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Temat: overlearning

I suggest this is a suitable subject for discussion on the 'anglospace' group:


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Temat: overlearning

If anyone wants to discuss Dawid's method seriously please do so here .....

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Temat: overlearning

Dawid S.:
What exactly do you have against my approach? Please, tell me without being ironic.

I haven't really studied the method.

I believe people don't liked being 'spammed' by advertisements of 'miracle' methods.

I run a language school. I try to be honest with people. I don't claim to have any 'special' method, and am extremely sceptical of any one method of learning English being 'better' than any other method.

My method would be 'hard work'.warren W. edytował(a) ten post dnia 05.01.10 o godzinie 13:02

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Temat: overlearning

I haven't really studied the method.

If you haven't studied it, don't complain about it.
I believe people don't liked being 'spammed' by advertisements of 'miracle' methods.

It is not a miracle. I stated that very clearly.
I run a language school. I try to be honest with people. I don't claim to have any 'special' method, and am extremely sceptical of any one method of learning English being 'better' than any other method.

Szylar Method isn't special and it is not for everybody. Especially for people attending language schools.
My method would be 'hard work'.

Mine as well... read this:

here are the answers for all your doubts:

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Temat: overlearning

Reading aloud is a good method which I would recommend to students.

"Szylar Method is little known and not really popular so far. It requires student to flawlessly read out loud a body of text, which is preceded by careful listening to the audio version from the audiobook."

However, if you are working alone, how can you tell if you are reading aloud correctly?

You need someone to point out to you if you are saying things in the 'wrong' way.

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Temat: overlearning

warren W.:
Reading aloud is a good method which I would recommend to students.

"Szylar Method is little known and not really popular so far. It requires student to flawlessly read out loud a body of text, which is preceded by careful listening to the audio version from the audiobook."

However, if you are working alone, how can you tell if you are reading aloud correctly?

You need someone to point out to you if you are saying things in the 'wrong' way.

That's why you must provide yoursef with the good quality audiobook. Proper imitation is the key. It is not for beginners Warren.

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Temat: overlearning

As well as reading aloud, you also need a degree of interaction.

Reading aloud from books helps no-one in real life.

Unless you happen to be playing a role in a Handful of Dust or Lektor.

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Temat: overlearning

Dawid S.:
I strongly support the language professionals I know here. I have the best confidence in their programs and what they say.

The article opened my mind to accepting the advertisement as fair, because you present your claims in a balanced way.

(I'm neither a language teaching professional nor a student).Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 05.01.10 o godzinie 13:50

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Temat: overlearning

Thank youDawid S. edytował(a) ten post dnia 05.01.10 o godzinie 14:10

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Temat: overlearning

Whether the method is good or bad, I'd say you're not going about presenting it in the right way.

People are naturally highly sceptical of this kind of thing, and rightly so.

Everyone here has seen too many advertisements for language schools and methods.

That's why I wouldn't bother to advertise here personally.

Furthermore the group is primarily for social interaction in English. This kind of thing should be kept in the adverts thread.

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Temat: overlearning

Are you blind people? I posted a link to my group, an invitation, not an advert...

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Temat: overlearning

There is a 'sticky' thread for links as well if you hadn't noticed.
Andrzej S.

Andrzej S. Krok za krokiem, do

Temat: overlearning

Don't get emotional :P

Temat: overlearning

Dawid S.:
Are you blind people? I posted a link to my group, an invitation, not an advert...

You should be happy that someone actually took the time to respond to this spam.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: overlearning

Dawid S.:
Are you blind people?
Good job, Dawid!
You've lost it right there... at least in this little group, I mean.

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Temat: overlearning

I think Dawid should go for the 'soft' rather than the 'hard' sell approach.

What I mean is this.

Join in the social interaction in the group, make friends, then if people like what you've got to say, they'll follow your link on your profile.

Jumping in with 'the Szylar method' invented by Dawid Szylar isn't the right approach, I'm afraid.

IMHO, of course.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: overlearning

He also needs a PRODUCT.

Unless he is trying to convince the linguists that he's the 1st one who came up with the idea.
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: overlearning

And his impression is not made any better by posting his 'SPAM' to every language forum on GL.

Btw, I never heard of a method invented by someone getting famous and academically accepted through spamming social community sites.
Must be a new thing.

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Temat: overlearning

Your respond is the primary purpose of this spam so let's continue that way :) You are all doing quite well so far.

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