Temat: people met accidentally

Do you believe in accidents?

Have you ever met a person by accident, started talking in the street /on a train/bus and it turned out to be a valuable relationship (of various type)?

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Temat: people met accidentally

I have met my woman, at the seaside just by accident, it was six years ago. I went on holiday with my parents and sisters, furthermore she also was with her parrents in the same area. After when I saw her at the first time I couldn't stop observing, even stalking her -if may I use such a word. It was so strange you know, I was so nervus and terribly shy to do the first step, moreover I was pretty much afraid of her "huge father"- (who is, what comes out later, a very cool guy), that's why I have used my younger sister, who was very sweet that time, to do an small "investigation"/"review"-in the army it's called "Recon". She went to meet her and she did her mission well.
You can say that I am telling you some crap, think whatever you want but that's the true story.
Anyhow, as a result I'm getting married in next week ;)

Temat: people met accidentally

Congratulations, Łukasz!

That's exactly the type of a story suitable for this thread :)

So if you don't mind me asking, what was the very first context when you saw her 'by accident'?

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Temat: people met accidentally

When I saw her the very first thought wich came to my mind was:
- She is so innocent, so sweet, but she for sure has a boyfriend!!!
Eventhough I truly wanted to observe, stare at her like a fool who has just saw an angel... I know that it might be funny or even pathetic for somebody- I do not care about that!!! I just felt that and it was all mine, the heart beating and so on...

In order to add some reality apart form this lovely story, we have got 6 years relationship experiance, but I need to underline that relationship is really hard challenge and I think that it ends right after when you both stop truly talking.Łukasz Klejment edytował(a) ten post dnia 22.08.08 o godzinie 11:17

Temat: people met accidentally

it's not pathetic it's beautiful

but re. this accidental meeting - was it a beach, a jetty, a fish place, a disco?
do you still have a vivid memory of this FIRST moment?

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Temat: people met accidentally

but re. this accidental meeting - was it a beach, a jetty, a fish place, a disco?

- It was on the beach ;)

do you still have a vivid memory of this FIRST moment?

- Of course I do have, I remember every detail ;) and I won't forget that moment until the very end of my life

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Temat: people met accidentally

About 15 years ago I once had some kind of romance with a Greek lawyer.

I just walked into the wrong office.

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Temat: people met accidentally

My wife and I met in a mosh pit.

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Temat: people met accidentally

Rafal W.:
My wife and I met in a mosh pit.


we will be pleased to hear some details, if it's not a secret?

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Temat: people met accidentally

I once met a Canadian woman who was robbed on the train, she just got off empty-handed in Opole and asked me to help her. I took her to my place, fed her, checked the address of the Canadian Embassy in Warsaw and borrowed her 200 zloty, which was a huge amount of money for me back then. About 3 weeks later, I received a letter from Canada and 200 dollars. We are still in touch today.
Ewa B.

Ewa B. redaktor, tłumacz

Temat: people met accidentally

Ehhh...Opole... ;-)

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Temat: people met accidentally

Well we were at this bar called "Screwy Luis’” in a small town in New Jersey, where some of our friends were playing, there was a bunch of acts from Europe along with some locals. It was a weekly event and it always attracted a crap load of our mutual friends and over all just fun loving mosh pit attendees.
It was well into the night, so I was well into … the nth pint etc… she pushed me, I pushed her, we exchange romantic glances right in between someone’s fist flying and another flying kick coupled with a spinning arm of impending doom… I managed to crawl out of the pit and slur: “ugh… can I like get yer numba or something…” it was love at first site… haha… we ended up making plans to meet up the following week at another mosh pit… about a week later we were practically living together in her Manhattan apt. that was 11 years ago…

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Temat: people met accidentally

This sort of thing keeps happening to me all the time. Like my life is run by a neverending chain of coincidences. I bumped into my American ex when I was getting off a bus. In Poland ;)

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Temat: people met accidentally

AND!! THAT!!! is incredible story, furthermore it's pretty original!!!

Rafal W.:
Well we were at this bar called "Screwy Luis’” in a small town in New Jersey, where some of our friends were playing, there was a bunch of acts from Europe along with some locals. It was a weekly event and it always attracted a crap load of our mutual friends and over all just fun loving mosh pit attendees.
It was well into the night, so I was well into … the nth pint etc… she pushed me, I pushed her, we exchange romantic glances right in between someone’s fist flying and another flying kick coupled with a spinning arm of impending doom… I managed to crawl out of the pit and slur: “ugh… can I like get yer numba or something…” it was love at first site… haha… we ended up making plans to meet up the following week at another mosh pit… about a week later we were practically living together in her Manhattan apt. that was 11 years ago…

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Temat: people met accidentally

Łukasz Klejment:
AND!! THAT!!! is incredible story, furthermore it's pretty original!!!


hehe... thnx man, if add that we got married about 7 months later would it make it even more exciting? What was funny, we got married rather young, so we were still going out and now and again someone would say “who’s that chic in the pit?” and I’d say “My wife”
.. “word!” is usually the answer I’d get back.

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Temat: people met accidentally

You were very brave, as you got married 7 months right after you have met.
I admire you!!

Rafal W.:
Łukasz Klejment:
AND!! THAT!!! is incredible story, furthermore it's pretty original!!!


hehe... thnx man, if add that we got married about 7 months later would it make it even more exciting? What was funny, we got married rather young, so we were still going out and now and again someone would say “who’s that chic in the pit?” and I’d say “My wife”
.. “word!” is usually the answer I’d get back.

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Temat: people met accidentally

Łukasz Klejment:
You were very brave, as you got married 7 months right after you have met.
I admire you!!

haha.. yea... it was one of those things where we just knew.

Temat: people met accidentally

Wow, how romantic! :))

When I was moving into my flat 3 yrs ago it was wintertime, December.
Late in the evening I was walking in the snow towards the bus stop only to discover that buses are vary rare in this area and there's nothing for the next hour or so.

On my way back to the empty flat from the bus stop I bumped into somene who also confused the times of buses. He suggested we took a taxi together to town (where I live now is a wild area really).

We ended up in a nice pub. I immediately fell in love with him during this conversation and it took me a month or so to realize that he didn't. and he was just being nice :)

It took so much longer to accept it ;) I think it's because he was so nice, so the message wasn't clear for me.
Fortunately we don't live very close to each other.

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Temat: people met accidentally

I see one common conclusion emerging from the posts above: it's not fate, it's not coincidence, it's the bloody buses. So, perhaps it's much better to use cars. No exes, no broken hearts, no snow, just sheer driving pleasure.

Temat: people met accidentally


Adam, you never had a nice chat with someone whose car you'd hit accidentally?

Następna dyskusja:

We met Keith in Warsaw ;)

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