Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Power Corruption and Lies

J Karnowski, president of Sopot and member of PO, is currently being accused of corruption: a business man (also a member of PO) wanted to construct a new block of flats in Sopot and needed the planning permission pushing though... Karnowski says "no problem, but one flat's for me!". Apparently... of course it might not be true... but.... Mr honest businessman who reported the incident was then dismissed from PO...,80271,6213936...

I'll get to the point:

My question is this: is there anyone in here who ISN'T corrupt?

Can you trust anyone?

Can anything be done about it?

Is the problem down to the all-pervasive attitude of resignation here? The "we can't change anything; that's just the way it is" mentality?Steve Jones edytował(a) ten post dnia 30.01.09 o godzinie 13:51

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Temat: Power Corruption and Lies

My personal experience is that corruption is pretty pervasive here.

Can we do anything about it?

As far as I'm aware, PO in Szczecin is not only very corrupt, but also completely incompetent.

Be open about it, shout about it and ..... vote for anyone other than PO.

Why single out PO - well, they were supposed to be the 'new dawn'.
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Power Corruption and Lies

As far as I'm aware, PO in Szczecin is not only very corrupt, but also completely incompetent.
Got any examples?
Be open about it, shout about it and ..... vote for anyone other than PO.

Why single out PO - well, they were supposed to be the 'new dawn'.

I agree. This is why I'm so disappointed
Przemysław B.

Przemysław B. Front End Dev & UX

Temat: Power Corruption and Lies

Well, Karnowski is a former member of PO, but there are a lot of people who support him, even in his corruption activities. He is batting on a sticky wicket. But according to your question, I think that there is a high time to involve some young people from politician parties. All we are doing right now is voting for names. Not for changes, not for opportunities, not for future. In my opinion, the Polish elections are perfectly cyclical following a sinusoidal curve with period of four years. And every time we vote, we vote for the same names. Corrupted, old, without perspectives and plans for changes.

Well, I’m little sick of it. Warren said to vote for anyone other than PO... but the main question is... vote for who?
Andrzej S.

Andrzej S. Krok za krokiem, do

Temat: Power Corruption and Lies

who ever you vote for pretty much ends up as a party of old time government members or co-workers hidden behind new faces

we are in deep shit, no actual choice there's only some lesser evil options tbh.

i don't trust ANY of them.
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Power Corruption and Lies

I'm tempted to say "fuck it" and stand in the next elections. I'm not corrupt.

There's one small prob, tho: I'm not Polish!!

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Temat: Power Corruption and Lies

Steve Jones:
I'm not Polish!!
Enjoy it.
Agata Maja Goljan

Agata Maja Goljan lektor języka

Temat: Power Corruption and Lies

Steve, maybe it's your chance - introduce your own party. Btw, being Polish is not bad so I don't understand the "enjoy it" part. We're really great people who simply cannot deal with politics.

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Temat: Power Corruption and Lies

Not being able to stand the politics is not a quality typical only for Poles.

Must be we're great people then.Jarek A. edytował(a) ten post dnia 31.01.09 o godzinie 16:52
Sylwia Łubkowska

Sylwia Łubkowska Nauczyciel oraz
tłumacz j.

Temat: Power Corruption and Lies

Steve Jones:
I'm tempted to say "fuck it" and stand in the next elections. I'm not corrupt.

There's one small prob, tho: I'm not Polish!!

You can try for a British Minority Party ;P

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Temat: Power Corruption and Lies

Steve Jones:
I'm tempted to say "fuck it" and stand in the next elections. I'm not corrupt.

There's one small prob, tho: I'm not Polish!!

Have you citizenship?

Do it !!!

konto usunięte

Temat: Power Corruption and Lies

warren whitmore:
Have you citizenship?

Do it !!!
He aint gonna do it. He a chicken!*

*Works like a charm in case of Poles.

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Temat: Power Corruption and Lies

Steve Jones:
As far as I'm aware, PO in Szczecin is not only very corrupt, but also completely incompetent.
Got any examples?

I posted about this some time ago.

One pretty important P.O. chap in Zachodniopormorskie was arrested for having a large quantity of drugs in his car.

There is also a lot of controversy in Szczecin over a flat that was obtained by the mayor of Szczecin, Krysiek.

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Temat: Power Corruption and Lies

Steve Jones:
I'm tempted to say "fuck it" and stand in the next elections. I'm not corrupt.

But are you incorruptible?

Has it been put to the test?

Are you a 'holy fool', or do you 'go with the flow'?
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Power Corruption and Lies

warren whitmore:
Steve Jones:
I'm tempted to say "fuck it" and stand in the next elections. I'm not corrupt.

But are you incorruptible?
I've never taken a bribe. But, unfortunately, I did give one: about 13 years ago to a policeman when I was pulled over for not stopping at a 'stop' sign. 50 zl.

Wouldn't do it again, though.
Are you a 'holy fool', or do you 'go with the flow'?

Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Power Corruption and Lies

I was having a lesson today and the topic of corruption came up.

My student told me about her birth-giving experiences, giving 500 zl to the midwife for better service. I never did this on either occasion when my two sons were born.

However, she assured me that such bribes are routine in Poland. When her daughter was sick and faced with a tonsil operation, she was informed that the waiting list was 7 months and if her daughter was sick on that day they wouldn't be able to operate and then she'd have to wait another 7 months. As her daughter's condition made the likelihood of sickness highly probable, she asked if there was a way round this. For a fee, she was given an earlier slot two weeks after the first consultation.

I personally think this is disgusting.

Can anything be done about this?
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Power Corruption and Lies

Steve Jones:
I was having a lesson today and the topic of corruption came up.

My student told me about her birth-giving experiences, giving 500 zl to the midwife for better service. I never did this on either occasion when my two sons were born.

However, she assured me that such bribes are routine in Poland. When her daughter was sick and faced with a tonsil operation, she was informed that the waiting list was 7 months and if her daughter was sick on that day they wouldn't be able to operate and then she'd have to wait another 7 months. As her daughter's condition made the likelihood of sickness highly probable, she asked if there was a way round this. For a fee, she was given an earlier slot two weeks after the first consultation.

I personally think this is disgusting.

Can anything be done about this?

When the mother of my GF was very sick, my GF's father gave the doctor ALL their savings to make sure she survives!! It was some five figure money.

There is very little which can be done. These people don't know that it's wrong. For them, it has always been like this. Comparing to Russia, Poland looks still much better when it comes to bribes. Although a lot my students told me how they bribed the police when caught speeding.

I guess the state could try harder to condemn and finally get rid of those people from services, but mostly the mindset has to change. And such a thing takes a long time or might even be impossible...

Sorry for not being more helpful on this topic :(

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Temat: Power Corruption and Lies

It's probably a hangover from earlier times.

It's simian.
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Power Corruption and Lies

It's simian.

It may be simian. However, that doesn't necessarily mean that I'm going to be someone else's spank monkey.

I stand with my middle finger raised.

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Temat: Power Corruption and Lies

You're right and more civil than I, for sure.

I don't mean to explain it away. I thought "disgusting" wasn't dirty enough.

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