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Temat: Poles in Wrexham:

Interesting article in Gazeta Wyborcza about Poles in Wrexham.

According to the article, 18,000 have emigrated there in a town of 40,000 people.

Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Poles in Wrexham:

Did you notice that all of the people that the reporter spoke to have easily-polonizeable names? Are there many Welsh people called Agnes and Peter?
Tim Harrell

Tim Harrell Lektor Angielskiego

Temat: Poles in Wrexham:


if that's not a word then it should be!

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Temat: Poles in Wrexham:

warren whitmore:
Interesting article in Gazeta Wyborcza about Poles in Wrexham.

According to the article, 18,000 have emigrated there in a town of 40,000 people.


That number sounds a bit OTT to me. Is it possible for an established town to grow by almost 50% in 3-4 years without people camping out in UN refugee camps (or the local church hall)?

A quick look on Google brings up this article saying that government figures put the number at 1,000 in Wrexham.

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Temat: Poles in Wrexham:

Steven, wikipedia gives between 10 and 15 thousand.

We don't know when that was written.

I see no reason why it couldn't be 18 thousand.

I believe you'll find England has changed a great deal in our absence.

The truth is that, almost certainly, no-one knows for sure.warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 07.03.08 o godzinie 23:23
Damian Hajduk

Damian Hajduk TSL, SCM, PM, MICE :
koordynacja, ...

Temat: Poles in Wrexham:

@ Steven
Very good point!
In the matter of fact -> 40.000 citizens (inlcuding 18.000 immingrants) means 22.000 native population.
Which means furtherly:
in 2004 there was approx 22.000 inhabitans in Wrexham?
If true, this would make your point even more accurate, which gives Wrexham an demographic explosion of nearly 82% in 3-years-period
2005-2007 (18.000/22.000*100%)
If true...
If not, even 58.000 now, while 40.000 in 2004 gives us the rapid
growth of 45% (18/40*100%)in the same 3-yrs-period

Journalists - due to their being so precise all the time! - are so
predestined for Nobel-prize in mathematics or statistics or both. I know it doesn't exist yet->but should be invented->simply to award journalists!


@ Warren (thx for invitation onto this forum btw.)

The GW article nevertheless very interesting in deed!

To avoid too much space & reader's patience consumption by this particular post...there is only one thing, I'd like to say for now...

I can namly imagine the old-good-Blighty could have changed in your absence ...
But as well as Poland has been being changed a bit
due to your presence here :)

Cheers, Dam

PS. My last sentence was planned to be expressed
in the Present Perfect Continous Tense & Passive Voice form :)Damian Hajduk edytował(a) ten post dnia 09.03.08 o godzinie 02:36

konto usunięte

Temat: Poles in Wrexham:

Apparently, the local television station did a survey to ask the local population in Wrexham whether they thought Polish immigration was a problem for the town

23% answered 'yes', and the other 77% replied, 'przepraszam, ale nie dobrze rozumiem po angielsku'.
Łukasz G.

Łukasz G. Senior Technical
Sales Manager w
Tripleplay Ltd.

Temat: Poles in Wrexham:

warren whitmore:
Apparently, the local television station did a survey to ask the local population in Wrexham whether they thought Polish immigration was a problem for the town

23% answered 'yes', and the other 77% replied, 'przepraszam, ale nie dobrze rozumiem po angielsku'.
That is brilliant :)
I have got something for other topic guys, stay tuned.

konto usunięte

Temat: Poles in Wrexham:

warren whitmore:
Apparently, the local television station did a survey to ask the local population in Wrexham whether they thought Polish immigration was a problem for the town

23% answered 'yes', and the other 77% replied, 'przepraszam, ale nie dobrze rozumiem po angielsku'.

another version: 23% answered 'yes', and the other 77%% replied, "absolutnie ku..a nie"
Damian Hajduk

Damian Hajduk TSL, SCM, PM, MICE :
koordynacja, ...

Temat: Poles in Wrexham:

Hey people!
It is MY favourite joke!

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Cheers , Dam

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