Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008

Jarek, do you think that guys like him may have any hair in their nose?
Seems very unlikely.
Or so I wish.Lidia K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 01.11.08 o godzinie 15:21

Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008

Steve Jones:
6) Doing anything for Halloween?
I went out, so I missed the Avatar Massacre!

People dressed up in funny costumes, waitresses with the right scary makeup.
Rather boring, as nothing except the looks.

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Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008

Lidia K.:
Jarek, do you think that guys like him may have any hair in their nose?
Seems very unlikely.
You wouldn't believe the odds.
Or so I wish.
There you go...
Sylwia Łubkowska

Sylwia Łubkowska Nauczyciel oraz
tłumacz j.

Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008

I promise to brief you on his nasal hair ;))Sylwia Łubkowska edytował(a) ten post dnia 01.11.08 o godzinie 15:32

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Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008

Poor Jap hasn't arrived yet, and he already has to live up to our expectations...

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Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008

Sylwia, just so you know there are ways to control Silent Jap's behavior:

Jarek A. edytował(a) ten post dnia 01.11.08 o godzinie 16:16
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008

Rafał Janta

Rafał Janta aj em ju ar

Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008

1. Why did join this group?

I was new and green here. I got the invite. I wanted to be polite.
2. Do you have a pet?

Currently, no. But I always used to have a pet and I'm sure I will have one soon. Ah, and by pet I mean a dog. Only a dog.
3. What would you do if you won 10 MLN Euro?

I'd go for a weekend in Paris to cool off.

4. Choose someone and justify your choice:
a) for men: Julia Roberts, Kate Blanchet, Doda
b) for women: Robert De Niro, John Malkovich, George Clooney

I hate to be told what to do or choose.
Having this limited choice I'd go for Kate Blanchet and John Malkovich. Just for the roles they've created.
5. Do you like trekking?


And a bonus question from me, Steve:

6) Doing anything for Halloween?

I had a scary movie night. I hadn't laughed that much in months.

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Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008

1. Warren snatched me and brought here.
2. Yes, I do - a guinea pig. We had to see the vet today, as Gustaw has some dental problems which resulted in lack of appetite and weight loss...


3. I would loan them to Iceland and demand Sigur Ros as a deposit!
4b. But what for??? Whatever... John Malkovich.
5. Oh, absolutely!
6. I had some hot mulled wine. Does that count?Magda B. edytował(a) ten post dnia 02.11.08 o godzinie 20:23
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008

Magda B.:
2. Yes, I do - a guinea pig.
I usually can not see their head. Which end is the head and which one is their butt, I mean.

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Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008

ilter K.:
I usually can not see their head. Which end is the head
and which one is their butt, I mean.

Haha, you're right, Ilter! They're just like those hairy caterpillars :)Magda B. edytował(a) ten post dnia 03.11.08 o godzinie 15:05

Następna dyskusja:

Five for Friday (19.12.2008)

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