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Temat: Pretentious, moi?

I agree with Steve. And I don't understand why the politicians are pretentious either. Or the Pope actually.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Pretentious, moi?

Me too.

Rafał just hates these people.
That's all about it.

They might think they are cool, but they are pretty solid with what they do.
They don't claim they're somebody else.

But I agree with Steve (about Sting) and agree-a-li'l with Dave (about Bono).ilter K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 30.08.08 o godzinie 10:30

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Temat: Pretentious, moi?

Tatiana S.:
And the church of Scientology or whatever... Nothing can beat the Kościół Mrówkojada :D

And, surely, you meant "Kościół Mrównika", eh? :)

Temat: Pretentious, moi?

Patrycja, it is very important that you have sent this correct translation of the Church's name. There is a Lady on GL who spreads a false name of the Church. Those who like 'mrówniks' but dislike 'mrówkojads' might miss the chance of joining the congregation. :)

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Temat: Pretentious, moi?

Michał B.:
Patrycja, it is very important that you have sent this correct translation of the Church's name. There is a Lady on GL who spreads a false name of the Church. Those who like 'mrówniks' but dislike 'mrówkojads' might miss the chance of joining the congregation. :)

Yes, especially now, after the discussion about correcting others.. ;)))

But on the other hand, maybe she meant "Kościół Mrówkojada"??Patrycja P. edytował(a) ten post dnia 30.08.08 o godzinie 13:36

Temat: Pretentious, moi?

That's right!

Would that mean there's another church on GL - Aardvark forbid!Michał B. edytował(a) ten post dnia 30.08.08 o godzinie 13:39

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Temat: Pretentious, moi?

I quoted the lady who used the wrong name, that's all.

Temat: Pretentious, moi?

Tatiana S.:
I quoted the lady who used the wrong name, that's all.

Ooops! Tatiana, I didn't mean you, I swear! I meant the other Lady, the one you quoted. :)

Presumably,it was my 'That's right!' that caused some misunderstanding.Michał B. edytował(a) ten post dnia 30.08.08 o godzinie 13:56

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Temat: Pretentious, moi?

Tatiana S.:
I quoted the lady who used the wrong name, that's all.

Oh, forgive me, madam. I didn't notice quotes ;)

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Temat: Pretentious, moi?

's ok. I'm VERY considerate. That comment (and the whole thread on "fake profiles") is sooooo... sooooo... aardvark!

Temat: Pretentious, moi?

Tatiana S.:
's ok. I'm VERY considerate. That comment (and the whole thread on "fake profiles") is sooooo... sooooo... aardvark!

My only comment on that thread is: "There's nowt so queer as folk". :)
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Pretentious, moi?

Dave Andrew:
I think everyone calling themselves specialist/ka is very pretentious.
If anyone on this forum has done that and thinks I'm getting at them - I definitely am not - there just seems to be a craze for it at the moment and perhaps it's expected.
But really - you see people aged 21 describing themselves as specialists - it's funny.

Totally agree. Sorry, kids, but at the age of 24 you're highly unlikely to be a specialist in anything other than drinking beer and talking bollocks. It's extremely silly to use the word 'specjalista' unless you actually are one. I might describe myself as an EFL specialist after 14 years in the business, as someone who conducts training sessions in this area. However, I certainly wouldn't have described myself as a specialist even after 3 or 4 years. To do so would have been extremely pretentious.

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Temat: Pretentious, moi?

However, I certainly wouldn't have described myself as a specialist even after 3 or 4 years. To do so would have been extremely pretentious.

It isn't just the people, but the companies and the job titles. It is maybe more of a cultural thing.
Now, whenever I see somebody with a job tile of 'Specjalista ds ....' before assuming that they are knowledgeable and competent I interpret the description as 'This is the only thing that I do'

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Temat: Pretentious, moi?

Pretentious? The people (and companies) who name new apartment developments. Utter bollocks!
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Pretentious, moi?

Steven H.:
Pretentious? The people (and companies) who name new apartment developments. Utter bollocks!

Giz an example!

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Temat: Pretentious, moi?

Ah, Steven! :D


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Temat: Pretentious, moi?

Melody Park, Le Village, Anything that has 'villa' in but doesn't contain villas, Mont Blanc (it is next to the mound where there is a dry ski slope).
Anything that involves names from nature bug me as building the estate invariably means removing signs of nature.

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Temat: Pretentious, moi?

I hate the venues called "Plaza", e.g. Marsa Plaza. I wonder if anyone from Warsaw knows where Marsa (street) is.
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Pretentious, moi?

I always had the impression that this geezer is slightly (or majorly) pretentious...

Kuba Wojewódzski... Not sure why I think this... more of a gut feeling.

Or is it just cos he gets right on my tits?


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Temat: Pretentious, moi?

hahaha... Steve, I caught this guy on TV while in Poland... and after about 5 min I wanted to kick him... what is it with the Polish talk show hosts? I've noticed quite few of them behaving like some sort of morons on meth. Do people actually like this type of … erhm… I don’t even know what to call it. It tries to be edgy, out there, hip, cool and very outspoken but at the same time he comes of as a total cretin.

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