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Temat: pět pro pátek (21.11.2008)

Jarek A.:
Michał G.:
What I don't like: Jarek, he tried to molest me in the parking lot and escaped to Santa Monica afterwards... :(
Guess I wasn't fast enuff. :(

You didn't even write back! I... I thought that I've meant something to you, ya' know?

Guess it was my fault, next time I'll just go down on my knees ASAP instead of dick-teasing and playing hard to get... :(

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Temat: pět pro pátek (21.11.2008)

I can already see Anglo mods with cursors hovering above the "delete" button.

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Temat: pět pro pátek (21.11.2008)

They be infringing mah freedom of speech, huh?

Well, in that case...


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Temat: pět pro pátek (21.11.2008)

Steve Jones:
Questions courtesy of Łukasz Gorasiński!

I. What is it that you either like or dislike about GL, and especially Anglosphere?

It's too serious a question :) It's just a jokey Internet forum :)
II. How do you predict the end of humanity? What will happen?

Grażyna N. will French-kiss Warren.
III. Is there any particular sport you truly support? If yes, what is it? If no, why?
Fencing & all motorsports.
IV. Would you consider yourself as "addicted" to Internet use or at least PC use? If yes, what is your biggest time "waster"?
No, never. Just a couple of posts in the evening. Sometimes I'm too busy to remember about it. I waste plenty of time earning money.
V. In your opinion, what is the dumbest thing you have ever done?
I was 14, it was just before Xmas. I drank a couple of brown Porter beers, ate a bowl of pudding, and puked all over the ten floors of the block I lived in. It all froze like plaster and didn't come off until May :)
And... a bonus question from Steve:

6. Where's the strangest place you've Never had sex?
A gay club.Adam L. edytował(a) ten post dnia 21.11.08 o godzinie 20:04
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: pět pro pátek (21.11.2008)

Steve Jones:
Questions courtesy of Łukasz Gorasiński!

I. What is it that you either like or dislike about GL, and especially Anglosphere?
I like the people here on Anglo, well... Most of them!;) GL in general, I like the way you can make contacts, advertise yourself and have fun... All for free!!

I dislike the tendency for people to adopt an "I'm always right" standpoint and argue for the sake of arguing.

The thing I dislike the most is the overuse of the term "significant other"
II. How do you predict the end of humanity? What will happen?
The whore of Babylon will rise out of the sea and join GL. The abomination will be in a place it should not be!!
III. Is there any particular sport you truly support? If yes, what is it? If no, why?

I like pool and bowling... that kind of sport I can do!
IV. Would you consider yourself as "addicted" to Internet use or at least PC use? If yes, what is your biggest time "waster"?
I use it regularly, to good effect I think.. well, perhaps I do spend a bit too much time here!
V. In your opinion, what is the dumbest thing you have ever done?
I broke my knee jumping over a river of water in a street in Egypt.
And... a bonus question from Steve:

6. Where's the strangest place you've Never had sex?

IKEA in the bed section. I have this amusing thought of families walking round on a Saturday and they hit the bed section and there I am in full glory!

Just picture that!!Steve Jones edytował(a) ten post dnia 21.11.08 o godzinie 20:21
Agnieszka K.

Agnieszka K. Lektor i tłumacz

Temat: pět pro pátek (21.11.2008)

I. What is it that you either like or dislike about GL, and especially Anglosphere?

I am a newbie here so it's too early to say something critical, everything seems fine to me so far.

II. How do you predict the end of humanity? What will happen?

I predict that it will DEFINITELY happen. How? I've no idea and I do not give much of a toss as in all probability I won't be here to witness that memorable event!

III. Is there any particular sport you truly support? If yes, what is it? If no, why?

Nope, maybe belly dance and yoga, but do they actually qualify as "sports"? I used to be a football fan but kind of grew out of it.

IV. Would you consider yourself as "addicted" to Internet use or at least PC use? If yes, what is your biggest time "waster"?

Recently more than in the past, but I haven't reached the "addict" level(Yet!),hopefully. As you can see, I am trying to cut down on it ;-)

V. In your opinion, what is the dumbest thing you have ever done?

I don't remember.

6. Where's the strangest place you've Never had sex?

Knock knock knocking on heaven's door.....
Aleksandra P.

Aleksandra P. Specjalista HR

Temat: pět pro pátek (21.11.2008)

Steve Jones:
Questions courtesy of Łukasz Gorasiński!

