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Temat: Movies anyone?

There is a movie section on the other board, but it usually keeps going back to same 5-10 movies.
I just finished watching "Sleuth" based on a play, which I will make a point on seeing.
What a great movie! Amazing!
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Movies anyone?

Rafal Wolk:
There is a movie section on the other board, but it usually keeps going back to same 5-10 movies.
I just finished watching "Sleuth" based on a play, which I will make a point on seeing.
What a great movie! Amazing!

Hey you! That's my thread! Hands off unless you can provide factual basis for the 5-10 movies allegation ;))

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Temat: Movies anyone?

Steve Jones:
Hey you! That's my thread! Hands off unless you can provide factual basis for the 5-10 movies allegation ;))

There isn't much point in simply replicating a thread on 'Do you speak English'.

Steve's thread there is about recently viewed movies.

How about 'All time favourite movies'.

Without giving the matter too much thought, I would say:

(1) Quadrophenia
(2) The Producers (earlier version)
(3) Suspiria

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Temat: Movies anyone?

Steve Jones:
Rafal Wolk:
There is a movie section on the other board, but it usually keeps going back to same 5-10 movies.
I just finished watching "Sleuth" based on a play, which I will make a point on seeing.
What a great movie! Amazing!

Hey you! That's my thread! Hands off unless you can provide factual basis for the 5-10 movies allegation ;))

haha... sorry Steve, but it was between "I am legend", "American Gangster", "Sweeney Todd", "28 weeks later" and other occasional ya know.. hehehe... i think Warren's idea is pretty good... all time favs..

My all time favorite has always been "Bladerunner" simply because I always thought that the depiction of future in that movie is insanely probable.
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Movies anyone?

Ok - all time fave movies:

1. The Third Man

It's the greatest film of all time in so many ways....

And following in no particular order:

- The Godfather (part 1 and 2)
- Taxi Driver
- Star Wars
- Casablanca
- Deliverence
- Easy Rider
- One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
- Apocalypse Now
- Pulp Fiction

And in recent years:

- Memento
- Fight Club
- Big Lebowski
- Seven
- Bridges of Madison County
- The Machinist
- 21 Grams

And many more! Soooo many good films. The ones I chose were mainly American, but I could have chosen some really good European ones too. And there are plenty I left off.

Any one got any best films in certain categories, such as Best British or Best Polish, Best French and so on?

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Temat: Movies anyone?

Just some of my favourite ones (in any order):

- Pulp Fiction
- The Godfather
- Citizen Kane
- Kieślowski's "Red" and "Blue"
- Un homme et une femme (Lelouch)
- Deer Hunter
- Scent of a Woman
- Serpico
- Looking for Richard
- The Merchant of Venice
- A Passage to India
- The Lover
and so on and so on ......Wendy Tweed edytował(a) ten post dnia 09.03.08 o godzinie 02:14
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Movies anyone?

I like
Moulin Rouge (see "Guilty secrets" thread)
Die Hard
Adam's Apple (Danish film)
The Commitments, The Snapper, or The Van
Kelly's Heroes
High Plains Drifter

Talkiing about recommending films:

I saw a film on Canal+ last night, "Reign of Gargoyles", or something like that. About WWII airmen attacked by gargoyles, and they landed unharmed on the Belgian/German border, and together with the obligatory beautiful Belgian Resistance fighter, Sophie, had to fight Vorgrorrgroth, the Lord of Gargoyles, AND the Nazis, led by an American SS soldier who used "z" instead of "s" and "th". It was like a car crash. I couldn't stop watching it. If you get the chance, see it. It'll give you the confidence to make your own film, 'cause if they financed that shite, they'll finance anything!

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Temat: Movies anyone?

Since Keith admits he likes Moulin Rouge I can admit something too: I watched Stardust a few days ago and I found it surprisingly entertaining.

Being advertised as a movie for the entire family, Stardust contains far too much violence (disguised and hidden at times) to be addressed to younger viewers.

