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Marta Głowacka:
I'm sorry, but why is it 'nauczyciele i lektorzy jezykow polskich'? Did I miss sth? Maybe that's why the group no longer exists :-).

Oh, Marta, fresh and alert :) thanx for correcting. Of course I mislead everyone giving the wrong address... :)

now it's corrected and should work.

Another one I've just set up is on organic living. I'm going to give some tips on organic grooming products as well as housekeeping etc. Everyone interested please feel free to join


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hello everyone,

if you guys and girls are interested in improving your English skills, make sure to visit our new group, The Business English Club

as the name implies, the group will focus on all aspects of business english, business and financial events and issues from across the world, global corporate communications, and other, similar topics.

you'll be able to get all sorts of news, info, help, and more as the group develops.

i'll also be posting any employment needs for natives/tutors/translators as those arise.

i'm pretty confident that everyone will find something of interest in the group. look forward to seeing u there!

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I'd like to invite you all to our new group:

Disruptive Technologies

Hopefully, you'll find something interesting there.

Don't hesitate to contact me to find out more about investment opportunities/capital acquisition possibilities related to innovative technologies.

We are working with several high-profile Polish bio-tech projects right now, negotiating with foreign investors on their behalf. We've developed a network of solid investors/fund raisers abroad, so if you have an innovative project, we can discuss the possibilities of helping you get financing for it.

Look forward to hearing from you
Anna G.

Anna G. digital for social

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International Business Forum


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I know this one is a bit different to what has been presented so far, but:
Ezoteryczne GalwayAgnieszka C. edytował(a) ten post dnia 09.10.09 o godzinie 17:38
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

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Wolle Deutsch spreche? :D

Agnieszka Piasecka

Agnieszka Piasecka Ukraina, jeśli

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For everyone who likes to discover music hardly anyone knows about.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

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edit: sorry, mixed the thread up.ilter K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 11.12.09 o godzinie 09:58
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

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Klein, aber fein :)


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'Tis the time o' year, and I thought I'd start a group of me own:


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Dominika R.

Dominika R. Coach & Trainer,
iet.com & 2B

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Useful words, phrases and links every day:

Flavio D Amato

Flavio D Amato SM Expert; Process
Quality Analyst;
Lektor włoskiego;

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Jeszcze nienane ale cudowne regio we wloszech ;)

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Warsaw Entertain


and our group:

hope to see you!!
We have loads of intresting events;-)

check this out!
Kasia Holt (Wierciak)

Kasia Holt (Wierciak) Managing Director

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Hi everyone!

We are http://GoEnglishGo.com - a group of enthusiasts who teach English in a fun and engaging way. I'm pleased to invite you to join our new microblog:
http://www.goldenline.pl/mikroblog/goenglishgo-com where you'll find interactive exercises that help develop your language skills! This week we'll practice "make and do" and the activity is aimed at Intermediate students.


If you're a teacher - feel free to use our materials in your lessons!

And, of course, you're welcome to register with us for more activities!

goenglishgoKasia Holt (Wierciak) edytował(a) ten post dnia 21.11.11 o godzinie 13:17
Tomasz G.

Tomasz G. Programista.NET

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In my opinion it's a very good movie to learn English and the basics of economyTomasz Godlewski edytował(a) ten post dnia 23.05.12 o godzinie 13:08
Jon M.

Jon M. Technical/Offshore

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A nice group, just that bit too quiet...


Stan K.

Wypowiedzi autora zostały ukryte. Pokaż autora

Stan K.

Wypowiedzi autora zostały ukryte. Pokaż autora

Następna dyskusja:

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