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Temat: Pretentious, moi?

another important member of the pretentious twats' club


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Temat: Pretentious, moi?


And the church of Scientology or whatever... Nothing can beat the Kościół Mrówkojada :D
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Pretentious, moi?

Tatiana S.:


He's a short arse, isn't he?

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Temat: Pretentious, moi?

Aha. This is what I'd tell him on our first date. And then feel like I wanted to burn down on the spot, leaving a pile of ashes. :D

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Temat: Pretentious, moi?


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Temat: Pretentious, moi?

He's about to pontificate - pretentiously.

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Temat: Pretentious, moi?

Dave Andrew:
He's about to pontificate - pretentiously.

Is that like another name for gas?

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Temat: Pretentious, moi?

Rafal W.:
Dave Andrew:
He's about to pontificate - pretentiously.

Is that like another name for gas?

No :-)

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Temat: Pretentious, moi?

Dave Andrew:
Rafal W.:
Dave Andrew:
He's about to pontificate - pretentiously.

Is that like another name for gas?

No :-)

oh... thnx for clarifying that for me.

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Temat: Pretentious, moi?

Rafal W.:
oh... thnx for clarifying that for me.

no problem :-)

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Temat: Pretentious, moi?

Moving right along... next to the word pretentious in the English dictionary they should have a pic of Paris Hilton... preferably this one


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Temat: Pretentious, moi?

Followed by who else but the other talentless teenage idol whore


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Temat: Pretentious, moi?

Why stop there... we can kill two boobs with one pic


Who's the bigger boob, him for agreeing to this failed attempt of career revival or her for actually thinking that it will work.

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Temat: Pretentious, moi?

Yet in my personal book... this man takes the cake for sure...


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Temat: Pretentious, moi?

or is it him...


tough choice..

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Temat: Pretentious, moi?

Rafal W.:
or is it him...


tough choice..

HIM! :)

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Temat: Pretentious, moi?

I dont want to be pedantic but in what way are any of these people pretentious? :-)

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Temat: Pretentious, moi?

They all think they own the world... they all also think that the world needs more of their greatness.

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Temat: Pretentious, moi?

Like for example... he thinks he's a great leader.. a "decider" in his own words

http://pl.youtube.com/watch?v=mi49tvs8jp8Rafal W. edytował(a) ten post dnia 30.08.08 o godzinie 01:41
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Pretentious, moi?

I would strongly disagree that Paris Hilton is pretentious: I feel she knows what she is - a talentless chancer who gets away with it and why not.

I would also argue that Britney Spears isn't pretentious. She knows full well that she's a fucked-up pop singer singing fluffy pop songs to the teenage crowd.

I would go so far as to argue that both these people are totally congruent with their own image and do not claim to be anything other than what they are.

They are the very opposite of pretention: what you see is what you get.

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