Roza M.

Roza M. tancerka, obsluga

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Patrycja P.:
Is there anyone here, who's trying to work very hard but can't? Just like me?

i am :)

i wish to have 36 hours day :))

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roza M.:
Patrycja P.:
Is there anyone here, who's trying to work very hard but can't? Just like me?

i am :)

i wish to have 36 hours day :))

I reckon the weather must be better where you are, Roza.
Roza M.

Roza M. tancerka, obsluga

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the weather there is ok, not so good not so bad :)
Marcin G.

Marcin G. za granicą...
sprawdzam granice

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could be better ;)

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Guy C.:
FYI - Flower Carpet in Warsaw
Are they potted? Otherwise, it's an environmentally foo event.

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Tatiana S.:
Guy C.:
FYI - Flower Carpet in Warsaw
Are they potted? Otherwise, it's an environmentally foo event.
Tatiana, they are not potted.
It's a yearly tradition in Belgium. In many cities you can find such a flower carpet.
Image below is from the old market in Brussels.
They used around 700.000 begonia's.

Guy C. edytował(a) ten post dnia 28.08.08 o godzinie 19:16

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That's amazing Guy!


You know what's really crazy about this image. It made me realize how much this city resembles NYC in architectural design of buildings!Rafal W. edytował(a) ten post dnia 29.08.08 o godzinie 17:36

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Rafal W.:
That's amazing Guy!


You know what's really crazy about this image. It made me realize how much this city resembles NYC in architectural design of buildings!Rafal W. edytował(a) ten post dnia 29.08.08 o godzinie 17:36
You have to know that this weekend they will do something similar in Warsaw.

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Sunday, 8.50. What am I doing here?

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Tatiana S.:
Are they potted? Otherwise, it's an environmentally foo event.
The carpet is made of begonia petals.

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Violetta P.:
Sunday, 8.50. What am I doing here?
yer being 3 minutes ahead

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Jarek A.:
Violetta P.:
Sunday, 8.50. What am I doing here?
yer being 3 minutes ahead
Thank god, otherwise it would be too early!

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Violetta P.:
Tatiana S.:
Are they potted? Otherwise, it's an environmentally foo event.
The carpet is made of begonia petals.
For those who missed it :)

Guy C. edytował(a) ten post dnia 31.08.08 o godzinie 21:13

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another image :)

Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

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Poor flowers.
I don't see the point to use so many nice flowers for such a cause.

What's the background?
I bet it comes from old kingdoms to show off their wealth.
I'd be more than happy to see them arranged/planted in a real garden.

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It's a tradition and it's beautiful. :)
The flowers wither anyway.

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ilter K.:
Poor flowers.
I don't see the point to use so many nice flowers for such a cause.

What's the background?
I bet it comes from old kingdoms to show off their wealth.
I'd be more than happy to see them arranged/planted in a real garden.
Hi Ilter,

I also had to find out from where this tradition comes from.

Officially, the first Floral Carpet as its present-day form was created in 1971 on the Brussels Old Market by the landscape architect E. Stautemans, but, in fact, it was the culmination of a whole series created in various towns in Flanders.
E. Stautemans had been experimenting since the early 50's making simple small carpets, more like rugs, mainly consisting of begonias in different cities in Belgium.

He very quickly realised that floral carpets would be an excellent vehicle for the promotion of his beloved begonias which he had always worked with, both technically, economically and aesthetically.

After years of attempts and calculations, this architect, who was inventive and imaginative, and knew how to make the most of the numerous resources of begonias, became an expert in the creation of superb floral carpets with sophisticated colors and complicated designs.

His fame spread and he was asked to make carpets not only in Belgium (Ghent, Bruges, Antwerp, Ypres, Courtrai, Hasselt, Tongres, Mons, Durbuy, …) but worldwide (Cologne, Hamburg, Luxemburg, Paris, London, Breda, Amsterdam, The Hague, Vienna, Valencia, and as far afield as Buenos Aires and Colombus, Ohio).
Some of these carpets were bigger than the ones created in Brussels (77 x 24 m), like the 1973 masterpiece at Sint-Pietersplein, Ghent that reached a gigantic 164 x 42 m.

If you want to know more about flower carpets ...
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

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Thank you for the background information Guy :)

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In the middle of winter you either have to fill up your house with flowers or just get out and enjoy it if you don't want it to seem eternal.

I think I'll do both.

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I'm just stopping by to tell you that I need to go get some sleep. I have a flight tomorrow at dawn. Three flights in a day (again) only to travel some odd 1300 km.


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