Temat: Notoriously Interesting Accountant

Ever heard of anyone who's both interesting and an accountant? Is it even possible?

Do you know any other jobs which are never associated with interesting people?

Temat: Notoriously Interesting Accountant

My ex? But Ive heard he'd quit. Maybe wasnt so interesting after all, but a wonderful man

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Temat: Notoriously Interesting Accountant

I can think of two Scottish comedians who are/were accountants.

Arnold Brown on sheep shagging.
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=uaMxOFacvuYDave Andrew edytował(a) ten post dnia 18.12.08 o godzinie 14:04

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Temat: Notoriously Interesting Accountant

I've met two.

One was a very nice, down to earth girl who worked with me in one of my previous companies.

The other one was someone who was too interesting for someone else, and for that I fucking hate her guts.

Temat: Notoriously Interesting Accountant

So what, I'm just imagining it? Then I guess nothing's specific about insurance salesmen too, hah?

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Temat: Notoriously Interesting Accountant

No, you're not imagining anything. Lidia gave you 1 example, I gave you 2. Dave.. Dave is speshil ;)

I assume that both Lidia and myself know a more than a couple of accountants each.

Dave.. Dave is speshil ;)

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Temat: Notoriously Interesting Accountant

In an earlier incarnation I used to be an accountant .....

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Temat: Notoriously Interesting Accountant

I can teach you all this dance:


Temat: Notoriously Interesting Accountant

No offence but the least interesting are geeks with no inner life. U can't even hold a convo on vegetables with them

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Temat: Notoriously Interesting Accountant

Accounting was one of my required classes while in college... it sucked , I hate math so that didn’t help... I've been doing Excel spreadsheets for the past four years which include accounting... it blows monkey balls...
From my experience, accountants are weird people, but for the most part very honest and hard working... in love with math and usually seriously way too excited over spreadsheets... I've managed to offend a guy one time... by asking him (in a "I’m making a haha" type set up) if his wife dresses up in spreadsheets every night...
Some totally geekozoidal squares at my previous job, would brag about the length of their self checking formulas... riveting.

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Temat: Notoriously Interesting Accountant

Lidia K.:
the least interesting are geeks with no inner life.
i got worms
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Notoriously Interesting Accountant

I have not only heard of someone who's both interesting and an accountant, but I've seen him:

on TV.ilter K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 18.12.08 o godzinie 14:31

Temat: Notoriously Interesting Accountant

Jarek A.:
Lidia K.:
the least interesting are geeks with no inner life.
i got worms

kamikaze ones, I suppose...

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Temat: Notoriously Interesting Accountant

no, ninja friggin' accountant shi-fu's!

'corse the kamikadze ones, with bazookas!

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Temat: Notoriously Interesting Accountant

Jarek A.:
no, ninja friggin' accountant shi-fu's!

'corse the kamikadze ones, with bazookas!

The secret art of Jewish accountants


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Temat: Notoriously Interesting Accountant

Lidia K.:
No offence but the least interesting are geeks with no inner life.

L-lidia...? Hhh-ow could you, unghhhh!!!


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Temat: Notoriously Interesting Accountant

The least interesting Americans are:

1. POlice. Fact.
2. Automobile assembly line workers.
3. People who present television info-tainment broadcast "news."
4. Professional athletes
5. Insurance adjusters
6. Bouncers
7. Bankers
8. Nurse case managers who work for insurance companies (they work in behalf of the insurance company in matters related to a patient's treatment plan...in other words, they report to accountants and it's their job to save the insurance company money with the patient's interest secondary). There should be a special place in hell for them.
9. School administrators
10.Real estate agents

I don't agree that accountants are not interesting :)

(My list is only semi-serious, except for four of them :)

Temat: Notoriously Interesting Accountant

Joj Y.:
The least interesting Americans are:
too bad! I agree with some of your choices
anyone left???

not necessarily American
Sylwia Łubkowska

Sylwia Łubkowska Nauczyciel oraz
tłumacz j.

Temat: Notoriously Interesting Accountant

My granddad is an accountant. He's quiet and phlegmatic and always buries his neck in paperwork. But in his youth... and even to this day, he's always been a bit of a still water. My grandma would always cause a major stir over this, that or the other woman he dealt with for a little longer than necessary (only professionally, of course ;) She hates all his secretaries and the fact that he's always so quiet so she never knows what he's up to.

Being an accountant certainly helps as you can always escape into the realms of numbers when your loved one starts yapping over your shoulder ;)

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