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Temat: Need your input: "How to legally stay in Poland"

Hi everyone,

I've decided to write an all encompassing guide on how to deal with some of the bureaucratic hurdles that many foreigners face in Poland. It's of course a work in progress, but as I go along I'd like input from the community as to the usefulness and accuracy of the info I give.

If you could please, take a look at these two pages and tell me what you think. Do you like the format? Is the flowchart accurate or should I add/remove a step or two?

Any and all input would be wonderful!


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Temat: Need your input: "How to legally stay in Poland"

I do like it! It`s clear and not overloaded with information.

However, not all pages open when I click on the boxes to get further info.

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Temat: Need your input: "How to legally stay in Poland"

nice one!

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Temat: Need your input: "How to legally stay in Poland"

Yes, it's still a work in progress. I haven't written all the articles yet but I'm finding a free moment here and there to do it. :-)

Violetta P.:
I do like it! It`s clear and not overloaded with information.

However, not all pages open when I click on the boxes to get further info.Andre Chmielewski edytował(a) ten post dnia 20.05.09 o godzinie 22:06

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Temat: Need your input: "How to legally stay in Poland"

Perhaps it would be worth adding a section for the spouses (spouses-to-be) of Polish citizens. Not sure what the procedure and timeframes are like now; getting a permit to stay for my husband four years ago was a real mission.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Need your input: "How to legally stay in Poland"

Andre Chmielewski:
If you could please, take a look at these two pages and tell me what you think. Do you like the format?
Yes, it is fun to look at. :)

But don't you think "How to legally stay in Poland" is kinda big title for those little posts?
I expected to see a more detailed explanation, rather than the assumption of the alien, already having a place to work.

The article(s) should have been enhanced, me thinks.

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Temat: Need your input: "How to legally stay in Poland"

Ola, good point about spouses, although I'm not sure what kind of information I can include. Once the guide is done, you'll be able to click each box and understand the process phase by phase. What kind of additional info do you think spouse would find useful?

Ilter, Did you click on the PESEL or zameldowanie links? They expand to more info. The other links aren't ready yet. I think it'll be a rather thorough guide when it's done. By the way, what do you mean by assuming they have a place to work? i.e. how can you plan to stay in Poland for an extended period of time without work? I don't feel comfortable giving people advice on how to find a job in Poland, but if you feel like you can I'd be more than happy to make it a part of the guide.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Need your input: "How to legally stay in Poland"

I'm legally in Poland since 2001 and I don't have a work permit yet. Because I've been married.
Since your post neglects the matrimonial reasons, I thought maybe you should take this into the consideration, and add another leg to your diagrams (if possible).
Because I already have my PESEL number and long term stay permit, I wasn't interested in the earlier stages and work permit is out of my focus. So I didn't click on any boxes.

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Temat: Need your input: "How to legally stay in Poland"

ilter K.:
I'm legally in Poland since 2001 and I don't have a work permit yet. Because I've been married.
Since your post neglects the matrimonial reasons, I thought maybe you should take this into the consideration, and add another leg to your diagrams (if possible).

Now that certainly changes things. I recall looking into this process of getting legal status for a friend (who was married) and I spoke with a lady from the government office over the phone. She said that even if a foreigner was married, he still needed a work permit in order to work.

So, have you been in Poland the whole time without a work permit, i.e. you can't legally work? Or, does getting married to a Polish citizen change your status and allow you to work without the need for a permit?

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Temat: Need your input: "How to legally stay in Poland"

Andre, I'll give this to a colleague at work who deals with all our native speakers' permits etc. Maybe she will give you some tips as well. Well done!
And, man, I've been so busy there's no time for coffee! Remember Scott the Weird Teacher? I've been trying to go out for coffees with him for a month... not to mention our rendezvous! :)
Hope family's ok :)

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Temat: Need your input: "How to legally stay in Poland"

Scott recently submitted a listing for my webpage. I was surprised to see that he was still in Poland. He certainly is a bit unpredictable.

The child is great. She's crawling like crazy and we are looking for a good baby walker so she can move around the flat on it.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Need your input: "How to legally stay in Poland"

Andre Chmielewski:
... So, have you been in Poland the whole time without a work permit, i.e. you can't legally work?
That's right.
The citizenship is needed in order to circumvent this work permit. As far as I know, that's the only way.

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Temat: Need your input: "How to legally stay in Poland"

ilter K.:
Andre Chmielewski:
... So, have you been in Poland the whole time without a work permit, i.e. you can't legally work?
That's right.
The citizenship is needed in order to circumvent this work permit. As far as I know, that's the only way.

I see. Well, I will make an amendment to take into consideration the various ways of getting legal status in Poland without necessarily getting a work permit, i.e. if you are married to a Polish citizen, your child is a Polish citizen, you are a student, etc. I guess that if I'm gonna make this guide, I might as well go the full distance. Thanks for the input, Ilter.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Need your input: "How to legally stay in Poland"

My pleasure, Andre.
If you need to seperate the paths and diagrams fro different conditions, it could be a good idea to change the titles of each post and give idiot-proof-links to each other. The internal linking in your own blog.
It's good to keep it clean and simple, you could achieve it easily I guess.

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Temat: Need your input: "How to legally stay in Poland"


Hi all again!

I've updated the post again. I added some new articles and also changed the structure for the graph.

Please let me know what you all think!

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Temat: Need your input: "How to legally stay in Poland"

Will forward it to my native speakers see if they've got Anything to add.
Btw, I saw Scott last week, and we had fun together at a party LOL
Aneta W.

Aneta W. "People are better
than no people..."

Temat: Need your input: "How to legally stay in Poland"

I'm dealing with this problem right now... the process is long and requires hours of waiting in various offices what drives me crazy!!!!
about the work permit... I've read that if a foreigner is married to a Polish citizen and has a residency card for a fixed period of time then he doesn't need a work permit...


Zgodnie z zapisami ustawy z dnia 20 kwietnia 2004r.o promocji zatrudnienia i instytucjach rynku pracy(Dz. U. z 2008r., nr 69, poz. 415 oraz Dz. U. z 2009r, Nr 6, poz. 33) z obowiązku posiadania zezwolenia na pracę zwolnieni są cudzoziemcy:

* posiadający w Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej zezwolenie na zamieszkanie na czas oznaczony udzielone w związku z okolicznością, o której mowa w art. 53 ust. 1 pkt 10, 11, 13 i 16-18 ustawy z dnia 13 czerwca 2003 r. o cudzoziemcach
* będący małżonkiem obywatela polskiego lub cudzoziemca, o którym mowa w pkt 1 i ust. 1 pkt 1-6, posiadający zezwolenie na zamieszkanie na czas oznaczony na terytorium Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej udzielone w związku z zawarciem związku małżeńskiego;

to takze strona przydatna jesli chodzi o sprawy pobytu czasowego itp

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Temat: Need your input: "How to legally stay in Poland"

Aneta Wołowik:
I'm dealing with this problem right now... the process is long and requires hours of waiting in various offices what drives me crazy!!!!
about the work permit... I've read that if a foreigner is married to a Polish citizen and has a residency card for a fixed period of time then he doesn't need a work permit...

Really? That's very good to know. I'll add it to the guide. That's very useful information, especially if you have first hand experience from going through the process.

I went through this process for a friend two years ago and I know it was complicated. It has improved, however. For example, it only costs 100 zl to get a work permit, not 900 zl like it used to!!!!!

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