Anetta M.

Anetta M. AKME-Alfa Sp. z
o.o./AKME-Beta Sp. z
o.o./AKME-Gamma Sp.

Temat: 'Nice' guys:

Agnieszka Rapacz-Bubeła:
Where's the baby? Or two?

With the father. Alpha women know how to deal with men...;-)

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Temat: 'Nice' guys:

She's had both her oviductus snipped.

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Temat: 'Nice' guys:

.Agnieszka Rapacz-Bubeła edytował(a) ten post dnia 05.04.09 o godzinie 06:34
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: 'Nice' guys:

Lidia K.:
What's "selected" women, Bernd?
Please write in English, man!

i meant "selective". a long day behind me and a long day ahead of me. pls... ;-)
Andrzej S.

Andrzej S. Krok za krokiem, do

Temat: 'Nice' guys:

Bernd Schreckenberg:
Lidia K.:
What's "selected" women, Bernd?
Please write in English, man!

i meant "selective". a long day behind me and a long day ahead of me. pls... ;-)

as your lawyer I advice you to have a beer [/dr.Gonzomode]
Aleksandra P.

Aleksandra P. Specjalista HR

Temat: 'Nice' guys:

Jarek A.:
Example of alpha woman.
Jarek, do you think Alpha women do the shopping?

Temat: 'Nice' guys:

Bernd Schreckenberg:
i meant "selective". a long day behind me and a long day ahead of me. pls... ;-)
thanks, I was seriously confused, didn't know that you mean selective, thought you have some unknown concept in mind
get some proper rest:)

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Temat: 'Nice' guys:

Yes. I think shopping is one of their main superpowers.
Szymon Flaka

Szymon Flaka "The harder I
practice, the
luckier I get"

Temat: 'Nice' guys:

... what 'nice guys' think about ??
kind regards :)Szymon Flaka edytował(a) ten post dnia 31.03.09 o godzinie 22:46
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: 'Nice' guys:

Andrzej S.:
Bernd Schreckenberg:
Lidia K.:
What's "selected" women, Bernd?
Please write in English, man!

i meant "selective". a long day behind me and a long day ahead of me. pls... ;-)

as your lawyer I advice you to have a beer [/dr.Gonzomode]

thx, though I'm able to defend miself :)


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Temat: 'Nice' guys:

.Agnieszka Rapacz-Bubeła edytował(a) ten post dnia 05.04.09 o godzinie 06:34
Aleksandra P.

Aleksandra P. Specjalista HR

Temat: 'Nice' guys:

Jarek A.:
Yes. I think shopping is one of their main superpowers.
So I must have seen hundreds of Alpha women in the supermarket last Friday!

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Temat: 'Nice' guys:

Was it in the veg section? They could have been Alphalpha sprouts.

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Temat: 'Nice' guys:

Alfness is a virtue, and - as you can see - it's on the verge of extinction.


Alf males just descend in their spaceships, give you a night of your lifetime, shower your with 'nice' compliments, and swoosh away into the dawn, no questions asked, no guy-maintenance issues, no relationship management problems, no emotional blackmail.

Anetta M.

Anetta M. AKME-Alfa Sp. z
o.o./AKME-Beta Sp. z
o.o./AKME-Gamma Sp.

Temat: 'Nice' guys:

Agnieszka Rapacz-Bubeła:
Anetta M.:
With the father. Alpha women know how to deal with men...;-)

Anetta - do you happen to give some private lessons? I would hopefully enlist.

hehehe! anytime! only... my daughter is with me, her father turned out to be even more alpha than I am ;-) :))))
Andrzej S.

Andrzej S. Krok za krokiem, do

Temat: 'Nice' guys:

Aleksandra P.:
Jarek A.:
Yes. I think shopping is one of their main superpowers.
So I must have seen hundreds of Alpha women in the supermarket last Friday!

alpha women are to be found in boutiques :P

Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: 'Nice' guys:

Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska:
Steve Jones:


that's a lovely biological theory, Steve.
i'd say this alpha preferences were dominant in the past, when the human has just evolved to standing on two feet. but it is not applicable nowadays as we, women, use our brains (so: not only intuition and emotions but rationality as well).

It's unconscious... I'd bet my left testicle that 9/10 women would prefer (unconsciously) Mr Go out and Get it/ fun to be with/ outgoing/ with ambition/ wins a good salary/ in shape/ tall/ well-groomed... It's just that this kind of guy would just do it for them (unconsciously) thatn the really really nice polite and retiring computer nerd (even though rationally he's such a nice guy)

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Temat: 'Nice' guys:

Adam L.:
Alfness is a virtue, and - as you can see - it's on the verge of extinction.

R U an alpha male, Adam?

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Temat: 'Nice' guys:

warren whitmore:
Adam L.:
Alfness is a virtue, and - as you can see - it's on the verge of extinction.

R U an alpha male, Adam?

I don't have superior physical prowess, my social position isn't high, and I'm not interested in power, so obviously - not. A beta male, perchance, but one that shows off too much and purports to be an alpha specimen without taking on the burden of the role.Adam L. edytował(a) ten post dnia 01.04.09 o godzinie 06:36

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Temat: 'Nice' guys:

Self-knowledge is an invaluable commodity, my friend.

Następna dyskusja:

Watch out guys for , I got ...

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