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Temat: Pani Ola's latest article: "It cracks me up":

Norman Davis writes about Polish history with enthusiasm and fascination - does it mean that his attitude is representative of all the British people? IMHO very few British people share his knowledge of Poland, her history and culture.... I may be wrong, of course:)

Very few English people know a great deal about Poland.

But then again, why should they?

Do Poles know much about (say) Bulgaria?

And if you don't, should you?

Is it necessary to know the name of the Bulgarian president, the leader of the Bulgarian Orthodox church and the important dates in Bulgaerian history to be well informed?warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 14.04.08 o godzinie 01:40

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Temat: Pani Ola's latest article: "It cracks me up":

Ewa K.:
You really hate Pani Ola, guys, eh?

I don't hate her, I don't like what she writes and her attitude towards any form of criticism. She claims to be a journalist but she writes bullocks and can't stand any kind of constructive criticism - she gets offended instead. She doesn't represent me or my opinions but I feel ashamed reading her articles. That's it.

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Temat: Pani Ola's latest article: "It cracks me up":

C'mon! If we had to treat everyone so seriously we would have to give up our Polish passports as there are many pseudo-specialists writing or talking about Poland in ways far from admirable....

No, Warren, people don't have to have knowledge of anything or anyone... :) Gaining knowledge is a matter of choice, I think:)

What I meant was that this Pani Ola is no representative of Poland... just someone writing about how she perceives the world, whether her perception is objectively true or not is a different thing... I personally am not bothered:)Ewa K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 13.04.08 o godzinie 17:00

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Temat: Pani Ola's latest article: "It cracks me up":

Ewa K.:
What I meant was that this Pani Ola is no representative of Poland... just someone writing about how she perceives the world, whether her perception is objectively true or not is a different thing... I personally am not bothered:)

The Guardian deliberately sought out 'foreign' correspondents to provide their readership with alternative perspectives.

Pani Ola is their 'Polish' commentator, therefore her role is to enable Guardian readers to view the world from a 'Polish' perspective.

Unfortunately, as most Guardian readers are completely unfamiliar with the views of other Poles, what pani Ola has to say will get taken by many as being 'the voice of Poland'.

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Temat: Pani Ola's latest article: "It cracks me up":

Unfortunately, as most Guardian readers are completely unfamiliar with the views of other Poles, what pani Ola has to say will get taken by many as being 'the voice of Poland'.

That would be truly sad - but, then again, if people choose to form their opinions of a country based on one person's beliefs, then... hmmmm... they will never have a good picture of the country....

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Temat: Pani Ola's latest article: "It cracks me up":

Ewa K.:
Unfortunately, as most Guardian readers are completely unfamiliar with the views of other Poles, what pani Ola has to say will get taken by many as being 'the voice of Poland'.

That would be truly sad - but, then again, if people choose to form their opinions of a country based on one person's beliefs, then... hmmmm... they will never have a good picture of the country....

In this case they may not be 'choosing'.

Where would they find alternative opinions unless they happen to speak Polish?

I don't know of any other well known newspaper in which a Pole has her own opinion column.
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Pani Ola's latest article: "It cracks me up":

One of the most intriguing things about Pani Ola (and this is probably why she got this gig with the Guardian) is that she winds people up and makes good copy.

In a way, she represents the view of the immigrant who doesn't integrate, and there are a lot of them out there. Looking at myself, I guess for years here I didn't really integrate that well, if I'm honest with myself. After a while, though, it got easier and I started to moan less about Poland.

I think Pani Ola too could break through that barrier of resistence. At the moment she sees life in Britain through very short-sighted strong Polish lenses. Ultimately to her detriment.

I don't agree that people would read her blogs and think that this is the voice of Poland, as the vast amount of opposition shows. I personally think they take it as what it is: one person's view.

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Temat: Pani Ola's latest article: "It cracks me up":

It's very hard to know what people out there think, as 90% of them would know SFA about Poland and Poles.

I don't believe that there is vast opposition out there. Only to the 'English for Dummies' article, which was self-evidently absurd, even to the most self-flagelating, self-loathing, pinko-liberal, Guardian reader, something that takes some doing.

