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Temat: Obama offers transition Web site

Kari Wolk:
Rafal W.:
Hey.. hahaha.. talking about transition hahah... someone just sent me this


Personally, I think the idea is brilliant. As long as they don't actually draft kids to go to war against their will - a responsible new generation in these times of chaos is exactly what this country needs. 50 hours of community service for high school students is what Obama proposes. Imagine that - spoiled teenagers made to face reality by working in their own communities. The reward is financial aid for higher education.

Yea, that does sound great, but we know that this is not how things usually work out in the end. Once you are in the army, they own you and since they are govern by a completely different set of rules, they will send your ass to Iraq, they will keep you there over your term and then possibly even send you back after a week’s vacation.
Our friend is on her second tour of duty already.. That’s two for the price of one. She joined the National Guard – you know the guys that stay inside of the country to protect and serve, sort of like the Police. She joined to help her mother out, get her shit together and get money for school – sounds familiar? The US military is in the “cut loss” mode and it’s been that way for a while, the recruitment is at its all time low so this is how they make up the difference, they send you on two, three or sometime four tours, by the time you come back, you are as useless to this society as the guy that sent you there in the first place.
Recent studies are already showing increase in ex military homeless cases. Over 750 000 troops were deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq since 2001 and nobody keeps any sort of tabs on how many of them are now homeless.


Let’s not even talk about all the psych help that many of these kids will need and will not receive. The military makes you sign a release form in which you pretty much declare yourself fit to get back into society. If you do not sign that form, you are “treated” in Iraq until you feel “better”. Once you sign it however, you are not entitled to any psych evaluation under the military health plan. Good times.

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Temat: Obama offers transition Web site

Kari Wolk:
You are vile disgusting pigs. Just thought I'd separate myself from the poop. eew.


Was that a compliment? ;)

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Temat: Obama offers transition Web site

My sister called me that but then corrected herself "no wait.pigs are intelligent, kind and sensitive animals."

Sometimes a brutha jus' can't get by.

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Temat: Obama offers transition Web site

Ah, the siblings mythical love-hate relationship. Someone ought to write a book about it someday. :)

If I'd ever want to make a list of everything stupid I ever said to my brother, I'd have to spend like a month to write everything down.
Kari W.

Kari W. education

Temat: Obama offers transition Web site

Personally, I think the idea is brilliant. As long as they don't actually draft kids to go to war against their will - a responsible new generation in these times of chaos is exactly what this country needs. 50 hours of community service for high school students is what Obama proposes. Imagine that - spoiled teenagers made to face reality by working in their own communities. The reward is financial aid for higher education.

Yea, that does sound great, but we know that this is not how things usually work out in the end. Once you are in the army, they own you and since they are govern by a completely different set of rules, they will send your ass to Iraq, they will keep you there over your term and then possibly even send you back after a week’s vacation.

OK, go back...
Training young citizens for disaster relief is smart. I'm not talking about the current Iraq disaster. A huge step in the right direction is preparing for our new, chaotic world. If we don't do that, we are sitting ducks, don't you agree?Kari Wolk edytował(a) ten post dnia 11.11.08 o godzinie 17:13

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Temat: Obama offers transition Web site

Kari Wolk:

Personally, I think the idea is brilliant. As long as they don't actually draft kids to go to war against their will - a responsible new generation in these times of chaos is exactly what this country needs. 50 hours of community service for high school students is what Obama proposes. Imagine that - spoiled teenagers made to face reality by working in their own communities. The reward is financial aid for higher education.

Yea, that does sound great, but we know that this is not how things usually work out in the end. Once you are in the army, they own you and since they are govern by a completely different set of rules, they will send your ass to Iraq, they will keep you there over your term and then possibly even send you back after a week’s vacation.

OK, go back...
Training young citizens for disaster relief is smart. I'm not talking about the current Iraq disaster.

In a perfect world? Yea that would be a great idea, but we live in a world where the US is waging the "War on Terror".. a war that just like the "War on Drugs" will have no end and it will go on for a very, very long time... meaning - we are going to need more troops.
A huge step in the right direction is preparing for our new, chaotic world. If we don't do that, we are sitting ducks, don't you agree?

I think, that the only reason we have to brace ourselves for a new and chaotic world, is because there are way too many militia to begin with, maybe by acting as the "leader of the free world" we could present the world with less of military presence and less militaristic points of view... and maybe... possibly focus on switching from selling war to the world to selling technology that could save lives? I don't know, just a crazy idea I have in my head that if you have a gun in the house, you are much more likely to use it.

Temat: Obama offers transition Web site

Rafal W.:

But seriously Rafal, I think you could paste many of your posts from GL into this website:


Lot's of them are great ideas!

Here is the thing, if you live in the US, you already wish for much better education and universal health care, if you don't then you must be living the high life, just like the president... oh... wait.. now it all makes sense.
Well, in that case my idea would be to give the president $7.75/hr and tell him to support his family... you know what, fuck it, I am feeling generous. I would give him $15/ hr why the fuck not and then tell him to send his kids to College.

