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Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008

1. Why did join this group?

Mostly because I like English speaking people and everything connected with that lovely language.

2. Do you have a pet?

No, when I was a child I had few hamsters ;-) one of them was my very best friend but my sister once had trodden him and that’s the way the cookie crumbles…

3. What would you do if you won 10 MLN Euro?

I would do lots of good things with them ;-)

4. Choose someone and justify your choice:
a) for men: Julia Roberts, Kate Blanchet, Doda
b) for women: Robert De Niro, John Malkovich, George Clooney

Honestly If I would have to choose one considering only the very appearance I would choose the very last lady. Going further if I would take into account their characters or so called "their insides" I truly do not know, as I have no idea who they really are without their famous and money.

5. Do you like trekking?

I like it, it’s pretty nice until you start to feel that your: "feet getting into your ass" or you just simply can not feel them at all- then it’s the high time to rest somewhere ;-)

6) Doing anything for Halloween?

Mostly I am going to have some entertainment:


And I will surely visit my friends:


;-) hehehe

Happy Halloween


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Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008

Łukasz Klejment:


You know, I still haven't played this one yet... damn it! Being a responsible adult totally blows monkey balls...

The new Fallout 3 is out... I am so missing out hahaha...

Anna Żylińska

Anna Żylińska mFaktoring, Senior

Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008

1. Why did join this group?
Beacuse I love this 5question quiz on every Friday :)

2. Do you have a pet?
Yes, a nasty cat. Kizia Mizia :)

3. What would you do if you won 10 MLN Euro?
Pay my debts, help my family, travel a lot, work for fun

4. Choose someone and justify your choice:
a) for men: Julia Roberts, Kate Blanchet, Doda
b) for women: Robert De Niro, John Malkovich, George Clooney

Robert de niro - I just like him, he has
5. Do you like trekking?
Haven't experienced

And a bonus question from me, Steve:

6) Doing anything for Halloween?

Just another Friday, I'm not much of a halloween fan

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Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008

You know, I still haven't played this one yet... damn it! Being a responsible adult totally blows monkey balls...

The new Fallout 3 is out... I am so missing out hahaha...

You are so lucky that you live in US, you can have Fallout 3 sooner than me living in PL.

Kane & Lynch it's pretty sick but bloody funny hehe...


Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008

Steve Jones:
1. Why did join this group?

Warren's fault.
2. Do you have a pet?

Depends. Supposing a turtle is a pet (since it's kinda like taking care of a rock) I have two. I used to have rats, but now I wouldn't have enough time for a rat.
3. What would you do if you won 10 MLN Euro?

Wait for a bit and buy dollars probably.
4. Choose someone and justify your choice:
a) for men: Julia Roberts, Kate Blanchet, Doda
b) for women: Robert De Niro, John Malkovich, George Clooney

Probably Kate Blanchet, since she would probably have the greates amount of money. Other than that everyone else is not interesting for me (no matter what kind of interest are we talking about).
5. Do you like trekking?

I love it. The best way to relax.
And a bonus question from me, Steve:

6) Doing anything for Halloween?

I love the idea of Halloween, but unfortunately it doesn't have that spiritual depth of catching a cold in front of your grand-grand-grandmother's tomb, that we love so much in Poland.

Anyway, probably some traditional, polish Tomb Rider routine, so my mother won't get angry. And if I manage to hit Empik at some point during the day, a bit of Fallout 3 in the evenings, since it's out in Poland today (yep, Łukasz). Also, Kane&Lynch sucked after more than 3 minutes.

Oh, and I flew in a lot of belgian beer, so there's gonna be some samplig with my dad.

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Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008

Łukasz Klejment:

You are so lucky that you live in US, you can have Fallout 3 sooner than me living in PL.

well.. F3 is already "available" online. ;) I am not so lucky however. There is no way in hell that I'll be able to touch a vid anytime soon.

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Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008

1. Why did join this group?
Not to forget the remains of my English.
Then I found out I liked the people.
2. Do you have a pet?



3. What would you do if you won 10 MLN Euro?
Buy a flat in an Art Noveau building in central Stockholm, then buy a summer house in the suburbs of Stockholm. I would also do some travelling with family and friends. I would give some presents to my nearest and dearest.
4. Choose someone and justify your choice:
a) for men: Julia Roberts, Kate Blanchet, Doda
b) for women: Robert De Niro, John Malkovich, George Clooney
Kate Blanchet. She's interesting.
5. Do you like trekking?
I do
And a bonus question from me, Steve:

6) Doing anything for Halloween?
Murderous enough.Kamila G. edytował(a) ten post dnia 31.10.08 o godzinie 14:55

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Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008

Marta Głowacka:
A cat. We called her Shane

A nice name. Why Shane?
Maria B.

Maria B. Niczego nie wiedzą,
niczego nie potrafią
znaleźć, bo ich ...

Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008

Elżbieta Czoch:

1. Why did join this group?
Good question. Can I move to the next one?
2. Do you have a pet?
Not recently. And this is a painful question becuse I just had to put to sleep my dog. He was 16 years old with advanced dementia
3. What would you do if you won 10 MLN Euro?
Show the check to my bosses and with a huge smile say good buy
4. Choose someone and justify your choice:
a) for men: Julia Roberts, Kate Blanchet, Doda
b) for women: Robert De Niro, John Malkovich, George Clooney
John Malkovich. I'm not sure whther he is as interesting as his characters but he can't be a total idiot.
5. Do you like trekking?

