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Temat: Pet Corner

Tatiana S.:

And she sleeps in my
bed, crawling in there at night, scaring the shit out of me. I hate waking up at night and finding strange objects in my bed, or on my head to be exact

Today morning I found A SLICE OF BREAD in my bed. The dog says it's not her, but I know THE TRUTH.
As for my cat...

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Temat: Pet Corner

Hey! I laughed today!!! Thanks :)

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Temat: Pet Corner

Kamila G.:
As for my cat...

SIMON'S CAT!!! Brilliant! Awesome! And true!!! :)
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Pet Corner

And these are my creatures. They can be idiots sometimes, but they are so dam sweet.


It is usually hard to catch them together, and I took this photo with my telephone.


Atomik is 3,5 y.o. Very aristocratic and silent. He used to be hyperactive when he was a baby, that explains his name.
He is jealous of the younger one. He used to sleep on me, my laps; but when Aslan is around, he prefers to sleep far.
But he is very friendly and calm. At least at home. Usually that's the one who catches mice in the garden.


Aslan is LOUD. Still like a baby. Has a strange walking style. I think he thinks he is cool but boy, he is funny.
He sleeps like dragons, I'll have to find a picture to show.

Atomik also sleeps in a little funny/strange ways.
This one is my favorite:


Too much light probably. Atomik likes to lay under the sun, go under blankets etc.

Aslan (the younger) doesn't like sun at all. But forces you touch him. If you don't touch him when he wants, puts his head/nose under your hand or arm.


"Hair" of Aslan is more dense compared to Atomik, that's why it takes more time to wash him.


He kind of got used to it. He complains, but it is easy to handle him, really.


But I believe, they both hate me especially when I wash them :)

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Temat: Pet Corner

Ilter, the cats are great!
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Pet Corner

Aren't they...

...and I love catching funny moments


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Temat: Pet Corner

I have NEVER seen a cat sitting so quietly while washing. Do you hypnotise them?
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Pet Corner

No, I don't. :)
But I think I have become more gentle and experienced in washing cats.
They usually meow loudly and complain... if I leave them 'alone' for more than 5 seconds, they perish from the bathroom.

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Temat: Pet Corner

Ilter, they're just PURRRRRfect!!! Atomik sleeping "en face" rulezz :)

Temat: Pet Corner

Absolutely agreed with Magda about the face sleep.
Can I steal this pic?

Temat: Pet Corner

Kamila G.:
this is fantastic
how come they've observed my cat?!
(the one with the tv remote is also great!)

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Temat: Pet Corner

Lidia K.:
Kamila G.:
this is fantastic
how come they've observed my cat?!
(the one with the tv remote is also great!)
Hey! It's MY cat!!! The scratching!
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Pet Corner

Lidia K.:
Absolutely agreed with Magda about the face sleep.
Can I steal this pic?
Go ahead :)
I have more of such :)

Temat: Pet Corner

ilter K.:
Can I steal this pic?
Go ahead :)
I have more of such :)
Why not post them here?
Let's occupy the precious server space of GL with the pics! ;)

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Temat: Pet Corner

Not a pet (sometimes a pest), but that sleeping positions post reminded me of this:


Następna dyskusja:

Video corner - our favorite...

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