Temat: Polish teacher dies at Vauxhall Station


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Temat: Polish teacher dies at Vauxhall Station

Andrzej P.:

Thanks, Andrzej.

In the south of England, and only in the south, there is a live electric rail that runs along the ground.

Walking along the track can have serious consequences, so people should be made aware of this.

Temat: Polish teacher dies at Vauxhall Station

Warren, are there any other such traps in England? I've just heard about a Polish woman who fell off the cliff there and died. :( I'm going on holiday in August and I'm just wondering if it's safe?

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Temat: Polish teacher dies at Vauxhall Station

Alicja Efejska:
Warren, are there any other such traps in England? I've just heard about a Polish woman who fell off the cliff there and died. :( I'm going on holiday in August and I'm just wondering if it's safe?

Stay away from cliffs, don't touch the third rail and always look both ways before crossing ;)

Temat: Polish teacher dies at Vauxhall Station

look right first!

Temat: Polish teacher dies at Vauxhall Station

ha,ha,ha, good advice guys! :)
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
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Temat: Polish teacher dies at Vauxhall Station

Wasn't "the left first"?
Dam selinity...
And which country?

Temat: Polish teacher dies at Vauxhall Station

ilter K.:
Wasn't "the left first"?
Dam selinity...
And which country?

England of course.:)
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Polish teacher dies at Vauxhall Station

Andrzej P.:

Was going to write something like "that's taking the piss" but didn't bother cos I thought it would be in poor taste....

Bloody death traps, those train stations!!!

Temat: Polish teacher dies at Vauxhall Station

Alicja Efejska:
Warren, are there any other such traps in England?

Watch for teh knives in London;)
Violetta Brajer

Violetta Brajer fizyk, menadżer
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Temat: Polish teacher dies at Vauxhall Station

Lidia K.:
look right first!

A really wise advice.

I know sth about it...because of my experience

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Temat: Polish teacher dies at Vauxhall Station

Steve Jones:
Andrzej P.:

Was going to write something like "that's taking the piss" but didn't bother cos I thought it would be in poor taste....

Ur in for a surprise. I was going to make a similar joke too!

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Temat: Polish teacher dies at Vauxhall Station

Is this when we bring up the thread about how common it is for non-drunk people to piss in the street in the UK and in Poland?
I see it a lot in my district in Praga. I can't remember what it was like in the UK.

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Temat: Polish teacher dies at Vauxhall Station

Wait, there are non-drunk people in Poland?

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Temat: Polish teacher dies at Vauxhall Station

I bet it's very common, especially when people are on vacation. This should go in the complaining thread, but when I was at the seaside I went down to the beach along a road with a small tunnel (not sure it it was for animals so they wouldn't cross the busy road and get hit by a car) and, my, that tunnel stank! I often saw people (ok, men) go and piss on the walls (presumably as dark inside). On a sunny day, the smell was unbearable.

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Temat: Polish teacher dies at Vauxhall Station

I'd really have to be unbearably desperate to do it, or walking in the countryside. I'd even pay to have a drink or something to eat in a cafe if it was the only solution.
I'm not insisting people become self-flagellating protestants, but surely they can control themselves a bit.

Maybe all men who do it are under the influence of alcohol at least a bit.

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Temat: Polish teacher dies at Vauxhall Station

Do people where you live piss in the klatka?

It's disgusting.

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Temat: Polish teacher dies at Vauxhall Station

Not here, but last place where I lived they did it in the elevators. Their dogs did, too, and I was sometimes able to tell who'd done the mess. I then had to walk 9 floors up the freaking stairway.

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Temat: Polish teacher dies at Vauxhall Station

And I thought Poles imagined themselves to be bardzo kulturalni.

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Temat: Polish teacher dies at Vauxhall Station

Imagined is a good word. I heard in some city the administracja installed a system that would not let the door open when someone'd pissed in the elevator but not sure if true or an urban legend.

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