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Temat: Pani Ola has just left..

It isn't really all that difficult to stir up controversy.

For example, if I were to write a column in 'the Guardian' expressing my profound admiration for Adolf Hitler, my sincere belief in the existence of the Loch Ness Monster, or a conviction that homosexuals be castrated, no doubt I could better the 600 plus replies she got for the ludicrous 'English for Dummies' article.

Pani Ola is famous for one thing only, and that is writing bollocks.

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Temat: Pani Ola has just left..

Steven H.:
She can't be bothered to understand that no one has anything against her personally, it's about the way she writes, and the style too, that get criticised, but at the same time - generate attention, which, for any writer or artist, is truly beneficial.

I'm not sure that it always is beneficial. Will the Guardian give her a positive review and a new contract with higher wage because the general feeling from the readership is that she is a crap writer with crap opinions?
Causing controversy by saying that God doesn't exist does boost your profile. Being considered poor at your job doesn't.*

Maybe I just used the wrong words - but I still think many Poles would defend her just for the fact that she is a Pole herself - it's just the mentality.
Do you think it's controversial to say gods don't exist? (or a God)

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Temat: Pani Ola has just left..

Well, I don't think people should really worry about Pani Ola. Now, apart from writing for the Guardian, she'll write in a monthly magazine in Belfast and here's her first article for the paper: http://linkpolska.com/?/dokument/283/anglik_bywa_roman... (that's if you haven't read it yet)

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Temat: Pani Ola has just left..

here's her first article for the paper: http://linkpolska.com/?/dokument/283/anglik_bywa_roman... (that's if you haven't read it yet)

Well, she just amazes us with her many talents. Did you know that she has read a book on anger management? She'll no doubt be a Dr in that too within a short while.

Temat: Pani Ola has just left..

Steven H.:
Well, she just amazes us with her many talents. Did you know that she has read a book on anger management? She'll no doubt be a Dr in that too within a short while.
So that's why she left GL... so she could manage her anger better - where noone will make her angry ;)

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Temat: Pani Ola has just left..

Grazyna N.:
Well, I don't think people should really worry about Pani Ola. Now, apart from writing for the Guardian, she'll write in a monthly magazine in Belfast and here's her first article for the paper: http://linkpolska.com/?/dokument/283/anglik_bywa_roman... (that's if you haven't read it yet)

I doubt whether she earns serious money for anything other than her articles for the Guardian.

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Temat: Pani Ola has just left..

Just one further point. I knew an English guy in Szczecin who was a complete 'weirdo'. He actually did a pani Ola in reverse, that is wrote articles in Polish about Poland for Gazeta Wyborcza.

Anyway, in one of his 'strange' articles, he wrote that Polish people 'smelt'.

The reaction of his students in the University was not kind. They boycotted his classes, and wrote a petition that he be sacked.

I didn't have much sympathy for him. If he wanted to write stupid articles, what did he expect to happen.

Moral: don't write stupid articles critical of another nationality if you want to be liked by them.

Hardly rocket science now, is it?warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 11.05.08 o godzinie 12:54
Tim Harrell

Tim Harrell Lektor Angielskiego

Temat: Pani Ola has just left..

My own exposure to the great Pani Ola Controversy came as a result of reading a post on another forum from a guy who constantly bashes the Brits, where he name dropped her as a character witness for his argument about the Brits being pathologically dumb, etc, etc

I couldn't resist this provocation so I wrote a reply, which I'll include here:
I've read some of her earlier articles, and she seems to be nurturing some kind of persecution complex about being Polish in the sceptred isle, as well as betraying an element of wounded self-hatred that comes across as juvenile and neurotic (like the tone of her articles), as if she wanted to flagellate herself in public for some reason.

In her article 'Eastern Promises' ( commentisfree.guardian.co.uk/aleksandra_lojekma... she cites a perception that Polish girls are seen as having yellow teeth, which is bizarre. If there is a perception about Polish girls amongst the UK natives, it certainly isn't as yellow-toothed mingers but rather the opposite. Her research for this assertion appears to have consisted of picking up one of those free newspapers on the tube.