It's a feast for your eyes, though, the SFX and make up guys did one hell of a job creating impressive visual effects. The plot is less important - yet another Cinderella stoy, but here Cinderella is an 18 y.o. male teenager with a hormone rash ;)

You gotta love Bobby De Niro's performance as the bad-ass woos :))

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Temat: Movies anyone?

Ha! I loved the movie! You should read the book, it's pretty crazy. Neil Gaiman is by far one of my favorite fantasy writers. I can also recommend "Neverwhere" amazing story, it was made into a BBC mini series, unfortunately it didn't do it much justice. "American Gods" is pretty entertaining as well and last but not least "Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch" written along side with Terry Pratchett.
If you are into comics check out his series "Sandman"

Temat: Movies anyone?

Jarek Adamowski:
Since Keith admits he likes Moulin Rouge I can admit something too: I watched Stardust a few days ago and I found it surprisingly entertaining.

Why would anyone be ashamed of liking Startdust?
Prized book of one of the most talented british writers, with a great story (if you look deeply EVERY story with a love plot in it is 'yet another Cindirella story'), splendid cast. One of the best movies of 2007. Def. the best for YA.

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Temat: Movies anyone?

You're right Kuba, but as a typical macho I must keep up appearances. You know - only good movies are those where the main character played by Sly or Arnie barehandedly kills hundreds or thousands of enemies and doesn't shed a single tear, except for when he accidentally steps on a daisy in a meadow where he is planting booby traps.

Temat: Movies anyone?

So go and see Rambo. My inner warrior was satisfied. Every single of you requirements fulfilled!
Of course if you are willing to substitute stepping onto a daisy with tearing someone's jugular with frickin' fingers. I liked the movie a lot.

Temat: Movies anyone?

Talkin' about the Governator - there was "True Lies" on the tv last weekend ;)

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Temat: Movies anyone?

Has anyone seen Cry Baby?

(Johnny Depp, Iggy Pop, Traci Lords)

Now that is a truly classic film.

Watched it twice today.warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 20.03.08 o godzinie 00:45

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Temat: Movies anyone?

A drop of stage make-up glycerin and call the character "cry baby."

Don't worry about the video...this'll do.

Oh, man.

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Temat: Movies anyone?

Do you mean you don't like 'Cry-Baby' Joj?


An absolute classic.

As close to perfection as any film could get IMHO.warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 20.03.08 o godzinie 01:03

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Temat: Movies anyone?

O.K. Joj, you must have seen 'the Producers' but 2 classic clips from the 1968 version:


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Temat: Movies anyone?

Thanks. I like all of these.

There is no chemical constant related to which films touch my brain, man. My favorites change from day to day, like a lot of us. I can say that the Hollywood escapist productions don't appeal to me, in general. The films by Fellini, Hitchcock, and Kurosawa almost always do.

I am listing some international favorites according to Steve J.'s good idea.

In no particular order, I recommend:

1. "Citizen Kane" (USA)
2. "The Shop on Main Street" ("Obchod na Korze") (Czech)
3. "La Strada" (Italian and I think French)
4. "Casablanca" (USA)
5. "White" from the Colors Trilogy (Polish, of course :)
6. "Popiol i Diament" (Polish, of course :)
7. "Nosferatu" (German)
8. "Ikiru" (Japanese)
9. "The Seven Samurai" (Japanese)
10. "The Bicycle Thief" (Italian)

(and this will all change by morning :)))

Most of these have good synopses and plot explanations on Wikpedia.Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 17.04.08 o godzinie 22:29

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Temat: Movies anyone?

Joj Y.:
9. "The Seven Samurai" (Japanese)

What an awesome movie!!!
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
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Temat: Movies anyone?

Well, I'm still a kid when the subject is "All time favourite movies":

The Matrix
The Pink Panther Strikes Again
Back To The Future I, II and III
As Good As It Gets

... but I'm not ashamed.

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