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Temat: Purity Rings

OK Tatiana, have you never had 'the thunderbolt'?

By which I mean instant overpowering sexual attraction.

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Temat: Purity Rings

I have. Everyone has, I presume. But never to the point of throwing myself in the arms of a complete stranger.

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Temat: Purity Rings

Tatiana S.:
I have. Everyone has, I presume. But never to the point of throwing myself in the arms of a complete stranger.

Yeah, but, why not?

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Temat: Purity Rings

The chance, the moment, may never come back.

As I once answered in 54F I have only ever regreted the things I didn't do, rather than the things I did.

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Temat: Purity Rings

I'm afraid I must have let a lot of those moments slip, then. I can hardly be called passionate when it comes to being in a relationship, but I'm no longer 17 *sigh*
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Purity Rings

warren whitmore:
Tatiana S.:
You must have had sex with your wife at least once, too.

Assuming my children to be my own, I must have had sex at least three times.

I hope no-one finds this thought in any way disturbing.

There is something a little disturbing about that...

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Temat: Purity Rings

warren whitmore:
In my case I'd need a woman.
I hear ya.
I wouldn't do it with a man or on my own.
EDIT: Right, me neither. I'm fugly enuff. I've always wanted my partners to be at least twice as 'attractive' as I am. Which was rather easy :))
How do you know you wouldn't enjoy something if you've never experienced it?
EDIT: I don't know. I assume I wouldn't, plus I observe other people who have. That's why I've never done drugs for example, despite having been offered to try some on several occasions.
And btw I hope you know what a snog is.
If by snogging you mean two people hitting it off at the sexual level, at first sight, then me from before I got married would have agreed with you 100%. I also regret more the things I haven't done than the things I have done. Things were a lot simpler back then. There was no pressure, just pure joy and pleasure. And beer.

The married me does not have a say in it. That's all water under the bridge.Jarek A. edytował(a) ten post dnia 01.08.08 o godzinie 11:25

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Temat: Purity Rings

Jarek A.:
If by snogging you mean two people hitting it off at the sexual level, at first sight, then me from before I got married would have agreed with you 100%. I also regret more the things I haven't done than the things I have done. Things were a lot simpler back then. There was no pressure, just pure joy and pleasure. And beer.

The married me does not have a say in it. That's all water under the bridge.

Same here.

It's water under the bridge for me too ):

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Temat: Purity Rings

warren whitmore:
It's water under the bridge for me too ):
Is this a sad smiley or just a typo? ;)

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Temat: Purity Rings

Jarek A.:
And btw I hope you know what a snog is.
If by snogging you mean two people hitting it off at the sexual level, at first sight

Snogging is French (open mouthed) kissing.

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Temat: Purity Rings

Jarek A.:
warren whitmore:
It's water under the bridge for me too ):
Is this a sad smiley or just a typo? ;)

Sad smiley I'm afraid.
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Purity Rings

warren whitmore:
Tatiana S.:
I have. Everyone has, I presume. But never to the point of throwing myself in the arms of a complete stranger.

Yeah, but, why not?

Because there was a table between us ;-)

@Tatiana, How YOU doin'?

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Temat: Purity Rings

Hey, the time when it was just you and me, we weren't complete strangers anymore!
And the first time, well... I had no eyes for you, sorry :D
Kari W.

Kari W. education

Temat: Purity Rings

warren whitmore:
Kari Wolk:
I'm not talking pecks or Eskimo kisses here. Long passionate kisses cannot be the same without love, IMHO. Even sex is not the same without it. There must be a connection somewhere.

Well, when I was ahem young I had long passionate kisses with girls I didn't know, let alone love.

Nothing at all unsatisfying about this.


(I hope you're not eating btw, I don't want to put you off your food).
I did too - when I was young - years before I was married. Snogging was a hobby, sometimes making it a quest for a certain race, eye color, etc. Too much information? My experience says a kiss is just a kiss unless it's from the one you love.

Kari W.

Kari W. education

Temat: Purity Rings

Tatiana S.:
Kari Wolk:
I'm not talking pecks or Eskimo kisses here. Long passionate kisses cannot be the same without love, IMHO. Even sex is not the same without it. There must be a connection somewhere.

I'm afraid the connection exists only for us girls... And maybe a few guys, too?

Nah - it's about the individual person and each specific relationship IMO.

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Lord of the Rings

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