She then goes on to say the following:
"Or there is the other reaction: yes, they are nice and hard-working, but we will not invite them to tea because their job is dirty. But we can patronise them from time to time and be grateful that the economy has been boosted. And deconstruct them in the media as if they were just cute creatures able to work like robots, take benefits, and get drunk. *** There is no deeper approach in the public realm.." ***(my emphasis)

So that's it then. Apparently the only approach taken is what she's told us above and no other commentary about the Polish in Britain, in any part of the media, goes beyond this. Note the juvenile and neurotic tone. Mommy must have sent her up to bed early for being naughty.

'Instrumentalisation' - the word she uses as an example of her superior vocab, is not a word in common currency, at least outside the realms of sociology departments. It is not present in either the Chambers dictionary or the Cambridge (Advanced) dictionary, or in the OED Concise. Try typing it in a Word document and see what your spell checker does (try the -zation version also, in case you have US English). Someone might perhaps mistakenly use it in a music review when what they actually mean is instrumentation.
Perhaps with her instrumentalizacja she has actually made the same mistake as some of my students, who often say localisation when they mean location (lokalizacja). Maybe she picked it up from French, where it appears to be more popular.

She also has the quote (from the earlier article): Some urbanites ask: "Well, golly, you're a university professor. Are you sure you want to clean my house?"

This sounds like something she just plucked out of thin air. The sentence is deliberately ambiguous - perhaps *she* is the person that was asked this question, as many readers will assume, but a glimpse at her profile gives us nothing to indicate she is a professor of anything. Perhaps one of her friends is the professor who went to the clean the house? In which case, might I suggest that her friend writes the next article?
And that's my last word on Pani Ola.
As the Arabs say - though the dog barks the caravan will pass.

For completists, the original thread can be viewed below (WARNING! Reading this forum will expose you to many toxic personalities, including my own)


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Temat: Pani Ola has just left..

That was a fantastic post, Tim.

I'm jealous.

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Temat: Pani Ola has just left..

Malgorzata W.

Malgorzata W. Performance Analyst,
Bank Of New York
Mellon, UK

Temat: Pani Ola has just left..

Witam wszystkich i przepraszam z gory za pisanie po Polsku.
Bardzo sie dziwie jak nieobiektywni potrafia byc jakby sie wydawalo inteligentni ludzie. Przeczytalam kilka postow na temat pani Oli we wczesniejszych waszych dyskusjach i szczerze mowiac konstruktywna krytyka bym ich nie nazwala..Naprawde nie dziwie sie ze nie chciala podejmowac zadnej dyskusji. Mysle ze inteligentny czlowiek nie czuje potrzeby reagowania na chamstwo i teksty w stylu "verbal diarrhoea" na ktora jakoby cierpi pani Ola.
To nie jej zachowanie nazwalabym dziecinne ale wasze, poniewaz takie komentarze sa zupelnie zbedne i ponizej pasa. Mysle ze to spowodowalo jej brak interwencj i po prostu rezygnacja z forum. Chyba kazdy znalazl sie tutaj by poznac interesujacych ludzi, porozmawiac na rozne interesujace tematy. Nie sadze zeby ktokolwiek o zdrowych zmyslach mial ochote rozmawiac z wlasnej woli z ludzmi ktorzy nie maja do niego szcunku i traktuja jak smiecia (a takie odnioslam wrazenie czytajac wasze komentarze). Nie ma to nic wspolnego uwazam z brakiem profesjonalizmu ktory jej zarzucacie poniewaz jak juz wyzej wspomnialam wasza krytyka byla bardzo chamska i dziecinna. Sama forma waszej krytyki jest obrzydliwia i zdziwilabym sie jakby jakakolwiek osoba na poziomie miala ochote w tym uczestniczyc. Wyzwiska kazdy odbiera osobiscie wiec nie rozumiem waszego zdziwienia.
Poza tym blog pani Oli prowadzony jest podobnie jak inne by opowiadac o tym co dzieje sie w jej zyciu wiec tez nie rozumiem waszego oburzenia tym ze napisala o tym jak zostala potraktowana a podkreslam ze nie dziwie sie ze nie miala ochoty podejmowac jakakoliek dyskusji i tlumaczyc sie przed ludzmi ktorzy nie potrafia na poziomie porozmawiac o tym co im sie nie podoba jesli nie uzyja wyzisk, chamskiej ironni i ponizania.