I. What is it that you either like or dislike about GL, and especially Anglosphere?
I like GL for its variety, I love Anglo for its special kind of sense of humour and 5F5, and I don’t like bonus questions in 5F5.

II. How do you predict the end of humanity? What will happen?
Ecological disaster will probably be the cause.

III. Is there any particular sport you truly support? If yes, what is it? If no, why?
I love volleyball, I used to go around Poland to see the matches of our national team. I don’t have time for this any more, but our local Gdansk team is now growing stronger and maybe one day I will go and watch them in action.

IV. Would you consider yourself as "addicted" to Internet use or
at least PC use? If yes, what is your biggest time "waster"?
I tend to have addiction symptoms when I am too lazy to get myself occupied with other forms of activity.

V. In your opinion, what is the dumbest thing you have ever done?
I rejected a job offer. THE job offer.

And... a bonus question from Steve:

6. Where's the strangest place you've Never had sex?
No more answering bonus questions.

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Temat: pět pro pátek (21.11.2008)

I. What is it that you either like or dislike about GL, and especially Anglosphere?
In the beginning I was quite addicted to GL, something new, nice-to-read discussions, ...
Now ... I don't participate that much ... because to join a discussion is not always that easy. (but this is my opinion)
But I like mostly the active GL-members !

II. How do you predict the end of humanity? What will happen?
Indeed, like Ola said, ecological disaster.

III. Is there any particular sport you truly support? If yes, what is it? If no, why?
I like to play soccer, ping-pong, tennis, volleyball, ...

IV. Would you consider yourself as "addicted" to Internet use or at least PC use? If yes, what is your biggest time "waster"?
I'm indeed an addicted internet user ... following the news in Belgium, the world, GL, FB, ...

V. In your opinion, what is the dumbest thing you have ever done?
no idea for the moment

And... a bonus question from Steve:

6. Where's the strangest place you've Never had sex?
on the plane :)

Temat: pět pro pátek (21.11.2008)

Steve Jones:
Questions courtesy of Łukasz Gorasiński!

I. What is it that you either like or dislike about GL, and especially Anglosphere?

That I don't have enough time to waste it on GL ;)
II. How do you predict the end of humanity? What will happen?

In the shadow of the mushroom cloud, if I can use the words of Freddie Mercury. But after the end of the cold war maybe our last gasp will be in the shadow of some kind of the epidemic ;)
III. Is there any particular sport you truly support? If yes, what is it? If no, why?

I like watching martial arts, I used to practise it
IV. Would you consider yourself as "addicted" to Internet use or at least PC use? If yes, what is your biggest time "waster"?

Oh Gosh... Yeah, I'm so addicted to computers. My the biggest time wasters are the internet and games.
V. In your opinion, what is the dumbest thing you have ever done?

I don't have such a thing. I know, I'm booooring ;)
And... a bonus question from Steve:

6. Where's the strangest place you've Never had sex?

"Ever" or "Never"? ;D
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: pět pro pátek (21.11.2008)

6. Where's the strangest place you've Never had sex?

"Ever" or "Never"? ;D

I kind of did that on purpose wondering if anyone would misinterpret it as "ever" and get all hot and bothered and offended... Or, alternatively, actually answer it truthfully, if you know what I mean... ;))

I think Ola P might have fallen for the trap... But I'm not sure... I'll have to ask her...

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Temat: pět pro pátek (21.11.2008)

Steve Jones:
6. Where's the strangest place you've Never had sex?

"Ever" or "Never"? ;D

I kind of did that on purpose wondering if anyone would misinterpret it as "ever" and get all hot and bothered and offended... Or, alternatively, actually answer it truthfully, if you know what I mean... ;))

I think Ola P might have fallen for the trap... But I'm not sure... I'll have to ask her...
But...but... we've had the "ever" question already! So we didn't fall into your trap, sir.

(not that I'm a spoilsport)
Right, Jarek?
Aleksandra P.

Aleksandra P. Specjalista HR

Temat: pět pro pátek (21.11.2008)

Steve Jones:
I think Ola P might have fallen for the trap... But I'm not
sure... I'll have to ask her...
I haven't, Steve. I just wish 5for5 remained 5. Not six. Or five and a half. But you know, I've been in banking for 10 years. One can get a bit weird about numbers after such a long time.
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: pět pro pátek (21.11.2008)

Aleksandra P.:
Steve Jones:
I think Ola P might have fallen for the trap... But I'm not
sure... I'll have to ask her...
I haven't, Steve. I just wish 5for5 remained 5. Not six. Or five and a half. But you know, I've been in banking for 10 years. One can get a bit weird about numbers after such a long time.

