Sylwia Łubkowska

Sylwia Łubkowska Nauczyciel oraz
tłumacz j.

Temat: My job is cool / sucks!

Do you like your job?

If so, what are the aspects of it you like the most?

If not, why do you hate it (and why do you stick at it)?

Would you rather change it for something else, if (realistically speaking) given the chance?

Temat: My job is cool / sucks!

Take my job from me, I can clean your house, mown your lawns and feed your cats!

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Temat: My job is cool / sucks!

Sometimes I love it, sometimes I hate it. It renders me sleepless at times, but the high commission is good enough a reward. As for the school itself, that's another story.
If you don't find me at a local Biedronka (or a pretzel stand in Krakow), it will mean I've decided to stick to what I do, and maybe even gone further. Big changes ahead, as much as I am scared of taking such giant steps.

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Temat: My job is cool / sucks!

I love what my company does world wide for kids... my part of it unfortunately consists of number crunching and I have always hated math.
Anna S.

Anna S. IT recruitment and
Business Development
Consultant at

Temat: My job is cool / sucks!

after working for two weeks in a certain bank as a financial consultant (and still have 2 ahead) I absolutely love my teaching job and I enjoy every rare afternoon lesson i have this month.

Working in the bank wouldn't be that bad if there was no telemarketing involved in it. I don't want anything to do with telemarketing!
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: My job is cool / sucks!

Yes, I like my job. But probably it is more than that.
What I do, is a part of me. I can't imagine myself doing something else.
Ok, I can imagine myself flying a fighter jet plane too, but that's a different story. I don't do that, because I realized the conditions to do that wouldn't match my life style or character (Like I don't want to shoot down enemy planes and drop bombs if I don't believe in the cause).

I love my job, because it changes according to every other project. Every new singer/artist means a slightly different style of music, inspiration, and I like working with different musicians. Change is great, refreshing. I learn many new things about different styles, songs, but still I can put my own color and taste into it.
Second thing why I like it is, I am controlling it. Although I receive feedbacks from different people and adjust things according to their needs and taste, what I do is still me. Maybe it is better me, because I grow with them.
Third thing is, I don't limit myself with what I do. I can do productions for radio stations, and the next day a video presentation for Avon. One day I am a guitar player, next day a dance music remixer.
It blows my mind each time I pass the 'initiation' or 'start' phase of the production. It's hell to start, absolute pleasure to finish.
It is weird. But what can I do. I'm addicted to it, can't do without.

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Temat: My job is cool / sucks!

I believe you have discovered the true idea of having a "job" - not something that pays your bills, but something that makes you able to fulfill your dreams, and keeps you inspired.
Maybe I should have become a chef... I feel I'd be good at it (provided I could run Hell's Kitchen!)
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: My job is cool / sucks!

Don't know about Hell's Kitchen, but what I believe you can do whatever you'd want to if you're determined enough, and provided that you have enough supplies to keep you going for the start.

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Temat: My job is cool / sucks!

I'd be like Gordon Ramsay ;) Everyone expects a chef to have fits of anger and throw a fish slice from time to time!
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: My job is cool / sucks!

"Totalitarna Tatiana" sounds better than just a 'Gordon Ramsay' to me.

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Temat: My job is cool / sucks!

I am very totalitarian!

Temat: My job is cool / sucks!

I love my job, but only when I have not toooo lot of work, like it happens sometimes. Then I am very tired.
What's good? Maybe it sounds for some people boring, but I like that the job itself is quite stabile and calm (you don't have to run from one place to another).

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Temat: My job is cool / sucks!

I often say I'd rather have a 9 to 5 desk job, but then I'd miss the running about, calling people, meeting them, and communicating to them on a daily basis. It might be a sign of a serious disorder though. I'm pretty sure it is :)

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Temat: My job is cool / sucks!

Do you like your job? yes, I like my job very much ...

If so, what are the aspects of it you like the most?
working with colleagues ...
If not, why do you hate it (and why do you stick at it)?
sometimes the stress to deliver on time
Would you rather change it for something else, if (realistically speaking) given the chance? yes ... sitting at the beach, enough money, traveling the whole world .... Living like God in France (they always say in Belgium) :)

Temat: My job is cool / sucks!

Tatiana , and I have more a desk job, but I have great colleagues, great team. We talk with each other, make fun, sometimes (seldom) planning to go out somewhere. Nice. i really enjoy communication with all of my colleagues at the office.They are more friends than colleagues. Rarely you can find sucha good team to work with.

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Temat: My job is cool / sucks!

But it's still the same people and the same team, while doing what I do, I've met literally hundreds of people from all over the world.

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Temat: My job is cool / sucks!

Tatiana S.:
But it's still the same people and the same team, while doing what I do, I've met literally hundreds of people from all over the world.

That sounds like a good argument for being a batchelor all one's life ;)

My new job is quite good so far. I was looking for something with less hassle, and for the moment that is what I have. Keith asked me what the catch was when I told him that I just read for a living. We read contracts and extract the most important information for clients. I'm sure I'll be expected to do this ever quicker and take on other responsibilities but I'm hopeful it will mean that I avoid some of the complications (lack of cooperation from people) of my previous job.
It isn't exciting as such, but it is in a safe, dry, warm environment, pays a living wage, and I don't have to take it home with me at the weekend.

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Temat: My job is cool / sucks!

Steven H.:
It isn't exciting as such, but it is in a safe, dry, warm environment, pays a living wage, and I don't have to take it home with me at the weekend.

This is what makes mine a bit of a drag, especially as high season is summer, so I end up taking it everywhere, especially when it's the uni shit ;)
edit: Or a frantic phone call in the middle of the night - first the mother, telling me her sonny boy has nowhere to stay due to some fuck up, then the boy (from Malta) telling me they'd expected him to be female and wanted to put him in a room with a Russian girl (which he didn't mind but she wouldn't let him in), then call Malta and talk to a crazy receptionist ("There no problem, no problem, he get a room for night" - who said Malta's bilingual???), then the boy, the son of someone VERY important, telling me, at midnight, he's in a room with a Russian and a Spaniard, and they're going out TO HAVE FUN. Gaah!

I love doing what I do ;)Tatiana S. edytował(a) ten post dnia 21.07.08 o godzinie 07:17

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