And a bonus question from me, Steve:

6) Doing anything for Halloween?
Already done - combined "parapetowka" with Halloween party last weekend.

Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008

Steve Jones:
1. Why did join this group?

Cause I always look for ways of staying in touch with English.
2. Do you have a pet?

I had one, a dog, but one beautiful day it decided to change the owner.
3. What would you do if you won 10 MLN Euro?

I'd go for a trip to the countries that I have never been to.
4. Choose someone and justify your choice:
a) for men: Julia Roberts, Kate Blanchet, Doda
b) for women: Robert De Niro, John Malkovich, George Clooney

I wish you chose some other men but if I have to I'll pick Robert de Niro.
5. Do you like trekking?

I love it - especially in the mountains.

And a bonus question from me, Steve:

6) Doing anything for Halloween?

I'm heading for my family to visit them and the graves.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008

Why did join this group?
I was invited and I thought "Another English-speaking group... hmm, can't hurt".

Do you have a pet?
Yes, 2 cats.

What would you do if you won 10 MLN Euro?
I'd buy a bigger house with a bigger garden, and incorporate a bigger sound recording studio with huge windows looking at the garden, pond and woods.

Choose someone and justify your choice:
a) for men: Julia Roberts, Kate Blanchet, Doda

I think I'd choose J. Roberts among these women.
Because she seems to be sweet and I like her style and smile.

Do you like trekking?
Not really. I like biking time to time, but I can't say I'm fond of trekking.

Doing anything for Halloween?
I've alread done and I think that's enough.
My step son (19) wanted to dress like a clown for a party, and asked help to shave the back of his head. Then he dyed it to red. Don't know the rest. Maybe I don't want to know the rest.
Aleksandra P.

Aleksandra P. Specjalista HR

Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008

Steve Jones:

Thanks to Elżbieta Czoch
1. Why did join this group?
To find out if I can feel in here.
2. Do you have a pet?
No. I'd love to have a dog.
3. What would you do if you won 10 MLN Euro?
I'd lend it to Iceland.
4. Choose someone and justify your choice:
a) for men: Julia Roberts, Kate Blanchet, Doda
b) for women: Robert De Niro, John Malkovich, George Clooney
Clooney, for fighting his own image by starring in "Burn after reading"
5. Do you like trekking?
It's ok.

And a bonus question from me, Steve:

6) Doing anything for Halloween?

Do as the milions of Poles do.

Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008

1. Why did join this group?
Can't remember, it was an experiment I guess.
2. Do you have a pet?
No. I've had a guest for over 2 weeks now...
3. What would you do if you won 10 MLN Euro?
Buy a plane or a business class ticket home for my guest.
4. Choose someone and justify your choice:
a) for men: Julia Roberts, Kate Blanchet, Doda
Kate - a really nice woman
b) for women: Robert De Niro, John Malkovich, George Clooney
George - an absolutely good-looking guy with a twinkle in his eye
5. Do you like trekking?
up to a point
6) Doing anything for Halloween?
yeah, there's been this water supply failure for the entire day, so even without makeup I'm all stinking ready for Halloween!

Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008

1. Why did join this group?
I was invited by my favourite member of this group :)

2. Do you have a pet?
Actually, I do have a dog, but it stayed with my parents. He's called Jim (after Morrison)
3. What would you do if you won 10 MLN Euro?
Buy a house, give some money to my family and friends. Typical.
4. Choose someone and justify your choice:
a) for men: Julia Roberts, Kate Blanchet, Doda
b) for women: Robert De Niro, John Malkovich, George Clooney
a) Julia - I adore her, she's a real beauty. 'added in edition - oh, god i didn't notice Kate Blanchett.. to have such a choice... i think i'd go for her if i were a man... '
b) John - for the devil in the eyes...
5. Do you like trekking?
Not really.

And a bonus question from me, Steve:

6) Doing anything for Halloween?
:) with you? :)Małgorzata D. edytował(a) ten post dnia 31.10.08 o godzinie 18:39

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Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008

Lidia K.:
3. What would you do if you won 10 MLN Euro?
Buy a plane or a business class ticket home for my guest.

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Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008

Jarek A.:
Lidia K.:
3. What would you do if you won 10 MLN Euro?
Buy a plane or a business class ticket home for my guest.
Yeah, and to think I once wanted to visit L.

Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008

yes, I'm quite generous, I must say that without any false pretense

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Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008

Tatiana S.:
Yeah, and to think I once wanted to visit L.

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Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008

I believe I'm a nice and peaceful visitor though. I feel compelled to clean, but demand coffee in bed :P ; yet I almost never eat breakfast, and am happy to sleep on the floor. I'm careful about using water, and provide conversation when needed.
Never try to watch movies with me though, as I have a habit of commenting on everything and finding all mistakes.
I can understand Lidia's bitterness over someone staying for too long. I once hosted a friend from Poland; she'd told me she was going to stay with me for just 10 days, and left after a month.

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Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008

5. Do you like trekking?

Hey, Lidia, ask your guest this question. :)

Następna dyskusja:

Five for Friday (19.12.2008)

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