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Temat: King George III of England was black !!!

As was William Shakespeare, Mozart and Beethoven:

More weirdness from Louis Theroux:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LRVv7Jtyrkwarren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 02.03.08 o godzinie 23:42
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: King George III of England was black !!!

Warren, you say that like it's news!

Shalom, bredren!

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Temat: King George III of England was black !!!

haha.. i see these guys every day, they congregate in front of the World Trade Center Path train and try to "convert" people. When I was younger I used to discuss things with them, it's pretty entertaining to say the least. Or at least it was, until after one discussion, during which I asked the nice men how did he know that there were in fact black slaves in Poland, he told me to go home and I quote: "have anal sex with your white wife". I said "thanks for the advise" and my wife and I walked away with my hand in her back pocket. I love their images, the white Jesus with a swastica on his forehead and 666 on his face. It speaks to me hahahaha... I once worked in an office environment with a lady, who's grandfather was an Israelite. I think I'll leave it at that.
Good one Warren! If you are ever in NYC and would like to see these people - every day during rush hour, in front of the WTC, weekends you can find them at Washington Sq. Park as well as Time Sq. throw them a nickle hehehe...
Jon M.

Jon M. Technical/Offshore

Temat: King George III of England was black !!!

Nutty people, but the theory about Beethoven being black is actually quite respectable.

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Temat: King George III of England was black !!!

Be warned though, bad things will happen (if I heard him correctly). Jesus will appear again on horseback and kill the pope in the year 2000!

Jon M.

Jon M. Technical/Offshore

Temat: King George III of England was black !!!

I saw a man with a sandwich board on Nowy Świąt saying that the human race would die out if people kept eating protein. He was being shouted at by the 'Aniół Śmierć' guy (maybe you know the one, always wears a black suit and a homburg hat, and walks around town all evening, sometimes telling people that the corpses in Wilanów cemetery shall climb out of their graves and seek vengeance upon sinners).

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Temat: King George III of England was black !!!

Jon M.:
Nutty people, but the theory about Beethoven being black is actually quite respectable.

'The Straight Dope' is usually quite reliable for settling these kinds of disputes:


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Temat: King George III of England was black !!!

Jon M.:
I saw a man with a sandwich board on Nowy Świąt saying that the human race would die out if people kept eating protein. He was being shouted at by the 'Aniół Śmierć' guy (maybe you know the one, always wears a black suit and a homburg hat, and walks around town all evening, sometimes telling people that the corpses in Wilanów cemetery shall climb out of their graves and seek vengeance upon sinners).

The Aniol Smierci guy sounds like a life of a party!
Jon M.

Jon M. Technical/Offshore

Temat: King George III of England was black !!!

Aniołek is quite well known in Śródmieście. Sometimes he gives favoured people with a brief sermon, but most of the time he looks quite morbid. Always dresses the same, and has a white bony face like Nosferatu the vampire.

I always think it's good luck to see him.

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Temat: King George III of England was black !!!

Steven H.:
Be warned though, bad things will happen (if I heard him correctly). Jesus will appear again on horseback and kill the pope in the year 2000!



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Icons - a portrait of England

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