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Temat: Playing Russian Roulette

Aren't the Russians a sneaky lot. Setting up missiles on the Polish border isnt cunning but doing it while the worlds is busy watching the outcome of the US elections. Just the same as they did when they invaded Georgia while all attention was shifted to the opening of the Olympics. No congratulating of the US President elect just as other countries have done....they are a strange nation.

Temat: Playing Russian Roulette

Russians can be very pleasant people if only they want to... Too bad they often don't want to! :(

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Temat: Playing Russian Roulette

Benjamin Horler:
Aren't the Russians a sneaky lot. Setting up missiles on the Polish border isnt cunning but doing it while the worlds is busy watching the outcome of the US elections. Just the same as they did when they invaded Georgia while all attention was shifted to the opening of the Olympics. No congratulating of the US President elect just as other countries have done....they are a strange nation.

It was expected, they are probing the new US president. I like how Medvedev asked for extended presidential terms and additional power for Duma.
With Russia it is always a game of chess, this was their move, it’s time for Obama to make his. The only problem here, is that Obama is now going to focus on the US economic crisis and will leave the European matters in European hands so this move is not really going to be addressed until there is proper time for it. So with that said – where is Sarkozy? I understand how the EU could frown on Poland’s reaction to the Georgian war, but at the same time isn’t it about time that Poland stopped being the buffer zone between the East and the West?

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Temat: Playing Russian Roulette

Rafal W.:
With Russia it is always a game of chess,

Too bad for us- usually the best Chess players are Russian.

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Temat: Playing Russian Roulette

Benjamin Horler:
Rafal W.:
With Russia it is always a game of chess,

Too bad for us- usually the best Chess players are Russian.

With a few exceptions... like the one that's been hiding in south America from the CIA haha..

Następna dyskusja:

Ronnie Wood and Russian wai...

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