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Temat: Raising your kids proper

Here is a video about a little boy who obviously hasn't had a good smack down in a while.


I can’t understand why she wouldn’t stand up right there and than and beat the living day lights out of this little moron. I am sorry, but the day that my child even as much as raises their hand on my wife or I, that will be their last registered memory. When I was a kid, raising my voice on anyone of my family members would result in memorable moments. I once made a mistake of talking back to my grandma; she was making food and had a nice heavy wooden spoon in her hand. Let me tell you, wooden spoon against the back of your head hurts.

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Temat: Raising your kids proper

I say she got what she deserved. Sorry, but someone must have raised the kid this way!
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Raising your kids proper

This is what happens if you spend all your time telling kids to do stuff, and ignoring them. Michael Moore asked Marylin Manson (oft blamed for inciting the Columbine shooters to act through his lyrics) what he would have told them directly if he had had the chance. He replied "Nothing, I would have listened to them."Keith Byrne edytował(a) ten post dnia 04.06.08 o godzinie 14:26

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Temat: Raising your kids proper

Keith Byrne:
He replied "Nothing, I would have listened to

Yea... basically.
Rafał D.

Rafał D. Head of Production,
Locon Sp. z o.o.

Temat: Raising your kids proper

And I would say that what you say is more or less this "American thinking" which states that kids are always good. Not true, kids are bad if you let them be bad. And that is the problem in US (I saw the thing described here many times - I was working in an amusement park).

However I'm only 28 so most probably I'm wrong ;)
Kari W.

Kari W. education

Temat: Raising your kids proper

Keith Byrne:
This is what happens if you spend all your time telling kids to do stuff, and ignoring them. Michael Moore asked Marylin Manson (oft blamed for inciting the Columbine shooters to act through his lyrics) what he would have told them directly if he had had the chance. He replied "Nothing, I would have listened to them."Keith Byrne edytował(a) ten post dnia 04.06.08 o godzinie 14:26

Good point, K. It's one thing to put your kids in check for being out of line. It's another thing to constantly tell your kid to be quiet while you are having a conversation and not pausing once to ask the child what it is they need. This happens all the time with my mommy friends. The child usually walks away sulking with a sour look on their face. Then, just as often, I get strange looks from friends when I say, "just a moment" - turn and give my daughter my full attention and ask "what is it that you want to say?" Many people without kids forget that they are people too. If someone their age tried to interject, even if it was off topic, they would stop and listen.

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Temat: Raising your kids proper

Kari Wolk:

Good point, K. It's one thing to put your kids in check for being out of line. It's another thing to constantly tell your kid to be quiet while you are having a conversation and not pausing once to ask the child what it is they need. This happens all the time with my mommy friends. The child usually walks away sulking with a sour look on their face. Then, just as often, I get strange looks from friends when I say, "just a moment" - turn and give my daughter my full attention and ask "what is it that you want to say?" Many people without kids forget that they are people too. If someone their age tried to interject, even if it was off topic, they would stop and listen.

I guess I have to start talking to you when kids are sleeping, then maybe you'll pay attention to what I say ;p
Kari W.

Kari W. education

Temat: Raising your kids proper

Rafal Wolk:
Kari Wolk:

Good point, K. It's one thing to put your kids in check for being out of line. It's another thing to constantly tell your kid to be quiet while you are having a conversation and not pausing once to ask the child what it is they need. This happens all the time with my mommy friends. The child usually walks away sulking with a sour look on their face. Then, just as often, I get strange looks from friends when I say, "just a moment" - turn and give my daughter my full attention and ask "what is it that you want to say?" Many people without kids forget that they are people too. If someone their age tried to interject, even if it was off topic, they would stop and listen.

I guess I have to start talking to you when kids are sleeping, then maybe you'll pay attention to what I say ;p

Think that's a plausible solution...

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Temat: Raising your kids proper

Kari Wolk:

Think that's a plausible solution...

the written word works too I see!

konto usunięte

Temat: Raising your kids proper

I think that anyone who airs their dirty linen on TV programs probably isn't the brightest, so I can't say I have that much respect for the mother. Though I was expecting a dumber couple of people than this. They sound reasonably educated to me.
Are we sure that they are not actors?

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Temat: Raising your kids proper

Steven H.:
I think that anyone who airs their dirty linen on TV programs probably isn't the brightest, so I can't say I have that much respect for the mother. Though I was expecting a dumber couple of people than this. They sound reasonably educated to me.
Are we sure that they are not actors?

It is a possibility, it is from Dr. Phil hehe.. but I am sure some of us have seen kids act up in a similar manner at one point in our lives.
Rafał D.

Rafał D. Head of Production,
Locon Sp. z o.o.

Temat: Raising your kids proper

Steven H.:
I think that anyone who airs their dirty linen on TV programs probably isn't the brightest, so I can't say I have that much respect for the mother. Though I was expecting a dumber couple of people than this. They sound reasonably educated to me.

Here generally is the point. People think that when kid grows up like this it means that those new wise upbringing methods were not used or were used in a wrong way. And I bet it is totally the oposite.Rafał D. edytował(a) ten post dnia 04.06.08 o godzinie 20:42

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