What attracted you to banking?
Aleksandra P.

Aleksandra P. Specjalista HR

Temat: pět pro pátek (21.11.2008)

Steve Jones:

What attracted you to banking?
A vacant position at the time of 15% unemployment rate ;)

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Temat: pět pro pátek (21.11.2008)

Tatiana S.:
Right, Jarek?
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: pět pro pátek (21.11.2008)

Aleksandra P.:
Steve Jones:

What attracted you to banking?
A vacant position at the time of 15% unemployment rate ;)

And what kept you there 10 years?
Rafał Janta

Rafał Janta aj em ju ar

Temat: pět pro pátek (21.11.2008)

I. What is it that you either like or dislike about GL, and especially Anglosphere?

GL - L/D: It's accessible 24/7.
AS - L: variety, 5FF D: slightly cliquish

II. How do you predict the end of humanity? What will happen?

Not that I care much. I'll have been long gone I suppose.
Well, the last person will die childless.

III. Is there any particular sport you truly support? If yes, what is it? If no, why?

I enjoy all individual sports.
They're better done than supported.

IV. Would you consider yourself as "addicted" to Internet use or at least PC use? If yes, what is your biggest time "waster"?

GL. I've sorted out all the others. Or at least I choose to believe so.

V. In your opinion, what is the dumbest thing you have ever done?

Getting involved in this or that particular relation.
Aaahh and going all the way up to Ustka to throw the damn stone in the sea.

And... a bonus question from Steve:

6. Where's the strangest place you've Never had sex?

It'll sound disappointing but I'm not into having sex in strange places. So most of them are still for me to come. Or rather not.

konto usunięte

Temat: pět pro pátek (21.11.2008)

1. What I like about GL is that it brought the idea of social and business networking to Poland as it should be - open, friendly, entertaining, not too serious, not too much talk shop. What I dislike is the fact it's a bit cliquish, I therefore agree with Rafał. There are several groups that function like Medieval guilds or corporations and make you feel like a piece of s#$% if you do not meet the criteria stated by Mr/Ms Mod and His/Her Humble Servants.

2. Whatever happens, I hope somebody will play this song.

3. Ski jumping, but am I a true supporter? Nah, it's just for these stunning Norwegian lads...

4. Well, apart from GL it's http://icanhascheezburger.com - a day without LOLcats is a wasted one! But seriously, I don't find myself addicted. My new job has a great impact on tearing me away from the Internet. Plus I got some nice books for birthday!

5. It happened in Greece. The waiter brought some retsina for the table. The bottle had a metal cap. He put the bottle right in front of me and opened it with an ordinary opener. I was
sure it was beer. I grabbed the bottle with my hand, took a deep gulp... and therefore caused a great confusion around the table :)


6. Let's say... a devastated bus stop somewhere in Bieszczady - it's definitely too windy ;PMagda B. edytował(a) ten post dnia 22.11.08 o godzinie 11:17

Temat: pět pro pátek (21.11.2008)

I. What is it that you either like or dislike about GL, and especially Anglosphere?
Like: the variety of topics, groups and people
Dislike: extremes in people's behaviour and flirting
Anglo: I like the fact I can use my English for my own pleasure, not just for work. And I like the people.
Dislike: too many people.
II. How do you predict the end of humanity? What will happen?
Read the Apocalypse in the New Testament, it's got all described nicely.
III. Is there any particular sport you truly support? If yes, what is it? If no, why?
High jump because my brother does it.
Basketball for sentimental reasons.
Athletics in general because they have nice bodies.
Was exposed to numerous lectures on rugby but still resistant.
Hate football.
IV. Would you consider yourself as "addicted" to Internet use or at least PC use? If yes, what is your biggest time "waster"?
Yes, GL, FB, GW, NK.
V. In your opinion, what is the dumbest thing you have ever done?
repeated the same mistake and suffered severe consequences
6. Where's the strangest place you've Never had sex?
a toilet

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Temat: pět pro pátek (21.11.2008)

Dislike: ...and flirting
You took the words out of my mouth/fingers. How 'bout a little dignity? :)

Następna dyskusja:

Five for Friday: 14.13.2008

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