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Temat: Nightmares - Top 10 ;)

Reading one topic below about some kind of mediums and so.. I came to question about nightmares. Do you have the same dreams that you dislike in the certain moments in your life (stress, too much duties, arguments, flue ;), loss, etc.)? I do.
For instance I often 'swim' in the ocean, when it is raining, storm slices water waves, the darkness is triumphing over the light day ;). (Too many Slayer's clips I've seen probably ;)) Before I could give more examples anyway I would like to know some of yours first :)Magdalena C. edytował(a) ten post dnia 07.02.08 o godzinie 09:21

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Temat: Nightmares - Top 10 ;)

Magdalena C.:
Reading one topic below about some kind of mediums and so.. I came to question about nightmares. Do you have the same dreams that you dislike in the certain moments in your life (stress, too much duties, arguments, flue ;), loss, etc.)?

Yeah, re-sitting my A-levels and being given maths questions involving some insurmountable stuff like strong induction and calculus.

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Temat: Nightmares - Top 10 ;)

Marcin, I guess we had the same teacher ;). I have unpleasant thrill when I recall that lady ;). Next candidate is writting 'matura' in Russian now.. after 10 years of not studying the language.Magdalena C. edytował(a) ten post dnia 07.02.08 o godzinie 09:36

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Temat: Nightmares - Top 10 ;)

Magdalena C.:
Marcin, I guess we had the same teacher ;).

He was good, though. I reckon it was just me at that time, who wasn't really able to understand that stuff well enough. The really odd thing is now I would love to study all the stuff I feared so much back then :)

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Temat: Nightmares - Top 10 ;)

Lidia K.:

(I'm a teacher of course)

Indubitably :)

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Temat: Nightmares - Top 10 ;)

I don't have any recurrent nightmares. I should.

Sometimes after a very pleasant one you wake up and think..."uh YEAH. That wasn't real." Oh well. :)

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Temat: Nightmares - Top 10 ;)

typical one: trying to cross a dilapidated bridge, missing planks, about to fall down.. Horrible.

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Temat: Nightmares - Top 10 ;)

Joj Y.:
I don't have any recurrent nightmares. I should.

Sometimes after a very pleasant one you wake up and think..."uh YEAH. That wasn't real." Oh well. :)

Precisely! And they can be so damn real - a few times I felt really upset they ended. Mainly due to the fact I was able to mend some things from the past in them :)

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Temat: Nightmares - Top 10 ;)

I understand. Wow...that's good insight :) :) :)

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Temat: Nightmares - Top 10 ;)

Sometimes I have the same dream that my older sister has. Usually something mystic. When one describes the begining, second follows with the rest.... Just the same pictures. She lives more than 4000 km away from me.

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Temat: Nightmares - Top 10 ;)

Other than the dream about being back at school, being frustrated, but then realising that I already have a degree, my other recurring dreams are

a) playing football again (not a nightmare, and recurrent because I regret stopping)

b) being surrounded by aquariums with the fish jumping out and flying around. I have this because I had tropical fish for a while, and though I looked after them well and was knowledgeable about them I couldn't bring myself to put my hands in without wearing gloves. Also, when once or twice a fish did end up on the floor I was too squeamish to pick it up.
Agata P.

Agata P. angielski: lekcje,

Temat: Nightmares - Top 10 ;)

I don't have nightmares. Which is weird actually. But I often wake up laughing - my dreams are just incredibly insane, and most of the time I'm aware I'm dreaming, so I start laughing and that wakes me up:)

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Temat: Nightmares - Top 10 ;)

Agata P.:
I don't have nightmares. Which is weird actually. But I often wake up laughing - my dreams are just incredibly insane, and most of the time I'm aware I'm dreaming, so I start laughing and that wakes me up:)
I know why you're laughing. It's because they're so fun. I have them too. We call them lucid dreams, as you may know. I've come to be able to steer them most of the time. Beach? Yes, please. Fly? Sure. Why not" (lol)

Try not to laugh next time and eventually you'll be able to control them.
Maciej Kulig

Maciej Kulig adventurer

Temat: Nightmares - Top 10 ;)

I know why you're laughing. It's because they're so fun. I have them too. We call them lucid dreams, as you may know. I've come to be able to steer them most of the time. Beach? Yes, please. Fly? Sure. Why not" (lol)

Try not to laugh next time and eventually you'll be able to control them.

I've heard of people who used lucid dreams to change some of their characters. It is the only time when your conscious can contact your subconscious and by controlling yuor dream you can actually code more self esteem or try to fight with your fears (eg fear from the public speech), never tryed it though

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Temat: Nightmares - Top 10 ;)

That was my lucid dream post during some server problem.
That's interesting Maciej :) I sure don't like spiders :) :) :)

I just thought it was some fast low voltage, but who knows?

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Temat: Nightmares - Top 10 ;)

I think my ego has stopped me from remembering dreams after one that came true. That was over 10 years ago and I haven't remembered a single dream since then.

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Temat: Nightmares - Top 10 ;)

For a couple of months I've been having this recurring dream in which I am on the top floor of a 50 (or more, don't know precisely, my dream vision is blurred ;) ) storey building during an earthquake. I have never ever experienced an earthquake in my life, nor have I watched any movies that featured one recently.

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