Rafal, you don't understand what I said... if you go to this page, at the bottom you can see the link: share your vision.
This is where you are invited to share your opinions on what changes you would like in the country. I don't get it why you are so skeptical. Some of your ideas are great!

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Temat: Obama offers transition Web site

Alicja Efejska:
I don't get it why you are so skeptical.

Kari W.

Kari W. education

Temat: Obama offers transition Web site

I think, that the only reason we have to brace ourselves for a new and chaotic world, is because there are way too many militia to begin with, maybe by acting as the "leader of the free world" we could present the world with less of military presence and less militaristic points of view... and maybe... possibly focus on switching from selling war to the world to selling technology that could save lives? I don't know, just a crazy idea I have in my head that if you have a gun in the house, you are much more likely to use it.

Yes, yes. But three months basic training hardly prepares you for war. Disaster relief techniques learned AT HOME prepares the new generation to deal with the effects of global warming and community service are just ways of introducing the concept of taking responsibility for your people, neighbors, family and the elderly. Simply waiting for a rescue team on the top of your house in a flood is shouldn't be the only option in a disaster. Knowing what to do in a crisis is important and Americans are not ready for a large scale - well - anything. The city shuts down in 10 inches of snow. What about a deep freeze situation or how to turn off the gas in an earthquake? (Only Californians are schooled in that kind of stuff.) The whole country should take a DYI attitude to self preservation and forcing the new generation to do just that will open the mind to the task ahead.

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Temat: Obama offers transition Web site

Kari Wolk:

I think, that the only reason we have to brace ourselves for a new and chaotic world, is because there are way too many militia to begin with, maybe by acting as the "leader of the free world" we could present the world with less of military presence and less militaristic points of view... and maybe... possibly focus on switching from selling war to the world to selling technology that could save lives? I don't know, just a crazy idea I have in my head that if you have a gun in the house, you are much more likely to use it.

Yes, yes. But three months basic training hardly prepares you for war. Disaster relief techniques learned AT HOME prepares the new generation to deal with the effects of global warming and community service are just ways of introducing the concept of taking responsibility for your people, neighbors, family and the elderly. Simply waiting for a rescue team on the top of your house in a flood is shouldn't be the only option in a disaster. Knowing what to do in a crisis is important and Americans are not ready for a large scale - well - anything. The city shuts down in 10 inches of snow. What about a deep freeze situation or how to turn off the gas in an earthquake? (Only Californians are schooled in that kind of stuff.) The whole country should take a DYI attitude to self preservation and forcing the new generation to do just that will open the mind to the task ahead.

That's what schools are for. This is why it is against the law not to send your kids to school. Oh, and the city shuts down in about 3 inches of snow.
Kari W.

Kari W. education

Temat: Obama offers transition Web site

That's what schools are for. This is why it is against the law not to send your kids to school. Oh, and the city shuts down in about 3 inches of snow.

Um. No. Did they teach you all that in high school? 3 inches melts in two hours.

Temat: Obama offers transition Web site

Rafal W.:
Alicja Efejska:
I don't get it why you are so skeptical.


yeah, you sound skeptical, I'd even say veeeery skeptical. :(

konto usunięte

Temat: Obama offers transition Web site

Kari Wolk:
>3 inches melts
in two hours.

oh? and here I was hoping that you'd say that it melts in your mouth and not in your hand.

konto usunięte

Temat: Obama offers transition Web site

Alicja Efejska:
Rafal W.:
Alicja Efejska:
I don't get it why you are so skeptical.


yeah, you sound skeptical, I'd even say veeeery skeptical. :(

I can't sneak anything past you!
Kari W.

Kari W. education

Temat: Obama offers transition Web site

Rafal W.:
Kari Wolk:
>3 inches melts
in two hours.

oh? and here I was hoping that you'd say that it melts in your mouth and not in your hand.

Three inches are not really worth mentioning, are they?

konto usunięte

Temat: Obama offers transition Web site

Kari Wolk:
Rafal W.:
Kari Wolk:
>3 inches melts
in two hours.

oh? and here I was hoping that you'd say that it melts in your mouth and not in your hand.

Three inches are not really worth mentioning, are they?

Some girls like it that wide though... but I think we've side tracked a bit here.

Temat: Obama offers transition Web site

Kari Wolk:

I think, that the only reason we have to brace ourselves for a new and chaotic world, is because there are way too many militia to begin with, maybe by acting as the "leader of the free world" we could present the world with less of military presence and less militaristic points of view... and maybe...

no, no, no! This is absolutely needed!

possibly focus on
switching from selling war to the world to selling technology that could save lives?

yes, why not?

konto usunięte

Temat: Obama offers transition Web site

Alicja Efejska:
possibly focus on
switching from selling war to the world to selling technology that could save lives?

yes, why not?

ehm... because... gee, you got me there.

Temat: Obama offers transition Web site

Rafal W.:
ehm... because... gee, you got me there.

You dare to refuse???? ;-)

konto usunięte

Temat: Obama offers transition Web site

Alicja Efejska:
Rafal W.:
ehm... because... gee, you got me there.

You dare to refuse???? ;-)

are you a smoker?

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