Aleksandra P.

Aleksandra P. Specjalista HR

Temat: pět pro pátek (21.11.2008)

Steve Jones:
Aleksandra P.:
Steve Jones:

What attracted you to banking?
A vacant position at the time of 15% unemployment rate ;)

And what kept you there 10 years?
From strictly professional point of view: the company size. If you're an HR person, you can learn a lot and do a lot if you work for a big company. So, size DOES matter.

And, of course, there were some other reasons, too.
Rafał Janta

Rafał Janta aj em ju ar

Temat: pět pro pátek (21.11.2008)

Magda B.:
1. What I like about GL is that it brought the idea of social and business networking to Poland as it should be - open, friendly, entertaining, not too serious, not too much talk shop. What I dislike is the fact it's a bit cliquish, I therefore agree with Rafał. There are several groups that function like Medieval guilds or corporations and make you feel like a piece of s#$% if you do not meet the criteria stated by Mr/Ms Mod and His/Her Humble Servants.

My feeling precisely.
Rafał Janta

Rafał Janta aj em ju ar

Temat: pět pro pátek (21.11.2008)

Dislike: too many people.

How about some downsizing, L.?
Can Mods do it? :)

konto usunięte

Temat: pět pro pátek (21.11.2008)

Rafał Janta:
GL - L/D: It's accessible 24/7.
AS - L: variety, 5FF D: slightly cliquish

Do you object to 'cliquishness' generally, or not being part of a 'clique' personally?
Rafał Janta

Rafał Janta aj em ju ar

Temat: pět pro pátek (21.11.2008)

warren whitmore:
Rafał Janta:
GL - L/D: It's accessible 24/7.
AS - L: variety, 5FF D: slightly cliquish

Do you object to 'cliquishness' generally, or not being part of a 'clique' personally?

The former.
I'm fine being on the sidelines.
Aleksandra D.

Aleksandra D. radca prawny,
doradztwo prawne i

Temat: pět pro pátek (21.11.2008)

Steve Jones:
I. What is it that you either like or dislike about GL, and especially Anglosphere?
GL Like: variety, professionalism with a wink
GL Dislike: people who can't give the above mentioned wink
Anglo Like: people, their unquestionable intelligence and sense of humour (sometimes gallows ;)), excellent English
Anglo Dislike: Understandable, but still, xenophobie.
II. How do you predict the end of humanity? What will happen?
The Sun will grow old, expand and die. So will the humanity.
III. Is there any particular sport you truly support? If yes, what is it? If no, why?
I am not sure I get the meaning of supporting mean, with money, donations? Or just simple being interested in some sport?
IV. Would you consider yourself as "addicted" to Internet use or at least PC use? If yes, what is your biggest time "waster"?
Hello, my name is Alex and I am addicted to Internet *shrugs* Of course I am heavily addicted. I waste my time on one thing: I keep switching. GL, work, NK, wiki, Focus, Grono, work, MSN, ICQ, work, work, Skype, mails, missbimbo (:P), weather forecast, CNN, Die Welt, Der Spiegel, work, wiki, glamour club, work, cambridge dictionary, work, e-mails, youtube, random page, random page.. The amount of things I can do in the internet never ceases to amaze me..
V. In your opinion, what is the dumbest thing you have ever done?
Hmm, maybe no the dumbest, but definitely dumb - I wrote my last will very professionaly and seriously (I am a lawyer after all) and left in on the desk. My significant other *winks and Tatiana* found it... *facepalms*
And... a bonus question from Steve:
6. Where's the strangest place you've Never had sex?
In that huge shopping trolley.

konto usunięte

Temat: pět pro pátek (21.11.2008)

Aleksandra Dziemaszkiewicz:
Anglo Dislike: Understandable, but still, xenophobie.

Out of curiosity, who is xenophobic here?
Aleksandra D.

Aleksandra D. radca prawny,
doradztwo prawne i

Temat: pět pro pátek (21.11.2008)

warren whitmore:
Aleksandra Dziemaszkiewicz:
Anglo Dislike: Understandable, but still, xenophobie.