Malgorzata Wiech

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Temat: Pani Ola has just left..

Generally, I'd get rid of any posts in Polish on this forum, but I'll allow the above.

Rather than myself, does anyone else wish to make a reply (in English of course).

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Temat: Pani Ola has just left..

Like I said a few posts above, people will back her just because she's Polish.
Małgorzata, you have just insulted most members of the Anglosphere and haven't really criticised their actions in a very constructive way. Now, they should all feel offended and tell everyone you've come here to say things such as "chamstwo", "obrzydliwia" (whatever that is supposed to mean) etc., therefore they're going to just leave GL and bear a grudge forever and ever, amen.
Why don't you go scold the Guardian readers who dared to comment on Aleksandra's articles? Please tell them to stop calling her names, and get more constructive, otherwise, I don't know - you'll stop reading the Guardian (if you do)?
No one here abused Aleksandra in a way other than by expressing their bewilderment at the inadequacy of her articles, as well as her inability to understand that she, in fact, has offended both the British people whose hospitality she is (or, well, isn't as they never invite her for homemade lunches) enjoying right now, and her fellow citizens by presenting an image of a never satisfied immigrant who just takes without giving, and does so in a most irritating way.
I could understand her irritation, but why would someone go and bitch about being criticized to all and sundry goes beyond my simple understanding of the real world.

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Temat: Pani Ola has just left..

English only, Gosia.

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Temat: Pani Ola has just left..

Joj Y.:
English only, Gosia.

It's ok in this case I think.

In my opinion those who sympathise with her tend to have limited English, and it is good to hear both points of view.

Although I think future posts should be in English.

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Temat: Pani Ola has just left..

And I think I'll just sign out of every open group. It just gets irritating after a while.

[I meant this to be a joke, btw, hope most of you get it]Tatiana S. edytował(a) ten post dnia 12.05.08 o godzinie 13:47

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Temat: Pani Ola has just left..

It'll only be this one time.

Temat: Pani Ola has just left..

Malgorzata Wiech:
Well, I can only say, that Malgorzata just did the same thing of which she accuses people from Anglosphere did to pani Ola...
And I agree with Tatiana, I think she only wrote it because pani Ola is Polish... :/

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Temat: Pani Ola has just left..

I wonder if every columnist gets this sort of back when they get criticized for publishing absolute rubbish. Let me guess, you are a friend or family member? I mean it has got to be one of the above; otherwise this would not make much sense.
Have you ever taken the time to actually read what she has to say in her so called articles? Do you actually agree with what’s said? Your profile says that you live in Leeds, is this how you too view the Brits? As a nation of distant, lonely, unfriendly and dumb people? Last but not least, do you own a matching pair of plastic chairs? Do you eat out or cook? How about the 80’s and the martial law, do you recall those events, or did you also miss that entire event due to a love affair? So many questions, yet I am afraid that I won’t get any answers. Such is life I guess…
To answer your questions, Pani Ola was openly asked to a debate by more than just few people from this forum, each time, she took offence. This is not a kindergarten, in the real world, people get criticized and scrutinized for a lot of different things, when you are a reporter, or a writer for a periodical such as “The Guardian” you will catch negative opinions, especially when you decide to take on the responsibility of being a mouth piece of a nation and especially when that mouth piece is spewing some serious nonsense.Rafal Wolk edytował(a) ten post dnia 12.05.08 o godzinie 13:49

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Temat: Pani Ola has just left..

Tatiana S.:
And I think I'll just sign out of every open group. It just gets irritating after a while.

[I meant this to be a joke, btw, hope most of you get it]Tatiana S. edytował(a) ten post dnia 12.05.08 o godzinie 13:47

To be honest, Tatiana, as you've probably realised by now, I'm pretty hopeless at 'reading' you.

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