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Temat: On the day I was born...

Did anything particular, interesting or out of ordinary happen on the day you were born?


June 17th, xxxx

Four teams from the folded American Basketball Assocation (New York Nets, Indiana Pacers, San Antonio Spurs, and Denver Nuggets) join the National Basketball Association.

I knew something basketball related had happened when I was born ! :)

EDIT: heheJarek A. edytował(a) ten post dnia 20.06.08 o godzinie 17:46

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Temat: On the day I was born...

Hey, you're my age, Jarek! On the day I was born, well, I was born.

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Temat: On the day I was born...

Ah yes, xxxx. Good year.

EDIT. heheJarek A. edytował(a) ten post dnia 20.06.08 o godzinie 17:46
Anna S.

Anna S. IT recruitment and
Business Development
Consultant at Vm.pl

Temat: On the day I was born...

I was told that Buddha was born on May 15th - can't prove it, but sounds good:)

in my home town (Bitola, Macedonia) there is an ugly street called "May 15th" - nobody knows why...

after a wikipedia research it turns out that I am born the same day as Mikhail Bulghakov, Mike Oldfield, Brian Eno and some Indian actor called Johny Walker (;-)

15th May 1981, 4 days after Bob Marley died and 3 days after the Pope was almost killed -

"May 15 - Donna Payant is murdered by serial killer Lemuel Smith - the first time a female prison officer has been killed on-duty in the United States."

pretty sad anniversary, therefore I stick to Buddha

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Temat: On the day I was born...

Anna Svetozarov:
pretty sad anniversary, therefore I stick to Buddha
Good choice, no doubt about that.

But Johny Walker sounds nice too.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: On the day I was born...

All 329 people aboard an Air-India Boeing 747 were killed when the plane crashed into the Atlantic Ocean near Ireland, apparently because of a bomb.

Luckily, there's no serious event happened on the exact day that I was born.
That place must ve reserved for me, then. ;P

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Temat: On the day I was born...

Nothing very interesting happened on the day of my birth, apart from my birth of course.

I've started a new thread on people who share the same birth year.

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Temat: On the day I was born...

I was born on Halloween...

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Temat: On the day I was born...

Violetta P.:
I was born on Halloween...
I bet Steven H. is fighting back puns... again ... :))

Temat: On the day I was born...

First day of spring - March 21st :)

- the same day were born Johann Sebastian Bach and Modest Mussorgsky, but I'm not gifted for music at all...
- the same with me and football although Ronaldinho who was also born on March 21st, even the same year as me
- it's Independence Day in Namibia
- on that day in 1963 the Alcatraz prison has been closed
- and US President Jimmy Carter announced a United States boycott of the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow to protest the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan

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Temat: On the day I was born...

March 5th

Uncle Stalin died..

1940 - Members of Soviet politburo sign an order for the execution of 25,700 Polish intelligentsia, including 14,700 Polish POWs, known also as the Katyn massacre.

1770 - Boston Massacre: Five Americans, including a black man named Crispus Attucks, and a boy are killed by British troops in an event that would contribute to the outbreak of the American Revolutionary War five years later.
1836 - Samuel Colt makes the first production-model revolver, the .34-caliber.
1907 - The second Duma opens in St. Petersburg, Russia and 40,000 demonstrators have to be dispersed by Russian troops.
1933 - In Germany, the Nazis win 44 percent of the vote in parliamentary elections.
1998 - NASA announces that the Clementine probe orbiting the Moon has found enough water to support a human colony.
1988 - Constitution of Turks and Caicos Islands is restored and revised.
1979 - Voyager 1's closest approach to Jupiter, 172,000 miles.
1970 - The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty goes into effect after ratification by 43 nations.
1945 - World War II: The "Battle of the Ruhr" begins.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: On the day I was born...

Jarek A.:
Did anything particular, interesting or out of ordinary happen on the day you were born?
[i]June 17th, xxxx
happy passed birthday Jarek!

Temat: On the day I was born...

On my birthday they executed the poor Guy Fawkes ;p "Remember,remember..." ;]
Karolina Lemel-Vacca

Karolina Lemel-Vacca Finance
currently on
maternity leave

Temat: On the day I was born...

Britney Spears was born the same day as me............

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Temat: On the day I was born...

Karolina Lemel:
Britney Spears was born the same day as

I am so sorry to hear that, is there anything that we could do as a group to make this up to you?
Karolina Lemel-Vacca

Karolina Lemel-Vacca Finance
currently on
maternity leave

Temat: On the day I was born...

I am afraid you cant change mine or her date of birth. It will always stay this way........Damn it

Temat: On the day I was born...

Karolina :
Britney Spears was born the same day as me............
nobody's perfect!

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Temat: On the day I was born...

Karolina Lemel:
I am afraid you cant change mine or her date of birth. It will always stay this way........Damn it

There, there, let me give you a virtual hug, she will fade away and one day we can all laugh at it.

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Temat: On the day I was born...

Aleksander Kwaśniewski was born (1954) and Lunokhod 1 landed on the Moon (1970)...Magda B. edytował(a) ten post dnia 25.06.08 o godzinie 21:57

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Temat: On the day I was born...

7th September. I should've checked that before - I share my birthday with Queen Elisabeth I. No wonder where all the ruthlessness comes from... Still, sounds ennobling enough.Adam Lipiński edytował(a) ten post dnia 26.06.08 o godzinie 12:29

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