Temat: resume with(out) a photograph attached

Not a very weekend type topic:)

I'm thinking about applying for a job (nothing specific yet!). Being a freelance, I haven't worked (and applied) for companies in years.

Not so long ago I realized that now people enclose their photographs virtually everywhere when applying for a post in Poland. I have a vague feeling it's quite unfair.

What do you think?
Is it ok to attach a photo to a resume in Poland?
Is it any different in the UK or elsewhere? Can someone clarify it please?
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: resume with(out) a photograph attached

A CV without a photo?
Does such thing exist?

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Temat: resume with(out) a photograph attached

I haven't seen a CV without a photo for ages. Most HR consultancies where I teach (Bigram, Nichols, ASAP) are reluctant to process such applications. Still, it depends on the project.

On the other hand, I've seen photos without a resume, which nonetheless got the girl invited...

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Temat: resume with(out) a photograph attached

ilter K.:
A CV without a photo?
Does such thing exist?
Yes, it does. Mine never have a photo. :)

Temat: resume with(out) a photograph attached

ilter K.:
A CV without a photo?
Does such thing exist?

Yes... in US you never include photo or date of birth in your CV.

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Temat: resume with(out) a photograph attached

Andrzej P.:
ilter K.:
A CV without a photo?
Does such thing exist?

Yes... in US you never include photo or date of birth in your CV.

Exactly... I think that's a huge disadvantage and quite frankly I don't find this practice to very fair nor practical for that matter.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: resume with(out) a photograph attached

Wow, I've learnt something new, great.

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Temat: resume with(out) a photograph attached

ilter K.:
Wow, I've learnt something new, great.

What do you think? Do you think it's fair?

Temat: resume with(out) a photograph attached

Rafal W.:
Exactly... I think that's a huge disadvantage and quite frankly I don't find this practice to very fair nor practical for that matter.

It is annoying, especially when combined with some other good American habbit, cutting off older employments and not saying when degree / education was received. All this is in order to avoid discrimination by age, looks (race) which is fair but practically is not always helping a lot. However some older candidates are fair enough to mention that they are "seasoned" in the preamble.

Temat: resume with(out) a photograph attached

Lidia K.:
Not a very weekend type topic:)

Is it ok to attach a photo to a resume in Poland?

I think it's ok as long as you don't attach photos on which You laying on the beach in bikini or something like that. I heard about a guy who attached a photo on which he was feeding a little babe. And one more ... a woman who sent half-naked photo was trying to get a job as a board assistant!!

btw: In some job advertismets they require resume with photo.

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Temat: resume with(out) a photograph attached

Andrzej P.:

It is annoying, especially when combined with some other good American habbit, cutting off older employments and not saying
when degree / education was received.

Well, usually people tend to specify that further information is available upon request and most potential employers ask to bring it with you to the initial interview.

Temat: resume with(out) a photograph attached

Marek Szpitun:
I heard about a guy who attached a photo on which he was feeding a little babe.

We received once a photo of an applicant holding a very big fish as the guy was angling and he was very proud of his catch.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: resume with(out) a photograph attached

Rafal W.:
ilter K.:
Wow, I've learnt something new, great.

What do you think? Do you think it's fair?
Considering your last post, I think you are right, it might be unfair to ask for a photo and age.
But this is how it is. Maybe.

Although I've sent many CVs before, I haven't had the chance to "meet" with a company that way, so I'm almost blank on this issue.ilter K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 20.09.08 o godzinie 16:53

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Temat: resume with(out) a photograph attached

I hate those formal, retouched photographs - see the Beuty thread on the Lounge ;) Very often the person who comes to the interview looks different and I feel weird, as if I was talking to someone else. A bit like wanting to meet Ilter, having an image of him from his photos, and finding out he's a fat blond bloke with a beer gut and rotting teeth.

I perfectly remember a girl who'd sent us a resume with a lovely photo; when she came for the interview, her BO almost make me puke. Her clothes were dirty, er nails bitten to the flesh, and her hair in a mess.

On the other hand, I once opted for a guy simply because he was cute. He turned out to be a great group leader.

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Temat: resume with(out) a photograph attached

Andrzej P.:
Marek Szpitun:
I heard about a guy who attached a photo on which he was feeding a little babe.

We received once a photo of an applicant holding a very big fish as the guy was angling and he was very proud of his catch.

Is this the guy?

Rafal W. edytował(a) ten post dnia 20.09.08 o godzinie 17:16

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Temat: resume with(out) a photograph attached

I well remember all those applications with the "u cioci na imieninach" snapshots. Or photos with the applicants' partners cut off ;)

Temat: resume with(out) a photograph attached

Tatiana S.:
I well remember all those applications with the "u cioci na imieninach" snapshots. Or photos with the applicants' partners cut off ;)

Or with a seal from a place where they issue ID cards...
Aleksandra P.

Aleksandra P. Specjalista HR

Temat: resume with(out) a photograph attached

Adam Lipiński:
I haven't seen a CV without a photo for ages. Most HR consultancies where I teach (Bigram, Nichols, ASAP) are reluctant to process such applications.

Do you know why?
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: resume with(out) a photograph attached

But I have a different observation Tatiana,

All the ladies I've met in real life are almost gorgeous, compared to their profile photos.

Including Violetta, she looks much better in real life.
I'm just the opposite. I find 1 or 2 photos out of hundreds usable for myself. haha.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: resume with(out) a photograph attached

I missed this part. Well... almost!
Tatiana S.:
... Very often the person who comes to the interview looks different and I feel weird, as if I was talking to someone else. A bit like wanting to meet Ilter, having an image of him from his photos, and finding out he's a fat blond bloke with a beer gut and rotting teeth.
I've got them filled!

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