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Temat: 'Nice' guys:

.Agnieszka Rapacz-Bubeła edytował(a) ten post dnia 05.04.09 o godzinie 06:21

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Temat: 'Nice' guys:

Sure you have spoken.

Not for the first time.

But I'm still left wondering, do you actually have anything to say?warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 30.03.09 o godzinie 22:13

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Temat: 'Nice' guys:

Agnieszka Rapacz-Bubeła:

But I will again.

Wait. :)
Agnieszka... before you write again... where is your picture ?

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Temat: 'Nice' guys:

.Agnieszka Rapacz-Bubeła edytował(a) ten post dnia 05.04.09 o godzinie 06:22

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Temat: 'Nice' guys:

Agnieszka Rapacz-Bubeła:
Jarek A.:
You sure did.

I did sure what ? :) Did sure think or did sure would ? ;)
Did sure you.

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Temat: 'Nice' guys:

warren whitmore:
Do you like, or want to be a 'nice' guy, or do you find them irritating and insufferable?
My name is Guy ... I don't know if I'm nice... I try to be... But a lot depends on the situation.
Always being nice is not possible.

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Temat: 'Nice' guys:

Moderators punished me for saying Polish men are good for nothing. I said it after the game! Had I no right ?? hehe ;)))
These guys were not so nice ;)

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Temat: 'Nice' guys:

.Agnieszka Rapacz-Bubeła edytował(a) ten post dnia 05.04.09 o godzinie 06:22
Andrzej S.

Andrzej S. Krok za krokiem, do

Temat: 'Nice' guys:

Im being a bastard at times, but i'm still a nice guy! (at least I think so :P)

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Temat: 'Nice' guys:

.Agnieszka Rapacz-Bubeła edytował(a) ten post dnia 05.04.09 o godzinie 06:22

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Temat: 'Nice' guys:

.Agnieszka Rapacz-Bubeła edytował(a) ten post dnia 05.04.09 o godzinie 06:23
Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska

Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska Recruitment Manager
at Amazon Web

Temat: 'Nice' guys:

warren whitmore:
But I'm still left wondering, do you actually have anything to say?warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 30.03.09 o godzinie 22:13

ouch! mister, that one was baaaaaad.


i would not marry a bastard but i would go for a night out with him

a bastard is good when you need a break from serious relatioships, i guess. i "use" them whenever i break up with someone who was supposed to be THE one - simply because my brain is smart enough not to fall for a bastard (which would bring us to my idea of love, which is rather, uhm, different - no time to put this here)

consequently, i would probably go for (marry) a nice a guy.
BUT please don't confuse being nice with not being fun!

Temat: 'Nice' guys:

How do you tell the difference, Magdalena?

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Temat: 'Nice' guys:

.Agnieszka Rapacz-Bubeła edytował(a) ten post dnia 05.04.09 o godzinie 06:23

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Temat: 'Nice' guys:

Can we ban the word 'nice' for the next 48-72 hrs, pls?
Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska

Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska Recruitment Manager
at Amazon Web

Temat: 'Nice' guys:

i think it's when a guy has no problem explaining his sex life and the fact that he doesn't really care for relationships and that even a mere idea of a marriage makes him puke. a dude who admits he cheats (but how can you cheat if you're not in a relationship?), spends time and money on the things he likes the most (can be anything from cars to diving) and simply lives a dolce vita. A typical example - Adam :-)
(but not all of the things i've suggested have to be typical of Adam! 0 i was actually thinking of my L.A. friend, tbh)

on the other hand we have a nice (err.. GOOD?)and loving guy who knows what should be said and when and when to shut up. strangely, he understands you and gives you a lot of support, is funny, etc. That type is represnted here by Joj.

Well, that's how i see it.Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska edytował(a) ten post dnia 30.03.09 o godzinie 22:51

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Temat: 'Nice' guys:

Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska:
i think it's when a guy has no problem explaining his sex life and the fact that he doesn't really care for relationships and that even a mere idea of a marriage makes him puke. a dude who admits he cheats (but how can you cheat if you're not in a relationship?), spends time and money on the things he likes the most (can be anything from cars to diving) and simply lives a dolce vita. A typical example - Adam :-)
(but not all of the things i've suggested have to be typical of Adam! 0 i was actually thinking of my L.A. friend, tbh)

on the other hand we have a nice and loving guy who know what should be said and when and when to shut up. strangely, he understands you and gives you a lot of support, is funny, etc. That type is represnted here by Joj.

Well, that's how i see it.

I am with you on most of what you've just written :)))Agnieszka Rapacz-Bubeła edytował(a) ten post dnia 30.03.09 o godzinie 22:53

Temat: 'Nice' guys:

ok, thanks!

from what you've written it's primarily based on what they say :)

this can be misleading IMO, but we don't have to argue:)
Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska

Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska Recruitment Manager
at Amazon Web

Temat: 'Nice' guys:

obviously, i was giving you examples at hand.

in real life these types of people would 'act their words'.

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Temat: 'Nice' guys:

.Agnieszka Rapacz-Bubeła edytował(a) ten post dnia 05.04.09 o godzinie 06:26

Następna dyskusja:

Watch out guys for , I got ...

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