinie 00:12

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Temat: Room for sex...

Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska:
Unfortunately, I just so happen to know that women go for such things cos that's easier.. You know, no need to pay the rent, no need to take care of the bill, blah blah.

Who the f... would do that?? OK if she was addicted to heroin or something, but apart from that?

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Temat: Room for sex...

Steve Jones:
i find the idea of 'sponsorship' utterly abhorrent.

So do I. And I don't really feel like elaborating on this, either.

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Temat: Room for sex...

but the sad sleazy man who participates in that arrangement is far worse

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Temat: Room for sex...

Dave Andrew:
but the sad sleazy man who participates in that arrangement is
far worse

Aye, I meant both sides of the story...
Jon M.

Jon M. Technical/Offshore

Temat: Room for sex...

'Sponsoring' is a perfectly neutral and normal English word which seems to have fallen into the Polish language as a euphemism for Whoring, Prostitution, Tomming, Being on the game, Turning tricks, Streetwalking, whatever. It's all prostitution, 'making love' for cash or favours.

That 'woman' from Coca-Cola, who (if the story is true) is a common whore (and under Polish law, a criminal), should think about the poor women, often as not in the third world who do it to buy food, buy drugs/alcohol, feed their kids. Justify it howsoever she likes, I bet she cried herself to sleep after the first customer.

Most prostitutes are deeply damaged individuals, abused as kids, feeling dirty about what they do. A very close friend who turns tricks (for 1200pln) would go crazy if someone called him a whore. But that's what he is, turning acts of love and erotic pleasure into a cash-generating scam, preying on the ugly, inadequate and obese, sending a message that kerb-crawling and sexual coercion are acceptable behaviour. But he too is a damaged (and once abused) individual. There is no such thing as The Happy Hooker, and 'Belle de Jour' probably has a crack habit.

The Johns who pay her and others (and quite possibly get a disease to pass on to their wives/girlfriends) should think about the damage they are doing to society, the meat market they perpetuate, the diseases that are spread by prostitution. They should also think about the legions of greasy sleazebags who've just been up the same tattered hole. The hotel clerks who do rooms by the hour (among them a few posh hotels in Warsaw, according to friends) aren't much better

Today 'sponsoring', tomorrow a 'Tirowka' from the Ukraine with track marks on her arm who does it for 40pln with a rubber or 50 without. Next comes a weeping kid from a Thai village.

Sick.Jon M. edytował(a) ten post dnia 23.09.08 o godzinie 00:47
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Room for sex...

Jon M.:
'Sponsoring' is a perfectly neutral and normal English word which seems to have fallen into the Polish language as a euphemism for Whoring, Prostitution, Tomming, Being on the game, Turning tricks, Streetwalking, whatever. It's all prostitution, 'making love' for cash or favours.

That 'woman' from Coca-Cola, who (if the story is true) is a common whore (and under Polish law, a criminal), should think about the poor women, often as not in the third world who do it to avoid starvation, pay for drugs/alcohol, feed their kids, whatever. Men who pay for sex are perpetuating human misery. And I bet she cried herself to sleep after the first customer.
What you wrote is very true.

I just can't help reflecting on the difference between that Ukrainian tirówka and the student in Rome with a full bright future ahead of her... The tirówka has fewer opportunities of a better future unless she makes some kind of larger effort. The nice student girl from a nice family who's staying in Rome, though....? What's that all about? What's so terrible about her future? Why is she so utterly demoralised by life that she feels she needs to fuck some guy for a place to sleep? How did her self-worth sink so low?

Rome is nice... but it's not THAT nice!

The man, well, the man who goes on third world sex holidays is perpetuating misery. The man who fucks the nice girl in Rome in exchange for a bed is perpetuating a cycle of submission. Is submission where it all starts?

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Temat: Room for sex...

Jon M.:
That 'woman' from Coca-Cola, who (if the story is true) is a common whore (and under Polish law, a criminal), should think about the poor women, often as not in the third world who do it to buy food, buy drugs/alcohol, feed their kids. Justify it howsoever she likes, I bet she cried herself to sleep after the first customer.
Sick.Jon M. edytował(a) ten post dnia 23.09.08 o godzinie 00:47

I've sent you a PM regarding the truth of the story.

She was new in Warsaw, changing the job, the flat, the car. Just a point of transition, in which a financial boost was the only pragmatic solution. Well, the first customer took her clubbing and drove her home. Nobody cried, as in the propaganda films. But sure, one day she'll encounter a freak who'll beat the hell of of her.
Jon M.