Apart from this, Guardian readers just love anything critical of their own nationality.warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 14.04.08 o godzinie 01:30

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Temat: Pani Ola's latest article: "It cracks me up":

Ewa K.:
You really hate Pani Ola, guys, eh?

I wonder what you will say about her other blog:

You call three entries her "other blog"? How considerate.

What is wrong with Aleksandra is that, as Warren pointed out, she accepts no criticism - and maybe that's why she's doing research on converts to Islam. When I read her articles I sometimes get the feeling she's struggling through a really bad culture shock and her only way to overcome it is to spit on everyone and everything around, including her own country. The comments she makes (like the ones on uni graduates having to "dumbing down your English" while working as a washer upper) are sometimes so childish and pathetic that they make me think the Guardian lets her publish her articles just for the heck of it.

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Temat: Pani Ola's latest article: "It cracks me up":

Steve Jones:

In a way, she represents the view of the immigrant > who doesn't integrate

You know, I was really trying to come up with a way of putting it eloquently and you nailed it. Right on the money. Her views and opinions are based on a very short and brief interaction that she had with the English. Furthermore, her "historical" views and opinions lack any sort of factual essence. For her not to notice the resentment that Poles had and still have for Russians directly correspond to her previews article in which she admitted to missing the whole Solidarnosc movement due to being infatuated with a boy in her class. That was the biggest gorilla at the world's dining table and she sort of missed it, I can just imagine things that she's been missing while living in a foreign country.

I think Pani Ola too could break through that >barrier of resistence. At the moment she sees life in Britain >through very short-sighted strong Polish lenses. Ultimately to >her detriment.

Only way to break through that barrier would be for her to stop hanging out with the people who keep feeding her such rubbish opinions. Another thing that could definitely help greatly is to stop generalizing; objective writing is somewhat of a must when you are a journalist.

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Temat: Pani Ola's latest article: "It cracks me up":

I have found Aleksanrda to be kind and gracious, personally.

how`the f@#$ do you like THAT?
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Pani Ola's latest article: "It cracks me up":

Joj Y.:
I have found Aleksanrda to be kind and gracious, personally.

how`the f@#$ do you like THAT?

Well I'M nicer than that, ya f@#$in' p*&^k!!!

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Temat: Pani Ola's latest article: "It cracks me up":

would both of you just shut the f*#% up and not make total cluster F%&$ of nonsense out of yet another thread? Jeez...
grow the f*%& up already!Rafal Wolk edytował(a) ten post dnia 14.04.08 o godzinie 18:01

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Temat: Pani Ola's latest article: "It cracks me up":

Damn, Rafał..alright.

I was nervous about raking her over the coals. I was socialized that way. She is much weaker than you all.

The fact is she reminds me of the "scientific racists" I have studied.Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 20.04.08 o godzinie 06:39

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Temat: Pani Ola's latest article: "It cracks me up":

Joj Y.:

The fact is she reminds me of the "scientific racists" I have
Do tell ... sounds very interesting.

Temat: Pani Ola's latest article: "It cracks me up":

I have to say I think people are generally being a bit hard on the woman. I never found any of her posts offensive in any way, a bit naive sometimes, but not offensive. On the other hand a lot of the comments on her blog posts are clearly offensive and unnecessarily off-hand.

I agree that she's not 'integrated' in the sense that she accepts British culture as it is, but is that such a bad thing? And is it fair to expect her to be? Can't we take a little criticism without jumping up and down? In an age when we can move freely between European states to work it would be absurd to expect everyone to integrate every time they moved somewhere else.

Just my take.
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Pani Ola's latest article: "It cracks me up":

Jamie Stokes:
I have to say I think people are generally being a bit hard on the woman. I never found any of her posts offensive in any way, a bit naive sometimes, but not offensive. On the other hand a lot of the comments on her blog posts are clearly offensive and unnecessarily off-hand.

I agree that she's not 'integrated' in the sense that she accepts British culture as it is, but is that such a bad thing? And is it fair to expect her to be? Can't we take a little criticism without jumping up and down? In an age when we can move freely between European states to work it would be absurd to expect everyone to integrate every time they moved somewhere else.

Just my take.

I think it's easier to take criticism when it's delivered from an informed perspective.

When it's delivered from an uninformed perspective it just ends up sounding prejudice, critical, judgemental and often downright inaccurate.

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