Temat: Natural Beauty

I went swimming to our waterpark tonight. It's a great place with many (half)naked people.

How far can you go to improve your natural beauty?
What was the biggest sacrifice you've made to remain beautiful/good-looking?

What's your minimum daily maintenance?
Do you ever dress up? On what occasions?

What extremes in modifying looks have you seen/heard of?

Any photos welcome.Lidia K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 01.07.08 o godzinie 22:59

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Temat: Natural Beauty

Lidia K.:
I went swimming tonight to our waterpark. It's a great place with many (half)naked people.

How far can you go to improve your natural beauty?

Not too far.
What was the biggest sacrifice you've made to remain beautiful/good-looking?

Dunno. Well, ok, hairdresser. Hurts my wallet.

What's your minimum daily maintenance?

Shower. Styling my crazy hair and making myself presentable. Contact lenses. Bit of make up. Coconut body butter. Brushing my teeth a few times a day ;) Hair removal (not from head, obviously).
Do you ever dress up? What occassions?

Sometimes. Parties, trade fairs, etc.

What extremes have you seen/heard of?

I sometimes watch Extreme Makeover. Grosses me out.

Temat: Natural Beauty

Any waxing perhaps?

There are girls spending a considerable amount of time on solar beds, are you one of them?

Do you ever get any artificial nails made?

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Temat: Natural Beauty

I believe there should be a limit to which both men and women improve their looks. I don't really mind it if a guy is balding, going gray (now for the big secret: I started turning gray when I was only 18 and if didn't dye my hair, I'd look like a granny - will go for the image in a few years I think), I never cringe when I see women over 40 getting a bit plump, etc. I hate it when people don't even bother to keep clean as they get older - and I mean into their fifties or sixties, when they're surely still able to reach for a piece of soap and step into the shower. Greasy hair, BO, and, worse yet: no teeth, or rotting teeth. Reminds me of something for the girlie thread.
All in all, I'm not strikingly beautiful but will usually try to look attractive by wearing appropriate clothes, putting a bit of makeup on and shaving my legs - and NOT for men, just for the general public, as feel it would be terribly wrong to go to the office looking unkempt. I owe this to the society ;)

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Temat: Natural Beauty

The society thanks you.

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Temat: Natural Beauty

Nature's way of saying FU

Rafal W. edytował(a) ten post dnia 02.07.08 o godzinie 11:30

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Temat: Natural Beauty

You have scared me :(

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Temat: Natural Beauty

Holy crap!

Temat: Natural Beauty

I have a nice smile.

As a teenager in secondary school I think I was the only one wearing the old-school dental braces to straighten one crooked tooth.* I completely forgot about it but recently I've found the plaster mold of my mouth!

Now it's kind of fashion among kids.

*Of course it was necessary to pull out a healthy tooth first.

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Temat: Natural Beauty

I have very long eyelashes. My son does too, so I reckon he might be breaking a few preschool girls' hearts soon. He's a cute little devil.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Natural Beauty

They say my eyelashes are also very long. But you need to certify it then.

My skin is not smooth.
If you'd ask me 10 years ago, I could say I would like to have a skin transplantation for my face.
But I realized later that it doesn't look too bad. Some women even likes it.

Temat: Natural Beauty

I remember reading some years ago about Natalia Kukulska who as a child was an extremely popular singer that she had to have her eyelashes cut before she could wear her glasses! I think it's true.

What about you?
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Natural Beauty

Dependign on which glasses I'm wearing, my eylashes brush against the lenses. It's really annoying. I would't cut them, though, in case they grew back stronger and thicker!
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Natural Beauty

My eyelashes touch my sunglasses, so I move the upper part of the glasses away like Tom Cruise in Top Gun.

Temat: Natural Beauty

WOW, Keith!!!!!!!!!

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Temat: Natural Beauty

Keith Byrne:
Dependign on which glasses I'm wearing, my eylashes brush against the lenses. It's really annoying. I would't cut them, though, in case they grew back stronger and thicker!

This is why I wear contact lenses.
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Natural Beauty

ilter K.:
My eyelashes touch my sunglasses, so I move the upper part of the glasses away

like Tom Cruise in Top Gun. You hope! ;-)
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Natural Beauty

Hey, I have a moustache and a goatie... how can I have such a hope?! :)

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Temat: Natural Beauty

I have a full beard... I am a lost cause.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Natural Beauty

I wore colored lenses for about 6 months just to see how I look in them.
Then I got little bit disturbed by the women staring at me. It is very unusual to have blue eyes + dark hair in Turkey.

I changed my appearance a lot in the past. Once I was a having long, dyed blonde hair (Actually I was blonde when I was 14 years old, then hair color changed into this, I was curious how'd I look like lighter colors). You know... playing in a rock band in early 90s, you feel like you can do anything...

PS. Is there somethig wrong with GL servers today, or is it just me who is having problems to make a post?ilter K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 02.07.08 o godzinie 13:52

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