Out of curiosity, who is xenophobic here?
None in particular, it's the group itself. Maybe xenophobia is not the best word, I am not sure. What I had in mind is some kind of...elitism of the group, the fact, that the group is hermetic in a way. You know each other pretty well, also IRL - that's why I added, that "xenophobia" (any more suitable word, please? ;)) is understandable.

konto usunięte

Temat: pět pro pátek (21.11.2008)

Aleksandra Dziemaszkiewicz:
warren whitmore:
Aleksandra Dziemaszkiewicz:
Anglo Dislike: Understandable, but still, xenophobie.

Out of curiosity, who is xenophobic here?
None in particular, it's the group itself. Maybe xenophobia is not the best word, I am not sure. What I had in mind is some kind of...elitism of the group, the fact, that the group is hermetic in a way. You know each other pretty well, also IRL - that's why I added, that "xenophobia" (any more suitable word, please? ;)) is understandable.

In that case, 'cliquish' would be a better description.
Aleksandra D.

Aleksandra D. radca prawny,
doradztwo prawne i

Temat: pět pro pátek (21.11.2008)

warren whitmore:
In that case, 'cliquish' would be a better description.
Thanks :)

konto usunięte

Temat: pět pro pátek (21.11.2008)

Aleksandra Dziemaszkiewicz:
warren whitmore:
In that case, 'cliquish' would be a better description.
Thanks :)

Thank Rafal.

He introduced the word to the discussion.
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: pět pro pátek (21.11.2008)

Rafał Janta:
warren whitmore:
Rafał Janta:
GL - L/D: It's accessible 24/7.
AS - L: variety, 5FF D: slightly cliquish

Do you object to 'cliquishness' generally, or not being part of a 'clique' personally?

The former.
I'm fine being on the sidelines.

Do you think cliques can be avoided?

konto usunięte

Temat: pět pro pátek (21.11.2008)

Steve Jones:
Do you think cliques can be avoided?
Ever seen a troop of capuchin monkeys? Those are some interesting monkeys. :)
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: pět pro pátek (21.11.2008)

Joj Y.:
Steve Jones:
Do you think cliques can be avoided?
Ever seen a troop of capuchin monkeys? Those are some interesting monkeys. :)

I've never seen that! Could you expand?

konto usunięte

Temat: pět pro pátek (21.11.2008)

Those are one cliquish animal. It seems like it's inate.:)

innateJoj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 23.11.08 o godzinie 01:36

Temat: pět pro pátek (21.11.2008)

Rafał Janta:
Dislike: too many people.

How about some downsizing, L.?
Can Mods do it? :)
Good you understood it the right way, as my statement may be ambiguous for some;)

In general the rules of any GL group are stated by its Zalozyciel, i.e. here being Steve ATM, so anything can be done by him or with his permission. Mods in this group also have some powers but the controversial decisions are usually discussed first.

So far the group has been recently closed to non-members, although it's still called 'open'. I'm seriously worried it's growing and the number of people posting remains almost the same. So I'd personally go for some fair downsizing. Any ideas?

You can call it a clique if you like:)
Rafał Janta

Rafał Janta aj em ju ar

Temat: pět pro pátek (21.11.2008)

Do you think cliques can be avoided?

I guess they can't.
Just like rain.
Can it be avoided? No
Can I dislike it? Hope so
Rafał Janta

Rafał Janta aj em ju ar

Temat: pět pro pátek (21.11.2008)

So far the group has been recently closed to non-members, although it's still called 'open'. I'm seriously worried it's growing and the number of people posting remains almost the same. So I'd personally go for some fair downsizing. Any ideas?

But downsizing those who never post anything wouldn't make much sense, would it?

konto usunięte

Temat: pět pro pátek (21.11.2008)

I don't see that people who are merely observing the group without posting are doing any harm, (well apart from our latest member).

In my opinion, anglo should be allowed to grow as big as possible, and be open to anyone who is not a pain in the arse.

Smaller satelite sub-groups can be formed using the anglo name to cater for those wanting more 'intimate' conversations.

'Cliquey' stuff can go on in the 'cliquey' groups.warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 23.11.08 o godzinie 09:36

konto usunięte

Temat: pět pro pátek (21.11.2008)

Precisely W. If I don't feel comfortable with thousands of eyes reading what I post, I don't post it where they can read it.

Simple as that.

Anglo-rebels ©™ - unite!

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Five for Friday: 14.13.2008

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