Jon M. Technical/Offshore

Temat: Room for sex...

I've known too many kids, fresh out of childrens' homes (or sometimes still in them) both in UK and PL who get sucked into turning tricks for money. They want the money, they're all too used to sex, and then they go very badly downhill.

An English teacher here in PL, who I've known for 20+ years, had for a long time the job of accepting small ads for prostitution. They used to go to his office at the magazine in London and pay cash (always cash). Most of them used euphemisms - not sponsoring, but massage, escort, whatever. He told me that every single one of them was somehow mentally disturbed, even very. And most using drugs.

I remember a well-known brothel in my town which I had some (professional) contact with. The women lived above the shop with their kids and at least one ended up working there. Every one of those unfortunate women somehow lacked affect, as if they were in a dreamworld, cut off from life in an emotional vacuum (and real physical squalor). The last thing I heard about that place, one poor woman ended up being burnt to death after a rival pimp set light to it.

Sponsoring is not a good way to pay for life's little extras.

And have a look at thisJon M. edytował(a) ten post dnia 23.09.08 o godzinie 14:39
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Room for sex...

Adam Lipiński:
Jon M.:
That 'woman' from Coca-Cola, who (if the story is true) is a common whore (and under Polish law, a criminal), should think about the poor women, often as not in the third world who do it to buy food, buy drugs/alcohol, feed their kids. Justify it howsoever she likes, I bet she cried herself to sleep after the first customer.
Sick.Jon M. edytował(a) ten post dnia 23.09.08 o godzinie 00:47

I've sent you a PM regarding the truth of the story.

She was new in Warsaw, changing the job, the flat, the car. Just a point of transition, in which a financial boost was the only pragmatic solution. Well, the first customer took her clubbing and drove her home. Nobody cried, as in the propaganda films. But sure, one day she'll encounter a freak who'll beat the hell of of her.

I've somehow managed to achieve all of the above (and I'm by no means the only one) - the change of job, city, flat etc - without selling my arse.

It's possible.

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Temat: Room for sex...

The worst thing is that "sponsoring" has become a kind of T.S. Eliot's "cheery automatism". Nobody cries as we might imagine, there are no regrets and feeling of condemnation - it's just a deal, or just like casual sex, an activity like washing your car or ordering pizza.

It doesn't depend on the IQ, class or social background. Just go on a dating website (e.g. and send a "sponsoring" mailshot to 100 girls. The response rate? :)

I like it, it's decadent, with all the urban decay and those double lives :)

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Temat: Room for sex...

Magdalena C.:
This is a missunderstanding... Sex for a room???? Such a low prise for such piece of service ;)))) Some guys ruin their fortune on a certain woman. ;))))))

I guess sex is not the only prise for that room ;) Cooking, cleanning, laundry and so on.....

Some people call it marriage. We've discussed it some time ago, and I gave an example of an acquaintance of mine who married a guy for his money and was bold enough to admit it.
As for prostitutes, well, if there is market for their services, they will exist, both male and female, straight and gay. There is a difference, to me at least, between a woman who decides to make her living this way, and a girl who sells her body for having a place to live, or having someone pay her bills - while others manage to do so perfectly well without that kind of "boost". I don't find it "cool" or "decadent" but plainly stupid; how do these women manage to look themselves in the eye, I have no idea.

If you have rent to pay, kids to feed, you go and work your ass off, but not figuratively, for fuck's sake! I know a lot of single mothers who had to struggle for the first couple years the "master" was no longer there. None of them even thought of selling her body to a guy or two (or a hundred) because it was the easiest way to do it; I won't believe a woman who does it is perfectly healthy emotionally!

I might seem quite open-minded and easy-going, but if I learned the man I was close to had been with a prostitute, I'd dump him right away. I'm bold enough to ask that question, too.

Temat: Room for sex...

Adam Lipiński:
The worst thing is that "sponsoring" has become a kind of T.S. Eliot's "cheery automatism". Nobody cries as we might imagine, there are no regrets and feeling of condemnation - it's just a deal, or just like casual sex, an activity like washing your car or ordering pizza.
I must agree with Adam and sometimes it's just favour for a favour with no money, no asking stupid questions etc...

I know it's utterly abhorrent but this is how it looks like, sorry.

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Temat: Room for sex...

I think what Adam meant was that people no longer have this pang of guilt when doing things like that...

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